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Show STiKilES DIP 10 -HM LB PRICES Dealers on Market Row Virtually Vir-tually Give Away Luscious Fruit. r . t ' 1 Strawberries could be had on market row Saturday at. almost any price, ranging- from 20 cents a box down to two boxes for 25 cents. When the berries came on the market two weeks ago the best price was 25 cents the box, and tho i demand was so heavy at that price that most of the merchants put the -fruit on their gtands and bcan cutting the prices. Tho linest oranges on the market are selling at G cents apiece CO cents a dozen doz-en and run as low as 20 cents a dozen. Somo time ago the prices on oranges went up becauso the, packers In California Califor-nia were "bulling" the market and that they made a success of the attempt is evident through the fact that the prices mado have stuck. Eggs are on the market at the same price of 25 and 30 cents a dozen. Butter still sells at 30 cents per pound. Clearing-House Statement. NEW YORK. .Ian. 25.--Thc statement of clearing- house banks'" for iho week shows that the banks hold $37,OG4.TiO0 moro than the requirements of the 25 per cent reserve rule. This is an increase q 14.429,023 In tho proportionate casii reserve, as compared with last week. Tho statement follows: Loans .'. 1,135.500.700 Increase S.892,000 Deposits 1.127.1GS.O0O Increase 30.1)70,000 Circulation . 70,053lf300 Docrease -. S5',100 Legal tenders 6S.6W.S00 Increase 2,45S,400 Specie 250y242.700 Increase ,- 21, 215,500 Reserve- 318.856,500 Increase .xls.. 18.-673,900 Reserve required 251,792,000 Incroaso ...... 9.2I4.S75 Surplus 37,064,500 Increase 14,429,025 Ex. United States deposits.. 51,461,600 Increase . 13,824,350 The Financier will say:' " s The New York banks for tho week ending end-ing January 25 reported an additional gain in sptcic and legal tenders amounting amount-ing to 23.673.900. which makes the gain In cash during the two weeks past approximately ap-proximately 550.000.000. Tho ofiect of this onorrnous cash expansion Iras been to give the New York banks a surplus reserve of ?37t064,500. which Is actuully greater than tho reserve shown in any single week since September 10, 1904. The money gain Is coming for the most part from the Interior, although the drift Into banks of local funds which were hoarded during the panic is still np--patent. Deposits nro now higher than since Juno last. Government deposits in the New l ork Dnnks. stand at $69, 60S. 100, the decrease for Iho week having been $2,418,700. Since the middle of November Novem-ber the New York bunks have ehangedNi deficiency of $54,000,000 Into a surplus reserve re-serve of 37.000,000, indicating a gain; of $91,000,000 in surplus and required reserve In a little over two months. . |