Show remedy for when first attacked by diphtheria or putrid sore throat you will give the pazienta pati enta vegetable emetic immerse the feet in warm weak lye bathe the throat with rum liniment or you may take bitter herbs such as catnip wormwood hops tansy or any other bitter herbs boil them and then steam the neck and head you may also lot the patient inhale the steam of the same from a teapot or other vessel most conven ent and give the patient cathartics freely above all keep the stomach md bowels well cleansed should che patient be attacked violently and liable to choking with the mucous collecting in the throat take a quill cut at each end fill it with pulverized bloodroot and blow it rapidly into the throat repeat if this remedy ha never failed it will lessen the inflammation and cause the patient to throw off the mucous you may also bind warm herbs about th neck as warm as can ba borne and change them frequent ly A great cattle Is going on in the human system the demon of impure blood strives ati gain victory over the constitution to rain health to drag victims to the grave A rood reliable medicine like hoods sarsaparilla Sarsa is the weapon with which to defend ones belf drive the desperate enemy from the field and restore peace and bodily health tor many years try this peculiar medicine our little boy six years old was sent to school last week for the first time and on his return home asked bia papa who taught the first man djs letters ADVICE TO ans WINSLOWS for is the prescription ol 01 one of the best female nurses and physicians in the united states and hus been used for forty years with never failing success by millions of lor process of teething its value ia incalculable it relieves the child from pain auns cuns dysentery and diarrhoea griping in the bowels and wind colic by giving health to the child it rests the mother price a bottle countryman ta grocer mister do you keep this what dye cal it cheese its all holes and ball grocer oh yes countryman well gamme a pound chunk of it its for my wife ashes very fond of it but as for me by gum I 1 caal oven eat the holes grocer tell your wife to cut the holes out and throw them away BAWLED OCT jones to brown you mind that old buffer brown hes as anaf as a post old buffer mildly there new jones when you speak quietly and distinctly like that I 1 can hear every word its when you bawl at me that I 1 cant catch what you bay YEA sales aaen wanted to sell our special varieties of hardy new fruit and ornamental stock splendid line ol 01 new specialties previous esperie ice not essential to reliable and c men salary or commission will be paid best of references address L L MAY co nurseryman nurserymen Nursery men florists and deeds aea it paul diax law law when baby was side gara bw Castoria she irso a chad cried she mias eh claas to cantoria Cat toria when baw bad iia gt thaia teacher what can yon tell me 0 Mac beths wife little mthm mother bays I 1 about othar bells behind otheir s the agonies of those who from severe alt rheum aro indescribable the cleansing healing purifying influences of hoods sara parilla are unequalled unequal led by any other medicine 1 I take pleasure in hoods tr it has done wonders for I 1 had salt rheum very severely affecting ue over nearly my entire body only those art have suffered from this disease in its worst form can imagine the extent of my affliction I 1 tried many medicines but tailed to receive benefit until I 1 took hoods then the disease began to subside the agonizing itch and pain disappeared and now I 1 am entirely free from tho disease sly blood seems to be thoroughly purified and my general health h greatly benefited LYMAN alley K achurch EC hurch north chicago HL my son had salt rheum on his hands and the calves of his legs so bad that they would crack open and bleed he took hoods sar and Is entirely cured J B TOX sit vernon ohio from to 1 I was seriously troubled with salt rheum tor three and receiving no benefit front medical treatment I 1 decided to try hoods I 1 am now entirely acred of salt rheum my weight im increased arora ibs to ika ALICE SMITH staniford Stani tord conn if you suffer from salt choum or any blood disease try hoods sarsaparilla it im cured many others and will cure you hoods sarsaparilla by C I 1 HOOD CO loreu mas doses ono dollar FIRST BANE city CIT y H paid in capital surplus fund A 0 smoot president 1 JOHN SHARP vice pies 1 JOHN CUUTLER clr r H H cluel S I 1 JOHN C j cashier RECEIVE DEPOSITS PAYABLE OH abny aad sell conlea and domestic ex change collections sent us receive attention and remitted at lowest rates correspondents new york kountze bro san ranc iaco bank salt lafee national bank OPERATIVE cooperative CO CT EMERAL SALT LAKE orn UTAH branch houses at provo abd koda cooperative co operative stores AND THE CrENE EAL PUBLIC ABE TO SELECT THEIR stools to be found in aba of Z 0 vo TT LY 1 alc T ta sait asks city and the ogden provo logan Groc erlea Cro creery ery hardware Hard wara stoves toola implements notions clothing leachet Lea theT findings medicines drus market arises paid for dried trait T PORK VEAL delivery to all parts of the city COOK SCOTT CO CASH PAID FOE BY SNYDER office next door east of dona A cos SUPPLIER READY THOMAS CHILD of Spring rille have on hand monuments and headstones ready for inscriptions at the loet lo boet et prices we get conr Fint Coat and giva our customers the henerita hene fita if any settlement to lehi vill order ahrea or four we will put them w V our bases fabich renders then verr durable pleasant grev alpine n that american forli ay iy marynn where we constantly keep our aw 00 1 hand ordera may be W hs left dflia I 1 ebenezer Ebe heater forfa all |