Show joly 23 lilly clay queen of birds tomorrow to morrow is the twenty bathing parties are numerous now excursion to garfield on tuesday nest new potatoes new potatoes at boshardy Bo shards cheap at the company book store great jiny nile attraction at the theater to mory ow is the day of felt egans threshing parties will soon be the order of the day great attractions at the garden cily bathing resort tomorrow to morrow you dont have to change cars on felt vc egans excursion straw goods selling at off at DUNN co another pioneer day passes tomorrow to morrow and no celebration tomorrow to morrow is a legal holiday established by the legislature reserved seats for the lilly clay performance for mance will be one dollar the greatest attraction of the season at the theatre on friday night children cannot be too carefully guarded during this hot weather the boys can get their fireworks below cost at the company book store goods are selling for almost nothing at the coop co op grand clearance bale new stock of shoes of all kinds in can suit everybody co pure drugs soda water and fly paper at pyne maidens Mai bens best malt vinegar at 30 cents per gallen at fourth ward store figured at 18 cents worth 25 cents co if you want the best and cheapest bachio Ba thio suits made go to phil bests celebrated milwaukee beer on draught at the occidental saloon clothing 1 clothing 1 just arrived by express suitable for the holidays at JOKES it is conceded by everybody that mcewan rawlings Kaw lings keep the coldest beer in town tickets for the performance of queen of birds will be on sale to moriya morning the great speratta ope ratta of queen ot binds at the theatre tomorrow to morrow it trill be great fine assortment of towels from loc to each call and examine if you want a good seat at the theatre on friday night you will have to be at the box office early that morning for the next 30 days for cashwe will ell 75 cent overalls at 50 cents COOP CO OP CL HOUSE I 1 will sell the bal ace of my stock of dry goods at a greot sacrifice call at J R the best and purest brandies whisky and winea at mcewan rawlings brunswick saloon J II 11 eccles contractor and builder recently removed to rich neld sevier counte the excellent bathing at garfield is aliat attracts the masses the next excursion leaves on tuesday excursion next tuesday tickets from provo and back will lie A large crowd is going if you want the best and cheapest re paring and cleaning done go to ambroson north door to occidental saloon we have come good prince albert suits selling for cash at reduced prices COOP CO OP CLOTHING DEPT when you want the most approved and cheapest legal blanks send to the provo book stationery co for them 0 o hoyi sherman formerly ot the U P assumed th the receivership ol 01 aho united slates land office saturday reat reduction on all goods during the holidays for cash COOP CO OP CLOTHING HOUSE A london of eminent most potent cause 0 the dissemination of disease is kissing come and take your choice of two fine prizes with each can of baking powder it knocks everything plum out at BOSH old carriages carri agea made to look as good as new by moore dusenberry painters wor guaranteed and at the lowert take houi ch idren to the theatre to morrow afternoon and let them see the queen of birds it will be a grand the grand clearance sale that has been in at the east coop co op for four days past has attracted large crowds of buyers alie cheapest place in town to beet your supplies is at dunn co fre delivery to any part of the city on shortest notice mr took alie oath of office in the third district court on saturday and assumed the duties of U S district attorney for utah the fare to lake park and return from spanish fork via the D R G W 0 felt egans excursion will be everybody go father thomas allmay died at har residence ia the first ward vestera y morning atie funeral services wee held afternoon remember eliat the east coop co op nave the best howera and binders in the market money will be refunded if what we assert is not found to he coneck best lines of rents biats and neck wear such as ties pins and tin latest novelties at hall the usual prices coor co or CLOTHING HOUSE cash paid for all kinan of produce at the ath ward store or at alie west branchi of the pame in the basement under smoot richards co a drug store C the attention cf the farmers of utah county is called to the fact that the provo L M aco are selling off their last years stock of mowers aind hay hakea at less than cost come quick or they will ba gme tf meason ideel Smoot and john adal have entered aiuto partners chip fu carry ing on th coal business they wil handle the pleasant valley and the celebrated castle gate coal orders are to he left at smoot richards co brur store i attractions for alie twenty fourth an unusually attractive pro lias been prepared for the twenty fourth at the garden city bathing re cort among the attractions promised is a grand performance in the pavilion by Iro leasor leotard consisting of magic deception legerdemain and song banjo accompaniment by harry lee the great bango artist grand trapeze mance on the water and a leap for life open air performance by the silver band the whole to conclude with a grand ball ko charge everything except alie ball free to the public hacks run from mclellan drakes livery opposite the theatre 25 cents for the round trip alie boss whip maker F F bee co have secured the services of E F martin the boss chip maker of utah in addition to their saddle and harness business they will now be prepared prep areu ana ie tair all kindi of TV hips pointing out banry whips a specially jur motto is first class work and low prices call and see ua F F BEE co t s 19 centre st south side provo Is consumption incurable ehte following mr 0 H morr s says was down with abbess of lungs and friends and phy adans pronounced me an incurable consumptive began taking dr kings new discovery for consumption am now on mv third bottle and able to oversee the work on my farm it is the finest medicine ever made jesse Midd leware decatur ohio bays had it not been for dr kings new discovery for consumption I 1 would have died of lung troubles was given up bv doctors am now in the best of health try it sample bottles free at smoot cos drug store excursion to lake park herbert bate essof Esq of american fork the annual excursion manager is on deck for au excursion to lake park nest monday the rates on the D K G W for the occasion are very low and extend to scofield the fare is A number of attractions at lake park for the occasion will undoubtedly draw out a big crowd tle lelii brass band accompanies the excursion cur sion mr IL E rawlings is attending 0 o the provo part of the business arnica salve THE BEST SALVE in the world for cuts bruises sores ulcers salt cheum fever sores setter chapped hands chilblains corns and all skin eruptions and positively cures piles or no pay required it is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded price 25 cents per box for sale by smoot co dont expose your horse to needless cruelty such weather as this by corn palling him to stand tied in the sun in the hottest corner you can find there are plenty of shady places about the city where teams may be left ME J K senera ky says my children have sometime had boils and other signs of blood impurities with loss of appetite etc at which timi I 1 havo found swifts specific a most successful remedy in no instance fi ailing to effect a speedy and permanent cure SWIFTS SPECIFIC is a great blessing to humanity says mr P E gordon of broad street nashville tenn fur it cured me of rheumatism of a very bad type with which I 1 had been troubled for three of four years S S S cured me after I 1 had exhausted everything else MR of the firm of myrick henderson fort smith ark says he wishes to add his testimony to the thousand which have already been given as to swifts specific he saya he derived the most signal benefit from its ue to cure painful boils and sores re from impure blood 1 WHEN taken for a few days potash mixtures impair the digestion take anav the appetite and dry up the gastric juices which should assist in digesting and assimilating the food specific has just the opposite effect it improves digestion brings appetite and up the general health taj cw ning to have a lively time out in aming elec aun on the question whether or not the county scat shall be transferred fram ashley to vernal the bame question will be voted ou in summit as to whether the seat shall be moved from coal ville to park city it will take a two thirds majority to do the moving in each case HORSE AILMENTS may my mare caught cold result swelled limbs lump between fore legs and inflammation with st jacobs OH tax june CO my borso was hurt 1 10 months n aa cured by st jacobs oil coro bia remain aa permanent vf J CUNE JOS CAIRN SIt EPSON esq sec coast blodi borso association eay bein with the efficacy of st jacobs on I 1 cheerfully and heartily indorse alris Talu abla for painful ailments hon ODEN clab city pass railway co taya in my family and my ta bleI have used st jacobs oil with results and belleba belleva it tho best remedy for tho painful ailments of man and beast AT druggists ACT THE CHARLES CO fabicon BaB icon IU lilly clays Coll osal gaiety co speaking of this great attraction is to hold the boards at the theatre friday evening the new york sun says tae lilly gaiety company is doing very nicely at the london theatre this week in fact burlesque anro and simple with a fair sprinkling of variety is about the only thing that will pay the present company is a good one aud london patron to something new and fresh in that line lilly claya musical soiree entitled beauty in dreamland opens the show it is a regular minstrel first part with many original ideas and some very good looking women there are two editions of end men robert van osten and jas and emerson and cook emma warde and hilda la porte are in the middle the She erans are first on the regular variety bill they do an act full to the brim of funny saying gags etc and know how to male a hit clays metropolitan four ilson clarke davenport and warde do very neat songs and dancea and are liberally rewarded with applause eose and hilda la porte are next with some songs the robinson crusoe is then nm on with suitable parts for all the artists with the company emerson and cook the knockabout comedians and acrobats are voted all right alice townsend and ten pother shapely beauties then show how we pose kittie love and mary clinton the camons rifle shots do a difficult act hilton the celebrated contortionist then does his renowned act and the show closes with an amazon march best of all cough medicines ayers cherry pectoral ia in greater demand than ever no preparation lor throat and lung troubles ia so prompt in its effects so agreeable to the taste and so widely known as this it ia the family medicine in thousands of households 1 I have buffered ered for years from a bronchial trouble that whenever I 1 take cold or am exposed to inclement weather shows itself by a very annoying tickling sensation in the throat and by difficulty in breathing I 1 have tried a great many remedies but none does so well as cherry pectoral which always gives prompt relief in returns of my old complaint ernest A hepler inspector of public roads pariah terre bonne la 1 I consider ayers cherry pectoral a taoist important remedy for home use I 1 have tested its curative power in my family many times during the past thirty years and have never known it to fail it will relieve the most serious affections of the throat and lungs in children or adults mrs E G edgerly council alucs iowa twenty years ago I 1 was troubled with a disease of alie lungs doctors afforded me no relief and considered my case hopeless I 1 then began to usa ayers cherry pectoral and before I 1 had finished one bottle found relief I 1 continued to take aliis medicine until a cure was effected I 1 believe that ayera cherry pectoral saved my life samuel griggs wauregan waukegan kegan six vears ago I 1 contracted a severe cold which settled on my lungs and developed all tha alarming symptoms of consumption I 1 had a cough night sweats bleeding of the lungs pains in chest and sides and was so prostrated as to be confined to my bed most of the time after trying various prescriptions without benefit my finally determined to giro me ayers cherry pectoral I 1 took it and alie effect was magical I 1 seemed to riy ariy from alio first dose of this medicine and after using only three bottles am as well and sound as ever kodney johanon Jo hason springfield III ayers cherry pectoral rnE pAREo Y dr J 0 ayer co koweil mass sold ty U druggists price V six boll lea 5 lost on a pocket book containing jome money and valuable papers the finder will be rewarded to the amount of 10 by returning the same to sam liddiard or at this office lost A pocket book containing liable only to the owner between the mouth of provo canyon and J F bonns residence on friday last the finder will be liberally rewarded by leaving at dunn coa coal we sell the pleasant valley and the celebrated eleb rated castle gate coal at usual prices orders promptly filled and coal delivered orders left at smoot richards Co cosur sug store or at provo book stationery store SMOOT jy 23 tf coxin W DEAL the farmers opportunity we are contemplating going out of the farming machinery line and in consequence have reduced our prices on self binders mowers rikes cultivators and other farming implements and machinery also wagons from 2 inches to Sc inches and one two seated mitchell spring wagon first come first served the articles must be sold and great bargains will be obtained we have also fixtures for hay forks and earners which will be sold at reduced figures dont forget to call at or correspond the provo jast coop co op at once as such chances are seldom dietr with F W C bupt supt W H gray co have a fine lot of spectacles just in we have the famous Zin emans diamanta spectacles and eye glasses new and large assortment of glassware and crockery we have the finest and largest in town of the lustre band china and are selling cheap for cash stew pans and yeast pans given away baking powders fine line of cigars just in it is the only house where the celebrated amole toilet soap can bo obtained new of buggies carts bakes mowers crown and buckeye in large variety A large and well assorted stock of general merchandise always on hand W H co centre street NOTICES cash paid for lit by W cox butcher prove farmers u ho want a binder mower hay rake will d j well to call on diax co cash customers can always save money by purchasing their supplies at annu A co call arid see alio immense line of gents clothing just arrived at MI EWAN FE KE cheaper than the cheapest mens boys badiei and hose in endless variety good goods and lowest prices prevail co the best aad purest brandies whisky and wines at mcewan rawlings brunswick Brunsw lck saloon an elegant line of parasols and at prices that surprise you for cheapness just in by express at denu co come to the b ast coop co op and get you white embroideries and dress goods A fine selection for alie holidays if your watch or clock is in need of repairing take it to W G higley at it S ivines store mcewan ferre is selling gents cl othin and ladies dress goods at chicago prices call and see them before purchasing els euhe e immense bargains dont fail to improve them they last everything in the millinery line going at surprisingly singly low prices at miss hannah billings if you want to feel at home when you come to provo go to briers griers at the central hotel only three blocks west from the courthouse Court houpe where i ou will get good board and well aired rooms and courteous treatment at reasonable rates j 25 tf when you want a good cheap basket call on the basket maker who keeps a nice assortment and allows ten per cent for cash two |