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Show Reported Reconciliation Between Be-tween Gould and Harirman Gives Ray of Hope. WOULD SAVE BOTH AN ENORMOUS AMOUNT Significance of Belated Orders to Begin Work-on 0. S. L. Station. Railroad men arc again talking of a union depot for Salt Lake. The reports from San Francisco that E. IL Ilarriman and George Gould have, at a meeting held in New York, settled the costly fight thc.y have been waging in San Francisco over tho entrance to Hint city of the "Western Pacific and the location of sea board terminals for tho Southern Pacific and Western Pacific and that all differences between the two magnates have been amicably arranged, has started afresh hero the talk of a common depot for the lines of thctt i men running iulo this city. wo fM Tho railroaders argue that if Hnrri. 1 mnn and Gould have gotten toother on Hi Wfl the coa.ct. there is ,,0 reason why 5,5? shouldiv't r.o the same in Salt lAkn I and uiiitcad of each-spending a linl'ilnn or a million and a half dolfars to iS- up separate depots two blocks ,Hnrt A ' Ji here, erect one union depot large cnoiicrli VI to accommodate all the ronds llmt L?i 5 J now, running into the city or that mav 3' run in within the next fifteen years ft isc argued that Ilarriman and Gould W could save about three quarters of i atef million dollnrs apiece if they could ec't :! Pli together on u union depot .proposition i jy A Good Opportunity. -! Such u project has been discussed H fe here pre and con time and again TV whs reported a year or more ago tlnl ' Wt .Ilarriman ami Gould had oven fried to Wpi come to an .agreement on the suhiect 4 3s but had failed. With tho immense ?8' M ing off of business experienced by 'Uu 'rJ&f the railroadH of the country at present i and the retrenchment policies which 3 linve boon put into effect on the ma- vl fiM f .joritv ol the roads, it is only rensonablo ' 3 fife! lo beliVv; that if Gould and Harriraaa I?W couht see their way clear to save a half 3) ? or Ihree-unarlcrs hf n million apiece irC(fe Salt Lake by obtaining depot faciliti .1 W-t that have become an absolute uccessilv -J ftf with born, they would not lose the op- 7 porhuiity. jfe? Meanwhile operations have not been r started nn either the Ilarriman or the Gould .stations. Sites have been pur- " chased for the proposed independent de- i) pots and the Orogoi Short Line poop) 'ii t-& horc have been daily awaiting word 'J s from the Eaat to go ahead on the foun- 1 clations for their station. This word 4 has not been forthcoming and it is a argued that this is rather significant' "a despite the tight money market. - l Developments in tho situation are be-' ing awaited with interest. , ;3 &p |