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Show INSANITY OF THE ORGAN. Probably tho Desorcfc News would resent the accusation that it had been dreaming, or that it had suffered -some horrible nightmare, or that it was simply unsobor; so perhaps wc had bettor bet-tor say that it meant every word of it when it declared that if Tho Tribune had its wa3' "Latter-day Saints would be murdered. The sidewalks of Main street would be lit up b.y human torches, as were the streets of Pome, martyrs fo their faith." At this particular time there are man3-Latter-day Saints in tho cit3' from ouf-tying ouf-tying districts man3 from nearby and somo from afar. We sincerely hope that f.hc3' will take notice of this unreasoning un-reasoning and totally insane outburst-b3" outburst-b3" tho News, which assumes to represent rep-resent them in thought and iu utterance. utter-ance. Let us asktho Mormon peoplo if tho3' realty think anything of the kind depicted bj' tho church " organ, or if the.y havo any idea whatever that such a thing could occur? If they do not, then they will know in their own hearts that fhe News has misrepresented them in one of its moments of insane fur3F, and that its utterances in their behalf can not bo depended upon for truth nor for any good ox benefit to themselves. If they thoughllessl.y agree with t heir organ, rhon.wc must ask them to take into account the fact that we are hero living in a civilized communit', and that under that civilization no such tilings could occur, no matter who had his wa.y. The thing is so ridiculous, and al the same time exhibits such a spirit of recklessness, that it. is a forced conclusion con-clusion -that, for sonic reason or other, the News ...must have been beside ilself and was utterly irresponsible irrespon-sible for tho moment. Now, if wo take history for it, together to-gether with results Unit have followed certain efforts on Iho part of The Tribune, Tri-bune, it must be seen al a glance that it was. either insanii.y or conscious hatred hat-red that promptod the News lo its awful aw-ful charge against this paper. The Tribune, has been in existence for near-l.y near-l.y forty years, and during all of that Unie it has advocated and striven for the emancipation of the Mormon people peo-ple from a fav-renehing and an all-dominating all-dominating lliralldom. This paper has nevor seen 0110 hour in its whole career when ii has not said and done that which was best tor the lormon people as a whqle. It is onl.v necessary to submit sub-mit IJ10 case to Iho iMormons themselves, them-selves, pointing lo the difference be-twoen be-twoen I heir present and their past conditions, con-ditions, for vindication of this slate-iiient slate-iiient on behalf of The Tribune. TI103" enjoy moro liberty toda- than they have cn.jo.ycd al any 'other previous time in fhe h,isfory of their church. The.v are given more freedom now I linn was over 'Iheii' portion before sinco their organization canio into exisLcnce. The.y aro vastly more prosperous than formerly, for-merly, hi an.v and every possible manner man-ner they aro better off. And we know of hundreds of Latter-dn.y Saints who will admit thai had it . not been for The Tribune the Mormon peoplo would have beon confronted by two conditions, condi-tions, either ono of which they would havo been obliged lo accept as an aller-nalive aller-nalive of the oilier. Fither the.y would have been compelled to submit in niter helplessness lo tho complete, uncompromising uncompro-mising and relenlless lyra nny which was fast being fastened upon I hem iu Utah Territory, or thc.y would have been obliged lo dethrone their leaders or Visit upon them some such sanguine fate as that which Iho News in an insane in-sane moment has conjured up for themselves. Even the church organ must confess tho great improvement I hat litis been accomplished in the condition of tho Mormon people since The Tribune was established; and whether it shall admit I he fact or not, it knows in its heart of hearts that this paper has always worked for the good of tho saints. Now, why it could imagine that The Tribune has saved Iho Mormon peoplo niercty to slay them and burn them as torches along Main street of Salt Lake Ci ( 3- is ti myslcr3- that can only be explained 1)3' Iho News when it returns to such a condition of sanity as itvis possible for an. organ of that character to experience. j |