Show TO APPEAR IN arresting 31 eu and women to appear before the grand jury tho second wives of the following brethren who ar erring a term in the penitentiary for the crime of adultery with their wives have been indicted by the grand jury at provo on a charge of fornication viz joseph S homo and couben gurr deputy mount arrested them on saturday last in richfield they were required to appear before commissioner leonard to give bonds in the sam of to appear in provo at the september term of court john knighton and chris went security for sister homo and james ogden and J S jenson went security for sister gurr on monday march deputy mount arrested at highfield andrew jensen on an indictment found against him last fall ho was placed under 1000 bonds on the he arrested thomas johnson of wellsville wallsville Walls ville sevier county on a charge of unlawful cohabitation he was required to give bonds and his wife on thursday last he arrested jamos jensen of richfield Eich field and taken to salina where he was placed under bonds and each of his wives oa last wednesday he arrested newman van luven of vermillion Vermill ioD and required him to appear before commissioner leonard aho vho placed him under bonds they were all required to appear before commissioner leonard who placed them under the several amounts to appear at provo in september next before the grand jury all were arrested on charges of unlawful cohabitation |