Show ANOTHER LOYAL extorts being made to have dave evans appointed Appoint ei probate judge probably alie majority of the people are not aware of the fact that a concerted plan is on foot to have the probate of utah county transferred to david evans of loyal league fame the following petition drafted aso we 1 understand by the utah county registrar is being circulated on the sly among the loyal citizens of this county and tells the tale to his excellency grover cleveland president of the united states we the undersigner undersigned under signed loyal citizens of utah county in the territory of utah do hereby respectfully petition for and request that mr david evans of provo utah county utah territory be appointed judge of probate of the county of utah mr evana has always resided in this territory is an accomplished lawyer and thoroughly loyal to the government of the united states haa al ways exerted hia influence in favor of good government and obedience to law and is a man of perfect integrity his appointment would inspire the loyal and law abiding people of this county with confidence respectfully NAME occupation judge W X dusenberry alie present incumbent of this office is liable in the face of to the contrary notwithstanding to retain his position he has mada a record that ia a credit and one that the people who have imposed upon him this trust can look with satisfaction this same dave evans was president of alie loyal league for utah county and is at present the assistant U S district attorney |