Show absolutely piare this never varied A marvel of and more ibin he ordinary hinds ani an i anh be iu romp with the mul to tei shun ilum of plies patt s orata n cadt CO wall sl N Y WALTER R PI E MD PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON PROVO mca AT RESIDENCE 2 blocks north of depot office at residence and excelsior drug store physician surgeon PAYSON UTAH omas at shores brodl drug store G W SHORES M D physician surgeon UTAH PHYSICIAN the treatment of nd chronic diseases in which he has had upwards of 40 years successful experience a specialty PROVO UTAH W E WARMER IVL D physician and surgeon AT RESIDENCE two aud a half blocks east from coop co op store spanish fork utah DR 0 E from london saint allus dance epileptic fits all nervous Dis etes seminal weakness and impotency by ibo london treatment agent for hydroth uterine supporter bu R ivi ROGERS M D physician and surgeon office at peoples drug store 3 beasant grove utah var payson city utah nitrous gaa for painless extrac alan this is harmless and pleasant to whale quick in effects and absolutely without danger fillings it half price this month all work G all lindof DENTAL WORK done at LOWEST FIGURES artificial teeth and gold filliotes a specialty all work warranted teeth extracted Extrac tad with care and skill VEGETABLE VAPOR tuce when desired for the painless extraction of teeth W D SESSIONS ko 2 bank building PROVO SAMUEL B THURMAN ATTORNEY AT LAW 3 CITY G A Fori neilY ot kansas attorneys ana at law almi ladum in fall the courts ol 01 iha ti iain proto utah bobby has been imparting to tho minister the important and cheerful information that his father has got a new set of false teeth indeed bobby replied the minister indulgently and what will he do with tho old set oh I 1 spose replied bobby cut em down and make me wear em absentminded absent minded business man to office boy william go up to my house and tell mrs smyth 0 I 1 have again forgotten my watch bring it back with you he pulls out his watch and continues now william it is 9 be back at 10 I 1 dont eoa why you cant get rich you sell a mainspring for that only costs you ten cents that may bo true sir but we havo to keep three darks to wait on tho lady shoppers and wo must get our money back in bome way 0 1 I cannot understand my dear why it is that you have such an excellent man for a husband should quarrel with him go often dont youa well it is because he always brings mo home a present at night to anak hitup bee hoods sarsaparilla is it belland Bel tand superior to all other eions in economy and medical borit T say mamma said a youngster who had been la borm over a very tough chicken think that this fowl must have been hatched from a begs two youn writers were talking of their hopes their ambitions if 1 have not male a reputation by tha time im thirty I 1 shall blow my brains out asserted one my dear boy replied the other youre as good EXCELSIOR ie the place to get the CHOICEST and CHEAPEST MEAT in town with all the latest cuts MEAT EVERY MORNING orders taken and promptly delivered to all parts of the city falte for OPPOSITE THE COURT HOUSE mil I 1 ij T fl h nd on nie t aeo oeo JAI ho well coi newdale New Dape wha n ium aum ama the teacher who advised her pupils to strengthen their minda by the us of ayers sar Ba parilla appreciated the truth that bodily health ia essential to mental vigor for persons jot delicate and feeble constitution whether young or old this medicine ia remarkably beneficial be cure you get ayers sarsaparilla every spring and fall I 1 take a number 0 bottles of ayers sarsaparilla and am greatly benefited mrs james H eastman Stoneham Mass 1 I jiahe taken ayers sarsaparilla with great benefit to my general health miss thirza ii crerar palmyra md my daughter twelve years of age has suffered for the past year from general debility A few weeks since we began to give her ayers sarsaparilla her health has greatly improved mrs harriet H battles chelmsford mass about a year ago I 1 began using ayera sarsaparilla Saria parilla as a remedy for debility and neuralgia resulting from malarial exposure in the army I 1 was in a very bad condition but six bottles of the sarsaparilla sa with occasional doses of ayers pills have greatly improved my health I 1 am now able to work and feel eliat I 1 cannot say too much for your excellent remedies F A pinkham south Mol me my daughter sixteen years old ig ansing ayers sarsaparilla with good effect kev S J graham united brethren church buckhannon VV va I 1 suffered from nervous prostration with lame back and headache and have been much benefited by the use of ayers sarsaparilla I 1 ani now 80 years of age and am satisfied that my present health and prolonged life are due to the use of ayers sarsaparilla lucy moffitt billingly bonu mrs ann H farnsworth a lady 79 years old so woodstock vt writes after several weeks suffering from nervous prostration I 1 procured a bottle of ayers sarsaparilla and before I 1 had taken half of it my usual health returned ayers sarsaparilla BY dr J C ayer co koweil mass 1 alx t woi ih a bottle if 6 just opened with an elegant line of boots and ladies and childrens fine boods prices ft athin the reach of everybody exclusively a boot and shoe establishment home made and imported goods repairs neatly executed bubber goods repaired remember the eign of the BIG BOOT centre street provo A PEOPLES OPERATIVE cooperative CO LEHL UTAH CO r general merchandise agricultural aarow WA rOW lam L am ber doors windows TO ETC T B bupt supt oo op utah general merchandise farming implements an and all kinds of WS B HUCHES cupi ahe between Santa qula and eureka will ann 2 INSTEAD OF DAILY UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE leaving earana and on SUNDAYS oy allach one stage alil leave another at goshen in time for dinner will iam dav with passenger coln norial from danta quia and will ees you through to eureka at 4 pm leave eureka at 10 a mann and thursdays J W THE prop yd to do roxa clr bt aatlo B at B lowit pl DR BOTANIC BITTERS clr 3 axtt health restorer nd iliffe jn DK SHOE BRIDGES VEGETABLE COMPOUND A certain for CHOLERA FLUX AND DIARRHEA DR SHOE BRIDGES A specific for gravel aud A ud all kidney and A female complaints OFFICE E B drugstore centre st provo ogden utah WHOLESALE TC io we guarantee prices YOUR ORDERS are DECEIVED still continues to handlo ha ALL ORDERS BT TELEPHONE no 20 or left at the provo east and west coop co op stores ivill attention WK H DEW DROP 0 S S 0 JUS MEALS AT ALL FINE OT CAK ts 1323 AND Y ON HAND I 1 S 1 blacka west of bank cornier corn CENTRE STREET paavo JOHN prop T E jr THE rax i AT THE PU la doing a large family trade and continues to keep on hand the choicest shop on block opposite meeting house free belive cy to any part of pro ro ey THE j I 1 cosmopolitan W hofele 3 Ss wo vr open ifor the accommodation acco of the public FIRST CLASS IN EVERY located on centre street in the heart of the city especially convenient for all commercial and other business men arrangements can be made for board etc either by the day or week wm D MYERS IN mi aft W OFFICE ard 3rd door south of post office PROVO TELEPHONE ko 33 vadora pt oth laist jot bd mabli aul ab 1 vm cal enrby A CO ai to be lb largest t in the world D tivo and priced A for 1889 nd 9 fa addi FERRY CO detroit ah baa HO equal stands alone as the GREAT nd cure for rheumatism no sarsaparilla doreca kiy physicians and druggist complete kotak THE GOOD REMEDY for coughs colds hoarse bronchitis croup and various affections of the tl LUNGS prepared only by the BROWN MEDICINE MFG CO za Z a sa S a sa inning WATER WHEEL designed for all purposes where limited quantities of water and high heads are utilized guaranteed to give more power with less water than any other wheel made being placed on horizontal shaft the power is transmitted direct to shafting by belts and all gearing dispensed with estimates furnished on application for wheels specially built and adapted in capacity to suit any particular case further information can be obtained of this form of construction as well as the ordinary vertical turbines for wooden penstocks pen stocks and in iron globe cases free of cost by applying to the manufacturers JAES LEFFEL CO springfield ohio or liberty st N city please mention this paper butali just fitted with first class modern improved machinery fida alf bi baa uraula oi iier froysaa nc highest casl price gaii fsr ha a aid all of rain FEEO KEPT ON hand free delivery to all parts of the city J W HOOVER manager correspondence solicited RV enill fir tf aft aft 55 staf st Cb leaco every town only for to A 3 foat alasa oval nickel hrry clear chow chae mereata ta t once t CM BOOTH go undertakers carry a fall line of boods AND solid rosewood and burl and coffins of all sizes the metal caskets orders by nail er dispatch attended to ubal discount siren to the twe boen north abak provo city CLUFF BOOTH fcc imon PACIFIC RAILWAY THE ROUTE the only line carrying the united states overland mail between N to all principal missouria faar eints denver cheyenne ogden salt lake city sacramento euto san francisco los angles portland and all nebraska colorado idaho oregon nevada california washington teri and pacific coast points ba agae checked through from all points in etzo east to points jameal Ja pullman palace sleepers and modem day coaches on all through trams jm amly itose all hail als for further information mg the territory traversed daily excursions rates of fare descriptive pamphlets ate apply to salt lake city agent of the union railway athe agent of any connecting road or address J Y general agent salt lake I 1 janeral Ua BP feta i ir Ca Teata and trade marba olt aBd alfi all patent conducted te reea our it opposite U S patent of fecs we baab no tab all direct hence can transact patent in time and et leas cost remote from send model drawing or photo with alon we advise if or cot tree ci charge conr fee not fine till patent la A book how to obtain with refer encee to actual cliental state coasty v town bent tree address 0 A SNOW CO sahm t |