Show A ORDINANCE to amend an ordinance entitled an ordinance establishing fire dimita limita in provo city SECTION 1 be it ordained by the city council of provo city that ses tion five of an ordinance entitled an ordinance establishing fire limits in provo city passed february A D 1889 be amended by adding thereto the following the foregoing provision of this ordinance shall not be construed to prevent the removal of any building within tho above limits erected prior to the passage of said ordinance whan th same can bo removed bodi i ly and without alteration and with the consent of persons owning prop erty adjoining the whore said building ie to be located provided such removal may bs made iman application to the city council and filing with the city recorder the written consent of the parties as provided in this ordinance massed april A D 1889 allson EL dusenberry DUSEN BEERY mayor of provo city attest J J utah county BS Provo City J I 1 J J fuller recorder in and for provo city utah county territory of utah hereby certify that the foregoing is afuli true and correct copy ot an ordinance to amend an ordinance en titled an ordinance establishing fire limits in provo city passed by the city council of provo city april A D 1889 in witness whereof I 1 have i hereunto affixed the corporate gg p Q aay of april A D 1889 J FULLER city recorder |