Show A PLEASANT compliment president woodruff and apostle gee Q cannon serenaded on friday the tabernacle choir visit the presidents office where iliev ers welcomed by president woodruff and apostle george Q cannon the crowd gained accessions so much so that the office was completely filled an orean was obtained and presided ever by jos J daynes when ahe choir sang with much force and spirit the star spangled banner ad america A beautiful solo by mrs Silven called jerusalem made ap a very choice selection elder C B savage in a few broken words expressed the joy and pleasure of the choir in seeing brother cannon restored to citizenship as a free man he said however that his tongue was too thick to talk and quietly subsided brother cannon then arose and though much affected by the c circum stances said that he could not tt ive full expression to his feelings but eliat this was the happiest moment of liis life he had been well treated while in pris bon was happy when he went there was happy while incarcerated and was baill happier now the lord manifested to him that it was his duty to go to prison 1 went said he as I 1 would go on any other mission believing that the act would be beneficial to my brethren and soften their experience I 1 am glad such has been the case I 1 have every joy that all men can have who have been imprisoned I 1 am glad to be free A man on the underground is as dead to his friends we wanted to burst tho bonds and get access to the people we hope to enjoy more of their society now than ws have had I 1 am ready to accept the provi dences of god his work cannot be arrested in its progress if conr brethren are imprisoned there is no cry of want from their families there is no parallel between our position now and that ef our brethren who were driven from nauvoo out into a wilderness be trus and steadfast all of you I 1 thank you from my heart god bless you in all things and may you be faithful to the end amen president woodruff arose and joined with brother cannon in the sentiments offered saying 1 I realize that the people are through a trying ordeal we will all pass through the trials allotted to us pointing to the portraits hanging on the walls he said that many of them had gone behind the veil and are now watching over the interests of the kingdom of god on the earth the church has come to stay god will not forsake us some may wonder why god does nt deliver us from our persecutors but god has his own way of dealing with mankind lie has never set his hand to do a work but it has gone forth the saints have passed through many trials during the last fifty years but their faithfulness m tha midst of affliction will bring its sure reward whatever in the future we may have to pass through all will be right everything predicted by the prophet joseph will be fulfilled infidelity prevails amongst mankind few have faith inthe dealings of god but the principles of truth will triumph let every thought that separates us be banished and let ua cling to the truth and be true to god and each other in every trial god bless you amen after th above exercises a choir composed of natives of the sandwich islands sang three pieces the first was a hymn a favorito with brother cannon when on the islands as a missionary 35 years ago tho other two were composed and arranged for the occasion all were in the native tongue of the singers after singing brother cannon made a short address in the hawaiian language and was followed by president woodruff who spoke Lri effy his remarks being interpreted by elder B T taylor into the language of the hawaii ans A general handshaking and pleasant social chat folio wad deseret jeus |