Show Is a peculiar medicine and is carefully pr pared by competent pharmacists the combination and proportion of sa D ir il clion mandrake yellow dock and remedial agents Is exclusively tj hoods giving it strength and curative io ver t other prcy latious rat ious A trial will convince you of its great medicinal value hodds sarsaparilla Sarsa purifies the creates and sharpens the appetite stimulates the digestion md gives strength to evry organ ot the body it cures the most sevaro cases ot scrofula salt bolls and all other caused by impure blood dyspepsia biliousness headache kidney and liver complaints catarrh and that extreme tired feeling hoods sarsaparilla has helped me more for catarrh ana impure blood than anything el perused er used A BALL syracuse N Y creates an appetite I 1 used hoods to cleanse my blood and tone up my system it gave me a good appetite and seemed to build me over L M HALE lima ohio 1 I took hoods sarsaparilla for cancerous humor and it began to act unlike anything else it cured the humor and seemed to tone up tho whole body and give inc new lue J P mass send for book giving statements of cures hoods Sarsa pariSia sold bv all druggists 1 six forgo prepared only by C I 1 CO apothecaries owel ISIas doses ono bollar ALICK G formerly For meily of kansas sutherland SUTHER LAHD attorneys aiice counselors at law will practice in all abe courts of ih territory office lip FJ etcher main street brovo utah B A 5 SS B f SC 3 n 0 va MICa ii dr AT L AW AGENCY ROOM 9 J bank guilding Kuil ding provo city utah B AT LAW ICK roam no 7 batik building l UTAH WALTER R pi E M D PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON PROVO amoe AT 2 blocks north of depot DR C E SHOEB BIDGE from london baor ataio A r ciares saint vitus danad fits Sein nn weakness and by be london treatment agent tor uterine supporter esa A DENTISTRY aji j ya aba woi alx lx zone nt the I gold and dialina filling a specialty all work warranted to fit or the money will be refunded the lowest figures for dental work ever riven anywhere J M over reeding room centre street DR JOHN RIGGS amm m mw th treatment of ca and chronic diseases in which he lias had upwards of 40 years successful experience a specialty PROVO caty altah BEAH A RS BEE 0 PORK ETC dihe FRESHEST AND JL la town delivered at tho houses of our patrons promptly OPPOSITE THE COURT HOUSE T hm AT THE PM Is doin a large family trade and continues to keep on hand the choicest BEEF PORK shop on block opposite meeting house free delivery to any part of provo IN THE LEAD always on hand the BEST MEATS OF EVERY leave or fiend your orders aai wo will promptly till them eawy darwe have fresh pork sausage iha nicest in tha market COOK SCOTT CO 4 doors west of post office HEL hefft COZY its location between tha court house centre st and the depot makos it particularly ticul arly convenient to visitors FIRST CLASS TABLE ANH ROOM accommodations the excelsior hotel is renowned for its comfort and reasonable arrangements cam aso made for board either BY THE DAY or WEEK S D broor EGBERTS HOUSE two blocks south of first national bank PROVO CITY UTAH chis HOUSE IS NOW 1 newly furnished throughout and supplied MM M M ACiM acilto TO including large sample kooms etc AT seasonable RATES haks ath eleey fiatti fa atti y one fact la wort a column of rhetoric said an american statesman it la fact established by thal testimony of thousand of people that hoods sarsaparilla does anre aalt and other diseases or affections arising from impure state or low condition of the blood it albo overcomes that tired creates a good appetite and sires strength to every pan 0 f the system try it VA tv to depend upon ackers blood elixir has been prescribed for years for all im in every alous syphilitic or mercurial diseases it is invaluable for no equal sold by provo co eo half block west coop co op clothing centre street provo clah JOHN proprietor clean comfortable and well aired rooms strictly first class accommodations KATES A fine commodious Sample Room special sates to weekly ISo arden hacic connections a 1 U C aud D it G trains A U SALT LAKE CITY UTAH abent for licano wail 1 MOUNTAIN WAGON colmo ancl other of class spring wagons diews garden cultivators goeders So eders etc sulky hay bakes potato planters acme harrows evano harrows buckeye mowers and readers reapers Re apers buckeye cord binders haines randolph headers advance threshing machines minnesota threshers Thre ames steam engines leffel wheel saw mius shingle mills and wood working machinery JS akers barb wire A Full Line of buggies boad carts and harness PORTRAIT AND LANDSCAPE the only first class gallery in utah county Dont spend your money with snide traveling concerns when you can get your work done first class and warranted in every respect bleci of bank ir stairs UTAH NEW IN MEN CLOTHING HATS BOOTS AND SHOES new styles blaids CITY ladies will find there splendid lines of COATS NEW MARKETS JACKETS all glasses of woolen goods soila ble for the winter AT Sl 13 and main street salt la ke hilis MADE COFFINS CASKETS manufactured of alie best and most durable material and of W FRENCH BURL agency for abs ja taylora homemade coffins atyim m to suit broers by mail telegraph or telephone promptly attended to ah BERC one corth of depot TOLLS kap 1 am prepared to sink and finish artesian wells in the best manner cheap and on short notice have a fall met of tools for my new steam power machine and I 1 can Q js CHEAPER THAN ANY ONE ELSE J E armitstead lovo l OVO ta fl kacl vy i rn at ateo taur be saulo xo it T s S y ass f 51 ut I 1 dejor bor ale by A 11 DU DaL ERSIN AND business done on a strictly cash basis we buy closely for cash and sell at bedrock bed rock prices W A KT 3 ES 33 wool hides sheep skins beaver mink gat otter and muskrat skins THE LARGEST WATCHES CLOCKS JEWELRY tand theto nf qi bulla SOUTH OF SALT LAKE AT JENSEN TAYLORS B next door to taylor bros farn ditore store prove DB SHOE BRIDGES BOTANIC BITTERS the greatest Greate Kt Jl estorer and A jn amerian Ameri cn DR SHOE BRIDGES VEGETABLE A cartain onre vor CHOLERA FLUX AND DIARRHEA DR cofiel A specific for bravel and all kidney and A 37 emals B B drug store centre St Provo MOWERS STAKE LINE 0 BETWEEN 0 o THISTLE AND U T klage leaves for thistle station on G every tuesday and friday at 5 amand arrives at thistle at 1 m in time tor trains leaves eveia wednesday and saturday at 9 a m at 5 p IB m timeto connect with the stage at mount pleasant HENRY MOWER prop afie great rente PEOPLE who have been east over the great wabash houte epresi themselves as pleased with its elegant equipment and fast time but more particularly with the low rates procured through C M HAMPSON commercial agent no 10 windsor block denver write to him FIGURES ON ALL STYLES we have the finest beat and cheap et in southern utah and keep constantly on hand an elegant line of organs and other musical cal goods lul ar 3 panto and everything else as cheap beat assortment of stationery in town centre street the only place in utah and adjoining territories that is prepared to fill orders for BY all orders by mail will receive prompt attention P 0 box 78 CITY E G H sa two or three stalled potters wanted PEOPLES CO LEHI UTAH CO r nt general merchandise arrs ao or lamber doors windows ETC T B bupt supt SPANISH C 0 fioler oraan ayd F IS H 8 T OF and inoes Y y v X A A A FLOUR ALWAYS ON HAND merchandise hour or graan FILLED ON NOTICE JOHN JONES bupt supt C E portrait POa TRAIT AT FOR THE fl II 11 of the apostles temples etc of the church of jesus christ of latter day saints OF have always on hand MO T s MARBLE and SANDSTONE STONES HOME AND SEE US WE AEE our stock at first cost and we want the people tn bd benefited by it all work guaranteed OP BRASS IRON CASTINGS for store bronts MILL WORK ron work for jails bridges buildings deuces etc manufacturers of titan valley iron PAINT che largest establishment of the kind flo salt lake the very best world guaranteed JOHN DEVEY bupt supt workshops cor ij 9 street fl form hall i jk T i i i s TO ailin minem JI imiA a LI im t I 1 he stage between and will ann arre W E B S L 2 INSTEAD OF DAILY UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE leaving eureka and on TUESDAYS THURSDaYS SUNDAYS OF KACH one stae ahl leave connecting at bosben in time for dinner will connect same day with passenger from ranta euln and will gei you to eureka at 4 pm stages leave eureka at 10 a asan and r w ri 0 ERTA ICE SPANISH FORK CITY 1 J L L L L ars ilja assa fis i esfer n hns on tanda faill fetock of bonds gonds and C nf alt sizes of superior quilty and in walnut wol and brench burt also biome malde on hand and made to order on short bouce all at prices that defy competition carry a full line of undertakers boods WHOLESALE AND RETAIL solid walnut Val nut rosewood and burl casket and coffins of all the metal Cas liets by mail or dispatch promptly attended to liberal discount given to the trade two doors north of bank provo city cluff BOOTH CO yd trade aad al patent lipsic s conducted for abiol crate I 1 acs aar is opposite V P of bics wa bavo co bob as endea all busl neES direct hence can transact plent in less tims and at ecsi boxt than those remote aroa send or photo erlih aloa we alist it or abot tree ot cn craige aige ocr fee not cane tul patent Is secured how to obtain patents nith refer to actual cubista in your state county 01 jovn bent free addrece Add reca 0 A SKOW CO latest office B gr PEOPLE USE ana 1 0 arb admitted tobe breest Seeds men n tha world notrip SEED ANNUAL for 1883 1 BI F to last cebon cas tomora with it P starr S C C n Q and br 0 M FERRY it alabau 0 state st chicaro very town fw SPANISH FORK 88 PURE BRED AND VICTOR imported from france and COACH HORSE A SULTAN A will stand tor the season ai pork aidi vicinity eielsen blowzy g firsty will stand for the season at spanish fork and PI OTO chach honie brilliant will be with vie tor for the season brilliantz brilliants Brilli ants e as follows sired hr ivancoe he by frince albert who took ibe old medal nt the territorial fair salt lake Ivan boes dam was mary kandall he ests sired br borne be by andrew ne by the S amsl fat horff borie dam M IK marr mandahs Ran daHs dam fanny lee sired Itys dyteS brilliantz brilliants Brilli ants oam tired avii ported and dioran grand dam al ed by imported morgan ereal braad dam an marre i larye stylish and handsome st aSnon waco when developed will make 15 pounds the season will commence on april lsuis all choc who have mates ready briore abat dale should bring them to f ork those at i can send their marea to forar where they can be pastured camua NIELSEN spanish fork LAKE view NURSERY M acres J C NEt LSEN located oa ane litah central and D B G bourth ot a lalle from the chiy limits ot proto city utah county after of observation and experience ti lie peculiar climate in utah with and lam now prepared the to afler to the bublic a selection of vesy best varieties thai will g sale satisfaction J have also lor varieties a collection of or the falast improve d apples pears plume peaches asp band cherries apricots grapes asi currants ben let llast g A trees and AT LOW PRICES mulberry trees gilfe culture a specialty I 1 0 anitress AO itress ac provo city utah boutah Co Utah great english bemeda murrays Mur rays specific A guaranteed cure for all nervous 8 a AI eoy Ts or brain power hysteria calnin the herrons prostration ual weakness Weak nesB and general loss f power ot th generative u gabis in lher esex caused br or and aall lead 10 premature Pre matura old AS insanity and coi aw a or six boxes for sent by mail on receipt or price furl free st as pw A 31 we guarantee six boxes t cure any case insa for evary order received we and anteo to a written aar refund he not a cure monay if oar specific ase address all manufacturers communications to tan aclo THE MEDICINE CO r ansta city mo la provo by da C E the Jf farch and sept ji each year it iaan ia an ency or naef til lafor f mation for all who ichaba tb luxuries or tho of life wo all can clothe lyo arand fair nish yon with tae necessary and to ride sleep cat fish hunt dvork gb to church or stay at homo and in various aisea styles oat what is do all dhinsa androu can mataafa ir estimate of the value of the GUIDE which ta bont upon receipt of 10 canta to pay postage montgomery WARD CO mua arendo III S 1 K U J |