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Show I j ; L AMUSEMENTS 1 IN SALT LAKE THEATERS. -j- , -! SALT LA KB TIIKATKR -"The J- Merry f.rafiers." Matlnoc, 2:15. -I-livening, S:15. - ORPHKlWr THEATER "Two Mei) and a Girl." by the Or- v- I- pheum Stock company. Mallnco, J r 2:15. Evening, S:15. -j 4 GRAND THEATER "Living Pie- --r --r lures," shown bv the Aclograph. r ! Matinee, 2:30. Evening, S:30. -I- LYRIC THEATER Moving Pin-j- lures. by the Cameraphonc. -Matinee, 2:15. Evening. S:15. ! -1 I--I 1 I I s I 2 s "I 1- I- -"I A comic opera, written by a Salt Laker, staged by a Salt Laker, and Ming by a Salt Lako company, was presented at tho Salt Lake Thoator Tuesday night. Tho opera Is by Harold Orlob, and its title "Tho Merry Grafters." The opera Is illled with local hits that caught on well with the big audience that greeted tho company. Tho scene is lnld on Antelope Island, Great Salt lake; the time, tho year 1900, or any old time. These wero tho participants: Mokanthfbf, King of Antelope Island Hugh W. Dougall Porchcllmbor, a politician from Salt Lake Fred C Graham Swltchgrass, Secretary of State Low Halsett Tweedledum Sid Clawson Twccdltdec George Margotts High Constables. Dcliskector, royal chambermaid Mrs. Harold Orlob Verandah, royal chaperon. . .Claudia Holt Pago Irene Kelly Chumpfacc W. F. Nuttall Ladies in Waiting Board of Health Gertrude Kelly Uohn Suminerhnys Llla SJodahl ! James Evans Margaret Balrd ) Union Robinson Edra Jensen Ray Dorlus Geneva Harris Fruit Inspectors . Royal Dancers Mark Brown Iw Evans -Geo. Sommerlmys Irene Kelly lto.s Boa tie Enid Edmunds Serge Campbell Alice Weblcy Body Guard - Gcrlrudn Kelly Sherl Clawson Hazel Barnes ,G. Koddlngton . Winifred Smith Ortho Fairbanks Ester Davis Politicians-Virginia Politicians-Virginia Smith :l. G. Hardy - Gertrude Ronmey ,John Aird 'Evans 13. Houtz Tho sok'lsts wore Misses Claudia Holt. Edna Evans, Mrs. Harold Orlob and Messrs. Fred C. Graham, Hugh W. Dougall Dou-gall and Low Halsett. The solo. "I'd Rathor Be a Ploblan." by Miss Edna Evans, was most chnrm-Inglv chnrm-Inglv rendered, as was also "Tho Spirit of Love," and the same can be unld of the solo, "Don't Bo a Chaperon," bv Miss Claudia Holt. A duet. "You've Made a lilt With Me." by Fred C Graham and Miss Edna Evans, and chorus, was sung iu a delightful de-lightful way. Mrs. Orlob. in hor solo. ".Since 1 Sang lib." and an Imitation of Anna Meld, was splendidly done, as was tho "Boll Song" and "Hurrah for Leap Yoai," the last two aided by the chorus. i In the solo, "Drink Hearty." by ll.igh' Ijougall and chorus, the aiidlenco on- I cored again and again. Lew Halsett, in his solo of the "Pioneer." captivated the audience, which was loath to let him go. In the duet. "Mr. N'ewhousc." by Sid Clawson and George Margetts. both gentlemen gen-tlemen acquitted themselves most creditably, credit-ably, and they did the same in "He's a Grafter," In which they were assisted assist-ed by (he chorus. The chorus Is especially strong, and the music pretty, while the costumes are handsome. Tho chorus, In Its Indian costume, was decidedly effective. Between Be-tween tho acts, M.n Orlob was called be-, fore tho curtain. "Tho Merry Grafters" Graft-ers" will go at a matinee this afternoon, after-noon, and tonight It will bo repeated Saturday at a matinee, and again Saturday Sat-urday evening. Children seemed to predominate In tho Lyric audience yesterday afternoon, and their shrieks of laughter over the antics of tho cameraphonc Teddy bear were worth going a long way to hear. Ono chubby youngster howled with something that was not exactly laughter and his mother regretfully bore him away. She explained that the Teddy bear looked so real lo tho boy that ho was afraid tho animal was going to Jump out of the canvas and at him. Tho other numbers this week arc also wonderfully lifelike. The Orphe.um Stock company Is proving prov-ing popular with, the patrons of that popular playhouse. Another big audience audi-ence greeted the play, "Two Men and a Girl." Tuesday evening. There will be a matinee this afternoon. The play will run the week. At the Grand, tho Aclograph moving pictures conllnuo lo draw big houses. |