Show LEGAL in the probate court in and for utah county territory of utah in the matter of he estate ot john II 11 koyle deceased order to chow cause why order of sale ol 01 beal estate should not be anade james W the administrator or the H koyle deceased having filed his petition herein praying for an order of sale af certain of the real estate of aid decedent for ahe purpose therein bet jonh it la therefore ordered by court that all persons interested in the estate 0 said deceased appear before the said probate on alie byth day of march at nn n n in the forenoon of said day at the court room of said probate bonit at the court in provo city county of utah to sh w cause why au order should not lie gi anted to the ald administrator to etl so much of 1 he real estate of the said johnh kakleas Kay leas snail be necessary and tha a copy of this order be published at least conr successive weeks in a nejapa per printed and published in said utah wit in the UTAH N hillry probate judge dated february territory of utah I 1 county ol 01 utah IV L clerk of the probate court of utah conaty territory of utah hereby that the foregoing Is a full true and correct copy of the original order to show cause why order or sale of keal estate should not be made in the estate of john H koyle deceased and now on ale and of record in bay office witness my hand and the seal ot said court this day of february A D VL in the probate court n and for atau chai ty territory ot utah in the matter of the estate ef henry barlow deceased order to show cause why order 0 gale of real estate not be made joseph W buooa executor and elizabeth H barlow the executrix of ahe ladt will and testament of henry barlow deceased having nied their petition herain for an order of sale of certain of the the real estate of said decedent lor the purpose therein set forth II 11 Is therefore ordered by tha juda of said court that al persons interested in ine estate of saia deceased appear before the said pro bale coart on saturday the soth day ot March 10 in the forenoon of said day at the court room of ald probate coart at the court house in provo aits county ol 01 utah to show cause why an order sheala not be granted to the said executors to sell art much of the real estate of the said deceased as shall be necessary and that a copy 0 ibis order be published t least once a week for tour successive weeks in the UTAH a newspaper printed and published in said utah county WARREN N dusenberry probate judge dated february ai 1889 territory of utah couney I 1 V L Halll dav clerk of the probate court of utah county U T hereby certify that the foregoing is a full true and correct copy of the original order to show cause why order of sale otreal estate should not be made in the estate of henry barlow deceased and now on file and of record in fay office witness my hand and the seal of court at my cluce ahli day of february A 1 clerk in tle aprobato court in and tor utah count territory of utah in the matter of the estate ot jens deceased order appointing lime and place for settlement of final account and to bear petition for distribution on and filing th petition ol 01 marinas larson administrator or the estate of jens deceased forth that he lias filed bis final account of his administration upon sud estate in this court that all the debts of said estate bavo been and abata portion ct said estate remains to be divided amons the heirs ot said deceased and praying among other things for an order said final account and ot distribution of the of said estate among the persons n titled it Is ordered that all persons interested in the estate ot the said jens deceased be and appear bedora the county ot utah at the court dooin of said court in the county court house on the day ot march 19 a 10 a da then and alera to show causa why an order allowing said final account and of distribution should not ba made of the arsi estala amona iha heirs ana de visnes of the said jens deceased to law II 11 IB further ordered that th clerk cause copies of this order to be posted in three public places to utah county and published in the UTAH a newspaper printed and circulated m utah county three weeks successively prior to said day of llarch N dusenberry DUSEN BEBRY probate cudse dated february territory bof utah county of utah I 1 V L halladay Halll day cleric of tha probate conn of utan county territory of utah hereby foregoing foree Is a and correct copy of the original order appointing time and place for settlement of final and to hear petition piti tion for als in the estate ot jens deceased and now on file in my office witness my hand and the seal coart at my office this day of february IV cleric |