Show humbug the cry of humbug so frequently thrown at new inventions and new ideas by professional men is simply to influence the masses so as to blind them again what is denounced as a humbug in one age frequently becomes a blessing in the next I 1 need only to refer you to history to prove the assertion the first discoverer of the circulation cu of blood was denounced as a quack morse the inventor of the telegraph was considered crazy fulton who put alie first steamboat on the hudson was a subject of derision for liis presumption but a reat and appreciative posterity now testify to their merit we go on and multiply cases in every department of knowledge but it is not it is the same about the rupture cure by dr blackburn 16 E first adouth street while the would be of the profession let no opportunity slip to tell their patrons that dr blackburn is mistaken that rupture can be cured only by surgical operation yet he ie busy day and night curing rupture in the best and most reputable families in salt lake city whose evidence in the matter v ill old time moss backs aliu think and teich that everything is false or true simply because pa said so five years from today to day you tell an intelligent man that rupture cannot be cured except by a surgical operation and he will call you a fool the afflicted should go and see for thema elyea salt lake herald prof grow has returned to provo and may be consulted at mrs milners Mil ners house first ward |