Show GENERAL ANNUAL conference the fifty eighth annual conference of the church of cebu i christ of latter day saints will commence at 10 thursday morning april in alie tabernacle salt lake city WILFORD Woon auFF in behalf of the council of the twelve JUDGE BUCKS of the the circuit court of michigan sentenced a young man the early part of this month for criminally assaulting his little cousin before passing sentence upon him the jude stated ehst ho had been convicted of an exceedingly atrocious crime it was a grave question whether he would have inflicted a great injury on hia victim had he killed her the crime ranks next to murder he said he should not isit the extreme penalty on him but a revere one crimes are better prevented by a certainty of punishment than by excessive sentences he wished to giar him some incentive to good behavior eliat lie might have a chance to same time see the outside of the prison walls he doubted if the prisoner ranked high enough mentally to be alie object of the severest punishment the crime was one of peculiar atrocity tho child his victim was a relative who should have looked to him for protection the crime is becoming one of alarming frequency the sentence of alie court was then pronounced fifty in jackson prison IN spite of all rumors and reports to alie contrary nothing definite is yet known as to alie whereabouts of stanley and emm pacha it is only known that they are in abo bicart of africa somewhere but whether living or dead is uncertain no direct news has conae from the exploring expedition in moro than six months stanley was due at Wa delai last october and it was expected that he would communicate with the outside world at that point but no tidings have come the prolonged silence has naturally given rise to feelings of grave apprehension and the fear begins to prevail that the beavo stanley and his comrades have met with bome serious disaster THE brittle creek moon has found a roan who sizes ap the recent election in calborn county in the following manner well what difference could you expect as to the result the pro voted for local option to kill ahto republican party the adventists from principle the to bain votes from the prohibitionists the democrats to defeat everything but themselves the farmers to save their boys and abolish the county jails the saloon keepers to save their and the rest of mankind in the county apparently care ad n provo bids fair to become the manufacturing fac turing centre of the territory the manchester of utah arrangements are now being perfected by the coop co op Clot liing storo to east for machinery for the manufacture of clothing superintendent singleton states that with the superior quality of cloth manufactured by the factory and baits being made up at eastern prices the immense business being done by our merchants with eastern houses should cease this new enterprise will give employment to a large ot hands TUE iowa senate has voted down the proposition to substitute electricity for the rope in cases of capital punishment we understand the principal argument in that state against the electric method is eliat since the people there have taken to drinking the kind of stuff that comes in jugs it would be useless to try to kill one of them by filling his system with mere electricity JUSTICE DEysi Ay of the queens bench division high court of justice bitting at ipswitch ipswich england in alie case of a poacher who had severely wounded a gatekeeper held that the keeper had no right to arrest and hunt poachers aa he would wild beasts ho said that poaching was only a misdemeanor the jury acquitted the prisoner on the ground of belt defense massachusetts republicans have arranged to circulate copies of mr Clev elands message in that stale they think it is the best thing to votes for protection that has yet been put out those republicans are either sadly mistaken or else there are plenty of m n in this country who have not braina enough to cast an intelligent vote IF so many people could be taught trades that the entire product of this country were doubled next year the wages would be doubled either in increase of money received or in the smaller cost of the necessities of life to be bought anerk ia something remarkable about alie tribune it the news for sitting in judgment upon a case before it is triad and yet never loses tho op 1 port unity of doing the samo thing itself i left see aliat are we told about cansis 1 ncncy i NEW democrats claim that gov hill will alie name of cleveland at st louia and move his nomination bv acclamation this is the most sensible thing wo have heard from gov hill in a long time As long as there are ten times as many saloons in this country as there are of both churches and schools and they are mainly supported by the very poor the sources of misery are pretty obvious anses years of Clev elands administration makes the people cry for five years more of it and they will have it if a majority vote that way ia 72 years old and his birth day is april 1 no one haa ever yet been green enough to pick him up as an Hool t r 10 lo |