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Show NOTICE OF SPECIAL TAX. Nolico is hereby given that a .special lax for the purpose of extending tho sidewalk has beep levied and combined by ordinances of the city council approved ap-proved September 9. 1909. and September Septem-ber 30, 1909, respectively. Said special tax Id levied upon the following described real property In Salt Lake City, to wit. In lots 1 and 37, and 1U to 28, inclusive, block 1, Marion Park addition, block M: 1 and 13 to 22. inclusive, inclu-sive, block 1. Maryland .subdivision, block 1-1; i to 13. inclusive, and 1 and 19 to 23. lnchmlve, block 1, Ourav Place subdivision, block 11; 1 to 10, Incluslvn. block I, Mldvale subdivision, block 14; 1. 15, ID. 19 nnd 20, block II; 23 to 30. Inclusive, Violet addition, block 15; 2, 3. -1. f., G, 7. 0. 10 and 11. block 15: 2, 3 and 4, block 2, Toronto subdivision, block 18; 1 to 23, Inclusive. Llborlv Pail: addition, block IS, all In flvo-acro plat A. Rip Field survey, nnd Is due and payable pay-able In five equal annual Iiistallmonta, beginning September 30, 1910. Each of said Installments shall bear Interest at tho rate of six (6) per cent per annum from tho dato of tho approval of the ordinance confirming the lew of said tax, to wit, tho 30th day of September, Sep-tember, 1909, until the date of delinquency, delin-quency, and eight (8) per cent per annum an-num from date of delinquency, until paid. Provided that one or more of said Installments, or tho wholo of said tax. mny bo paid on or before ton days after the approval of the ordinance continuing said tax. to wit, tho COth day of September. Sep-tember. 1909. Provided also, that one or more of nald Installments, or the wholo of sold tax, mny be paid on the day any Installment becomea due. by paying the amount thereof and tho Interest to dato of payment. pay-ment. All special taxes aro payablo at my office, room 102. city and county building, build-ing, Salt Lake City. Dated at Salt Lake City, Utah, this 30th day of September. 1909. GIDEON SNYDICR, City Treasurer and Collector of Special Spe-cial Ta:.cB, Sldov.alk extension No 108. Tenth, parti; mtlinuta uM |