Show what we object to some oe the more conservative of the liberal party profess a desire that the coining elections shall be conducted fairly and freely BO that candidates who can poll the most legal votes shall be elected the sentiment is echoed with great pro tenso of sincerity by othera who are known to possess little scruple in regard to political affairs but serious or pretended on their part that is all we ask for in behalf of the peoples party if in any county or district our opponents have the majority by straightforward and honest and honorable means wo will not complain unless it may be ef the folly and blindness of any mormon who support at the polls a party which avows its intention of trying to deprive him in common with all who are of his faith of all participation in governmental affairs and or every other except that of life and of burial at death and even would limit the latter to what may be aptly named pauper interment for they would deprive every mormon of he righetto right to own a foot of the soil but we know without the shadow of a shade of doubt that we have to guard against intended fraud trickery and political robbery the ogden methods are open and clear to allwoo wish to understand them that it is the intention to repeat them here has been openly confessed by radical but unwise liberals who have res aless tongues the measures intended to be kept secret leak out in spite of injunction to keep still and all the pretended denials count for nothing the utah commission havo it in their power to aid in securing a fair election in giving to legal voters the opportunity of depositing their ballots unlawful obstruction and in bebing for the rejecting of illegal voters we have no concern about the results if the elections are honestly conducted we are perfectly will majorities to role when thelrue result is made known by this we mean the majorities by the totals of legal votes at a fair election the majority of adult citizens who should have the control in the republican form of government would mean here something we do not expect at present to prevail we will be content the verdict of a majority of the legal voters and submit to tse result without kicking but we expect to protest against the I 1 methods which many of the liberals have been incautious enough to boast I 1 about and shall do our part in pre venting them if possible and exposing them if resorted to give us a fair and free contest in a fair and free election and we ore ready to accept the result beius |