Show THE conventions of the duties of electors at this particular time from the late convention reports I 1 faid there is a great lacic of appreciation as to tho importance of taking an active part in the administration of public affairs this apathy may no doubt be attributed to a want of in interest in affairs beyond the limits of the immediate pursuits or avocations of daily life in which the masses of the people are so thoroughly absorbed cbs orbed with most persons that mind once arouson toa sense of duty will in vindication of its own consciousness and for its own peace demand the performance thereof an apparent duty neglected is a wrong committed in view of this fact permit me to express in a comprehensive way my idea of the citizen who will not interest himself in public matters sufficiently to induce him to express his wish or to exercise his right in determining the administration of the government of which he belongs and of which he himself is an essential part to my mind such a man is both immoral anda traitor to the government from which he demands protection this may bo considered a very strong if not a harsh way 0 stating the asse if indeed it be a fact Is it possible that immorality attaches to ones character by simply refusing to go to the polls and casting ones vote on day I 1 ask what is morality in humanity it is an affirmative a positive and not a negative quality morality consists of acts that are in duty faithfully performed that are in harmony with consciousness BO that our moral judgments approve them that are evidence in our favor and entitle us to a reward if no more than the peace of an approving conscience morality is not evidenced by the non doing of an act there may be certain fears which keep men from doing a bad act such as the certainty of punishment or other unfavorable conditions when the motive is really in their hearts and minde if the act could be without their suffering the penalty attached to wrong doing non action is not evidence of moral purpose it is in the act performed that moral excellence is found every citizen of a democratic government is a part of the vital force by which a healthy administration is maintained and a man contributes to that end only when he goes to the polls and casts his ballot ifor good men to hold the reigns of government no one can neglect this duty without involving serious consequences to himself and others every citizen is a part of the government and should do his part toward manita ining it he cannot withhold his mite of support when its perversion and overthrow aro threatened by an enemy by his ballot it is determined whether his integrity shall be preserved or not and he cannot withhold it without being guilty of crimiti d neglect the plea of non action is his assured condemnation the marked features of the traitor are discoverable when he wilfully withholds that act by which alono life may be preserved and with that life protection prosperity and happiness assured tho duty here imposed upon the citizens one which he has sworn to dischargers chargers dis imperative and one which must neglected or evaded for auy individual policy or consideration morality in this as in all other conditions of life consists in doing what should be done an immorality which if indulged in will surely load to treachery is strongly attached to that L who in an emergency will not do his duty toward his country in maintaining a righteous administration of government every citizens voice is supposed to be heard in the ballot which he costs and which helps to determine his count rys weal or woe duty demands that every one hall see that his voice is for he good and the right so that a righteous rule may bring peace e and happiness to the people and cause to cease the mourning which comes from a wicked rule 1 am satisfied that there are no people in the land more ready and willing to do their duty than the inhabitants of utah the majority of whom constitute a hardworking hard working and farming community bot imbued with the tricks and knavery of the party politician which they never need learn for practical purposes but when made truly sensible of the importance of political duties they will arise in the majesty of their union and with one voice echoing throughout the land declare that right and righteousness is their motto in all matters affecting the good of humanity in view of more thoroughly instructing ting the people in these important affairs I 1 have looked with favor upon the proposition which appeared in the form of a resolution by one of the conventions that the territorial central committee be asked to take under consideration the advisability of forming peoples political clubs for the purpose of dispensing political information and a knowledge of the principles of government among the citizens may they act with creditable zeal and well directed energy in their political duties and so become better qualified fiad for the responsibilities of government under a home rule administration in accord with state sovereignty S W B in the news of july 17 1889 |