Show commissioner has expressed the opinion that one hundred thousand persons would enter oklahoma within a month after of april for those people there are only about homesteads the inevitable result of this tremendous influx the commissioner thinks will be a great many contests and personal conflicts A further result he fears will be tho spreading of this immense surplus over the adjoining indian lands fram which it would be difficult to dislodge them without much trouble and possibly bome bloodshed if commission appointed to treat with alio cherokees for the cession of the cherokee outlet could complete their labors within the next few months so the new tract might be opened to settlement before congress again meets this might and probably would relieve the press otherwise matters will become complicated and equilibrium difficulty fc iveree legislation in daany states and the fact that railroads aro losing money and tho further fact that leading lines havo agreed not to extend their tracks there are already projected sines january ast 1st this year new lines with an aggregate contemplated tem plated mileage of of which are already under construction on contract the lines under contemplation in twelve sew england and eastern states have an anticipated mileage of ten southern states 12 five central northern seven northwestern five southwestern seven pacific states and territories projected construction in wyoming montana nevada california 1255 new mexico 1026 idaho 10 1 utah oregon washington territory 1513 colo rado 1115 IT will require fitly thousand men to make up the census rolls next year this will give a chance to many estimable gentlemen who failed to become foreign ministers or consuls after all it will be just as interesting and profitable to take the number ot cattle upon our hills and hogs in our numberless val leksas to suffer banishment to eoma foreign land upon a stipend only sufficient to pay for board and washing DOWN in fort worth tex a newspaper man celebrated hia birthday by writing a leader an account of a prize fight and an obituary notice after which he setup two columns of type cut half a cord of wood rocked his baby two hours cleaned his gun and thrashed thra shod his brother in law As he was about retiring for the night he was heard to remark that he never could elduro the dullness of holidays and sundays KEY T DE WITT TALMACE has a simple and easy plan for converting the world to christianity it is for eacle christian to secure one convert and each one of the converted to do the same he calculates that if this ia done every year ar a decade the 1 people of the earth could he brought into the christian fold and that the close of this century will witness the dawn of the millennium COL F GRANT who will write on the coyal academy may azine for may is not our minister to austria but the son of alie lata sir fran cie grast the predecessor of frederick I eighton as president of tho academy colonel grant was permitted to examine minute books and archives of the institution in preparing this article has set april for observing the centennial of inauguration the day will ba a holiday throughout the nation nearly all the leading cities arc going to celebrate it what is the matter with provo falling into lino no end of trouble is anticipated from the enormous rush of boomers to oklahoma there are only about ten thousand quarter sections about a hundred thousand people have made arrangements for invading the promised land the moment the president drops chohat the most reasonable estimate that can be made puts about firs claimants to every quarter section for every well situated quarter section thera will be a dozen claimants and they will initiate their claims so nearly simultaneously that as only witnesses will be rival claimants it will be simply impossible to determine who shall be located first hundreds of disputes will therefore have to be settled by a primitive appeal to force it is expected that nine tenths of those who fail to get land will spread out on the lands of tha civilized indians and nothing short of alie whole united states army can get them off so the bommera will probably get the land and the government will settle with the indians of the wool outlook R J dun co in their last weekly review of trade say wool hag declined for nearly all qualities except ew mexican and texas which are a shade stronger the average of quotations is cents against cents march ast 1st but it is thought that the outlook is favorable for a good demand when the new clip appears unless manufacturing should continue unprofitable depressing influences are felt in the several branches of the dry goods and clothing trade not the least being the accumulation of stocks which the open winter left unsold the demand for woolens is very moderate and orders for importation are restricted A pony is being daily sent up in a balloon and being let down by a para cante a la baldwin in london and the society for the prevention of cruelty to animals is being agitated by anxiety to know whether the pony is scared or not THE tombstone A T prospector has been sued for 1000 damages by a butcher of that place for publishing a charge that lio was selling diseased pork the prospector says it can prove it |