Show LOCAL PICKINGS M a resident of beaver writes to the etonian at that place as follows some of our Beave rites are particularly struck with the appearance of pro vo and well they may be for enterprise seema springing up on every land giving plenty of opportunity to th young to find employment and stay at horns instead of searching arizona and elsewhere for a place to make a living beaver has some room to follow suit in this matter it is proper to say says an exchange that the corner grocery is not similar to the known as pecks bad boy it is true that there is a bad boy in the corner grocery but there the similarity between the two pieces ends the corner grocery has a well benned denned plot and an interesting story an occasional touch of patho natural and effecting home pictures and a wealth of fun mirth and song the salt lake tabernacle concert last night was a big success the huge building was packed from pit to dome ame mme albani who is without paral lelas an exponent of or atoria music was present prof kent rendered two soloa on the of which the papera say major kent handled his with old time skill giving the audience an idea of the beautiful music that can bo brought out on the father graves has just returned from conference and from attending to the silk industry under the auspices of the department at washington ha had and fever most of the while be was away brought on by his anxious desire for the success of silk culture he will be eighty three aars of age i tomorrow to morrow the greater half of the continent an article that appeared in the north american review has reached us in pamphlet form the work contains thirty pages of valuable information on a subject just now very interesting to the people of the united states with a few exceptions necessary to permit of local representation the may day festival in the stake tabernacle will be a repetition of the grand concert given in the salt lake tabernacle last night are wo to celebrate centennial april is drawing near and if anything is to be done arf the matter it has got to be done at once let some one lead out martin drake made a fine showing of their horses on saturday when they paraded centre street the animals called forth expressions of admiration from everybody Oster lohs old egand purchased by D P felt co is being fitted up and renovated by the latter firm who in feud to remove their stock of goods in it tomorrow to morrow we intend in our next issue to publish a local market report with buying and selling prices for the accommodation of the stores in the various settlements invitations for the silver bands grand concert and ball in the theatre on the evening day have with a few exceptions been issued tho wedding cards are out for th interesting te ceremony between mr wm i ferre and mies eva davis dr F T aeed the dentist has arrived from the east and has established his over the bank the colorado excursion party to leave denver tomorrow to morrow will number it ia said people the late rain storms have dona bood all over the country salt lake city indulged in tarse farea yesterday and this morning the brick work on Bo shards new store has commenced |