Show OF PROOF no US land office at salt lake city UT march notice li hereby riven that the following named settlers have filed notice of their anten tion to make alual proof in support ot their claims and that bald proofs will be made before the judge or in his absence the clera ct the county court ot utah county U T at the county court house at curu buru T on saturday may II 11 1889 viz john spencer H E no for the S W li l I T 8 S K 2 acres lie names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of aad iaci newel M oraon P hulsh charles wilson ot payson butali county bian enoch II 11 alone utah county itoh also newel M potter H E no for tb eSK see 15 tsy acres he names ahe following to prove hie continuous resilience upon and cultivation of said land viz enoch H stone of alleca utah county utah orson P anish curries allson K all ot payson utah county biah any person who desires to protest against the allowance proof or who knows ot any substantial reason under ahe taw and lie regulations of the why such proofs should not be allowed will be given au opportunity at the above mentioned time and place to cro examine ahe ali nesses of said claimants and to oser evl benca in rebuttal ul by claim ant D blayner simmons attorneys t ap 28 |