Show D IN THE DARK j no sensible surgeon will attempt tho performance of an operation involving human afe in a room secluded from the proper amount of liht A practitioner will not attempt the diagnosis of a complicated disease unless he can see the Bu fierer and make an examination upon which to base his opinion relative to the course of treatment necessary to bring about a complete restoration of health notwithstanding the impropriety of such action there seems to bo a great deal of doctoring done in the dark by this it is not intended that a literal meaning be inferred but that a great many mistakes are committed because of the darkness which is the result of igloi ance it needs no illustration to demonstrate that gross ignorance has caused many fatal mistakes to be made in the treatment of diseases by those who profess to be learned in the art of healing in many diseases several organs are more or less implicated and what seems a primary ailment may be one quite remote for instance a severe headache may have its origin in a disturbed stomach on the other hand sickness at the stomach may be caused by a blow on the head the seat of typhoid fever is in the upper part of the bowels but most of its worst symptoms are often autho brain symptoms of disease as well as diseases themselves are oftentimes followers or concomitants of some unsuspected organic disease and this is peculiarly true of lung liver brain and heart diseases in general for it is now known that they are the result of kidney disease which shows its cresance pre sance in some such indirect manner several years ago a gentleman became convinced of the truth of this and through his efforts the world has been warned of kidney disease and as a result of continued effort a specific known as warners safe cure was discovered alie general use of which has shown it to be of inestimable benefit w sll cases where kidney treatment is desirable or necessary when consumption is see to it that he condition of the kidneys is immediately inquired into and if they are found diseased cure them by an immediate use of warners safe cure and the symptoms of lung decay will rapidly disappear there are too many instances already recorded of the terrible results produced by a lack of knowledge concerning the cause of disease and human life is of too much importance to be foolishly sacrificed to bigotry or ignorance |