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Show BUSINESS IMPROVES ON THE MINING EXCHANGE Tho business of Tuesday allowed a markod improvement over that of Monday. Mon-day. All stocks were generally strong. Sioux Con. and Iron Blossom both moved upward, tho one after remaining fairly steady for about four days and the other oth-er after a sensational drop during the same period. Sioux rose to $1.25, and Iron Blossom rose to l.S"i- Tetro be-cttmo be-cttmo an active stock because of the strike made Jn the mine late Monday afternoon. aft-ernoon. Because Sioux Con. and Iron Blossom rose Tuesday, other Tlntlc stocks moved up sympathetically. During Dur-ing the day 195,.'1S7 shares of stock, having hav-ing a selling value of ?1 03,768.25, wero sold. Tho following were tho closing transactions; UNLISTIED STOCKS. I Bid. Asked. Sold For. E. Cr. Polntl? .01 $ .0-11? ,04 & .041 E. Tin Con 07 .07 Keystone . . .30 Mas. Val. . 1.40 1.45 Min. Flat . ,ir. Mt Lake Ex .001 .10 .10 Ohio Cop .. 2.40 3.00 Old Amur 16 S. K. Coal.. 3.95 4.00 S.Ofj Tint Sllv 21 U T TU11... 20 .20 g ' TjISTED STOCKS. 1 A.M. P.M. I Bid. Askcd. Bid. Askcd. Albion . .. ? 5 -SO $ .30 AJax 34 .35 .33 .35 Alice 3.00 2.75 Big Hill 12 .10 Bost Con 12.50 , 12.50 Blue Amal .18 .19 17 Bl. Jack . .67 .60 .GS .70 Bon Briar .10 - ' .11 Bui. Beck . 1.25 2-2o 1.25 2.50 Beck Tun . 1.00 1.02i 1.00 1.10 Bovard Str .20 20 But Liber 12 12 Bullock . .. .115 :.12J .11 .12i Col. Con. .. 1.30 1.3G 130 1.60 Carlsa ... .32 .37 .35 .3S Crn Point . .32 .33 .33 .33 Con Miii'c . .30 ,40 .35 .42 Century . . .20 .40 30 Colo Mng o.Oo- 3.S7i 3.07J 4.00 Dr Hump 30 . .35 Dalv 2.05 2.25 D - Judge. 4.50 4.50 5.00 Daly West 10.75 11.00. 10.75 E. & B. B 1. 00 1.00 Eag. Nost .12 Emerald ,. 10 .15 .25 Galena 08 ....... Gr Centra) 3.25 3. 37! 3 .SO 3.40 Gd Clr Mng .20 .31 .24 .31 Gd Dalsv 1.00 .0 1.00 Ibex 12 - .IS .10 .IS Ind. Queen .151 -17 .171 -1S5 Iron Bios, . 1.72a l.'o 1.S5 1.S7J Inyo 11 .12 -II .12 Ingot 03 .001 .03 J Bowers . .02 .05 .02 .03 Tj Dillon OS OS Lit Boll 2.60 1.50 2.55 Ld King 10J .10 Lit Chief .. .12 10 .15 L. Mam'th .46 .4S .47 .49 Mt Lake .S7 .SS .SS .SO Mam'th . . 1.S0 1.S7J 1.S0 l.S7i May Dav . .43 . .44 . 14 .441 Nev Fairv 03 .05 Nov Hills . 1-90 2.00 1.S0 1.S71 N TT Flor OS .02 .OS New York .10 .123 -Hi -l? Ontario . . 5.00 5.60 0.6O R Anacond 20 20 Scot Chief . .061 .07 J .07 .07 Seven Tr . .21 .22 .1S1 .22 Sioux Con 1.15 1.171 1.221 1.23 Str. Dog 07 07 Swansea . . 1.30 1.371 1.321 1.45 S" Swansea .401 -42 .41 .42 Sacrament 06 .03 .OR S Shield .. .20 .22 .IS .20 S Col Con . .57 .5S .57 Tetro . ... -21 .22 .20 .201 U Sam Con .S6 .87 .S7 .88 Utah Con . .IS .19 .20 .21 "Utah Mine 1.75 1 .75 1.80 Unit States 38.00 Victoria 1.60 1.60 Victor Con .14 .15 .14 .15 Wabash . . .83 .87 ..95 1 .00 Yer Cop . .14 .09 .13 Yank Con. .44 45 .49 Zenoli ... .30 .35 .30 .40 FORENOON SALES. Beck Tunnel, 2100 at $1; 1000 at $1,021, buyer sixty days. Black Jack, S00 at C7c; 100 at 6Sc. Bonnie B., 1000 at 101c. buyer sixty days. Bullock, 1000 at 121c; 2500 at 12c. Carlsa, 500 at 36c. Colorado, 400 at ?3.95; 50 at $4; 200 at 53.971. Crown Point, 700 at 31c; 1000 at 32c; 500 at 321c; 200 at 33c. Daly Judge. 50 at $4.50. Indian Quen, 500 at 15c. Iron Blossom, 1300 at $1.75; 500 at 51.77;. 1400 at $1.72?-. Lower Mammoth, 500 at 50c. buyer sixty six-ty days; ,500 nt 4Sc; 100 at 7c. May Dav, 100 at 43c; 700 at 431c. Mountain Lake, 500 at SGc; 700 at S7j; h00 at Ulie, buyer sixty days; 500 at SUc, buyer sixty days. New York, 500 at 13c:- 500 at 13c, buyer sixty days. Scottish Chief, 1000 at 71c; 2000 at 7c. Seven Troughs, 500 at 22c; 500 at 22c, buyer thirty days; 500 at 211c. Silver Shield. 800 at 20c. Sioux Con.. 1000 at $1.15; 6200 at $1,171. South Columbus Con.. .100 at 5Sc, South Swansea, 1200 at '40c. Tetro. 3000 at 15c; f00 nt 16c; 500 at 171c: 3000 at lSu; 3500 at 20u; 1000 at 21c; 500 at 211c; 7500 at 22e; 1000 at 22Jc. Utah Con., 500 at 18c, Victor, 2660 at 15c": 500 at J51c. Uncle Sam, 100 at S4c; 2600 at S5c; COO at S6c. Shares sold. 62.1 CO. Selling value. ?''.'!, 54 1.50. OPEN BOARD. AJax, 500 at 31c. Black Jack. 600 at 6Sc Bullock, 500 at 12c, Blcr Hill. 1000 at lHc: J000 at 11c. . Beck Tunnel. 100 at $1. Crown Point, 300 at 334c buyer sixty days; 300 at 321c; 500 at 32c; 500 at 33ic, buyer forty-five days. Colorado. 100 at $3,971; 500 at $3.95. "Daly. 25 at $1.50. ' Inyo, 500 at 12c. Iron Blossom, 300 at $l'v75; GOO at ?1.77j. Lower Mammoth. 500 at 4Sc. Little Chief, 500 at 12c. " Nevada Fairview, 1000 at 3c. Utah Con.. 1000 at 18c. Silver Shield, 1000 at 20c. "Wabash, 100 at 85c. Sioux Con., 1700 at $1,171; 1000 at $1.20, buyer sixty days. South Swansea, 300 at 41c. Tetro, 1000 at 21Jc: 1000 at ISJc; 6000 at 221c, buyer sixty daya. Uncle Sam, 1500 -at SSc, buyer sixty days; 1100 at S7c; 100 at SSc. Shares seld. 44,225, Selling value, $15,981.50. AFTERNOON SALES. Big Hill. 1000 al 10c. Black Jack, 1000 at 70c, buyer sixty days; 500 at 69c. Colorado, 400 at 53.971: 200 at $3.95. Crown Point, 250 at 33c; 3100 at -He: 2200 at 331c; 1000 at 31c. buvcr sixty days. Indian Queen, 500 at 17ic. Iron Blossom. 100 at ?1,S0; 100 at 31.S2J 400 at $1.85; 1100 ot $1.87. May Day. 100 at 44c: 2000 at 4 4!c. Mountain Lake, 3500 at S9c; 500"at 91c, buyer slxtv days. Nevada, f J lilts, 300 at $1.90; 100 at $1.871 New York. 500 at 12c. . Scottish Chief. 1000 at GJe: 2600 at 7c. Silver Shield, 1000 at 19c. Sioux Con., 2700 at $1.20; 2200 at $1,225. South Swansea, 900 at 41c. Tetro, 7500 at 20c; 9500 at 21c; 1500 at 21c, buyer sixty days; ."00 at 211c. buyer buy-er nixty days: 1000 at 20ie; 100 nt 22c. Uncle Sam, 5400 at 37c; 300 at SSc, buyer buy-er slxtv days. Utah Mine, 100 at -H SO. Utah Con., 500 at 20c Victor. 200 at 14it Shares sold. 55,850. Selling valuo, $30,460.50. OPEN BOAPvD. Big Hill, 100 nt 11c. Black Jack 2500 at 70c; 1500 at 71c, buyer forty days. Bullock, 1500 at 12c. Colorado, 200 at $3,971; 200 at $4, buyer buy-er sixty days. Crown Point. 500 at 331c; 1100 at 33c. Indian Queen. 500 at 18c. lion Blossom, 2400 at $1.85: 3000 at ?1.S7J. buver thirty davs: 500 at 51.S7J. Lower Mammoth. 200 nt 49c: 500 at Sr. . . Mountain Lake, 100 at S9r; 800 at 90c. Nevada Hills. -200 at' $1.57-. Scottish Chief. 2000 at 71ct, buyer sixty davs: 1000 at 7c. Sioux Con,. 300 at $1.25. buyer sixty davjj; 2100 at $1,221; 2 at $1: 50 at $1.20. Tetro. 3G00 at 20e; 500 at 21c, buyer sixty days. Uncle Sam. 100 at S7c: 500 at SSc. Shari-.H sold. 33.155. Sclllnrr value, J23.7S4.75. "j6jjgjgjj |