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Show The Equity Investment Co., ;l (Incorporated.) -1 Alex. A. Robertson, Mgr. H Successor to 'H HOMER ft ROBERTSON, 219 South Main St, REAL ESTATE. LOANS, ' IN8UR- 'H ANCE. ' I : v " ' " i " " ' t ' ' ' ' " , j a j jf j.Our buyer is now visiting the eastern mills. . goods, present stock is being reduced closed 1 I I 1 His purchases will be larger, than in former out in some instaiices. . . -. . iff I j! If qj-The department will fcoon occupy, .one of the fc KndPlh h ' j 1 1 J tl n And soon new merchandise will beg-in arriving. q A sde!" therefore, on .the floor below' meets al-' ' '' H. I If Ik Prior to the change and the arrival of new ways with hearty response-. - ' '. : - gy. 4 fW4 W ' j; Unusual Reductions on Carpets. Ttese Handsome Lace Curtaius Excellent Reductions in Rugs A Few of tlie Many Articles Handled by j2 I Hi I Prices Include Lining, Making A discount oJt 20 per cent wiU be made on the en- "Wiltons, i)x"12 $50.00 and $60.00 lor $-12,50. , Our House Furniskmg Depart- ES5 fl gjjL ancl Laying ire stoclo of lace curtains inchuVing brusspl renais- Vol vols. 9x12 $32.50 ai.d $33.50 for $24.75.' ment on tlie Floor Below "' ' ' I ''It & . sjuioo and notlinpriinm. Tlie stock is now and the pat- - Tapestry, 0x12 $25.00 for $.19.7."). ' . T h ,. . ni h f Ri-rainpi-5 fall kinflO Ep iftr I Ml ll Ztoffv:ASf and U,rocWir lots wiUbcdoscd ' TUor, 0xn-18.00 for : Beater lgWps To'i-el Bara (metal oiuf woocf) I .-il yTwl AYilton velvets -V-UU ana...Jo a yaici .Lor !?j..uo. , .out a ha t nrices - . ,r ir, , a ,n , , n i rr- t m if u I f H Vch--tt.GS a yard for $1.2o. tf . Big PucfioBS on Braes cni Iron Bed, Forte, Toastag forks. Oako Turns, Pot CTcanm. M A ill Volvels-1.35 a yard for $1.00. . ' SO to 50 discount on .entire stock or portieres 8 T)lew be(lli ave the bc5t Aade They arc -of haud; Po a 0 M"'"; me??- Spoons tm, ffl 4" iMM t i o 9- vivri -Pni fi' r ' nidUL. uiLoinuuu mctal uiid gruiulc) . Iron ITandles. Wood Spoons, Flour UflWjV M mj 'I Wfliw civets pi.-j a .iu ioi odc. m y m i ti some pattern and fine finish.- A discount of 25 per Qir,vno -pn p;n- Ricrnif "Rnari-f Plinnninn- T?owU Snip WW iH Wl Tapestry-$1.15 ancl $1.25 a yard for 90c. Closing Out Oriental Rugs on tlie Floor Cwit is offered - bic cs, Boll 1 11 s, biscuil Boai W "II 5' tr ,n 4 n ,-n,.i f..-7r, t) 1 ont'i . t Cabmcts. AY ash Boards, Sink Brushes. Cooking Ket- cr M 11 1- Tanestry 9o cents a vard ror foe. Heiow ; ' s 5 ,, -r" m ' , c? tt i i tt H III fflflk - - . . x h'ta' 1 'rr1 1 tt 'm: ' 0llse -Traps, Lemon Squeezers. Hatchets, Ham- I 1 1 (flilH New Slii ment of Linoleum 1 e lavc a or'onl,as 'n ,'s department which All rvmds o.i:. Cooking Utensils . mcrs, Tacks. Food Choppers, Lunch Boxes. Roasting mu I Iuim ' ' "le cosec' 0111 a nau? prices and less. Among Lhem Graniteware, Tinware. Chinaw'uro. Jarcjinicrs, Bas- Iaus. Children's Bath Tubs. Lamp Burners. Corn Pop- plim! ' I JJgH The .very. newest patterns are shown. Special ' are Persians. Indias and Durrihie in-sizes 9x12, 7.6x kcts, Toilet Paper. Dusters. A .fine assortment of nickel pers,. Floor AVax, Can Openers, Chums, Sleeve Boards, " j M H'iCeS 0110 VrCCk" ' 10 G' JilKl 36 inches 1,y 72 inches- plated Teakettles, Coffee and Teapots. Silverware. Floor Brushes. Shoe Brushes. - . . S 0Jimm 27-INCH ALL-SILK BAGDAD$----THE ' ' a c. : oi p '. ' M I iLS POPULAR ROUGH SILK SUITING v . Ix strong Dhoc Feature ' g I h '" IMSMi 07 7 i 7 7 "7 ' 7 7 ' A feature for tlie week will be some sample $3.50 to $5.00 I I A Mm, ' Swn m aLl staple and dmrable emnmg at$2.. ja.fiaf ffl I ll if JWlFilSi 6S: Gldm and leather browns, . navy, $350 anJ $400 gradcs w bWW lttHpn clotll an3 k;d M ' H""538 r0y0l C0Pmha9m blueS) redS- Pinks, . topa; Tte SWs are graceful in style and class in every -H W 'i W Sr r'-rr grayS, Old rOSe, natural and.Uadk. ChOCe, 95C respect. Special care in fitting the shoe properly. W : I PRICES IN BOYS' GLOTfflTS -VIE AN" LIVELY SELiIng"nEXT WEEK" ! I Tke department for toys clotkmg and girls apparel lias long teen crowded. After the completion of improvements the department will nave ample room. I 1 1 um In tlie meantime, boys clothing is temg sold at prices exceedingly attractive lower tKan mothers ever tougftt them-at tefore. Aj H ' 1 V W styes are aon8 t3-orei lines; tne materials fine and long-wearing, wkile the workmanship is the very test. . V I a WM Bos' Straight and Knickerbocker Suits $j q Another line i'ri the same styles. Regular far- f Babies' White Wool Leggings, with or -rg Bovs' $1.25 Trousers in corduroy and wW ;H I' in mixtures and blue serges. Special. . .c.p JO. $6.50 to $12.00. Special... ob.DU wj thou I feet. $1.50 values for .. , L DC ' mixtures, for . .' '..'.,:.. I H)C Wj ' I M A , . , JBiaL -dlSM |