Show in provo valley PARKY leader of the brass baal is in this city and ia putting the haber band through a course of training lie is said to be a airet class musician ox MONDAY chipman a boy 16 years of age and who resides in american fork brought a bear skin in to town for the purpose of getting bounty he killed the bear himself over on deer creek in this county the lad deserves a bounty for his grit if for nothing else jos AND A C HATCH returned from their trip to denver and omaha last wednesday they sold about head of beef cattle part of them in denver and part in omaha they intended to take their beeves to ch cago but the weather was very warm and being offered a good figure at the former places they concluded to be satisfied with good enough LAST saturday three park city nim rods J nelson E williamson and JM buttery were caught ansing giani powder in prevo the deputy sheriff I 1 baum they were brought to heber and arraigned before justice aird they plead guilty and were fined their fine was paid monday and they returned to homes sadder but we hope wiser men we hope aliis will be a lesson to the boys and the next time they want a mess of fish we would advise them to leave their giant at home iVa ware jelv 20 |