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Show " CARD SYSTEM HIE OF C1TET18 Small Chance of Police Bill Passing Nevada Legislature With out; Concession. CARSON. Nev., dan. 2.1. There was a short session of the Senate this morning, morn-ing, but nothing in ihe -way of Jaw-' making was undertaken ns the Governor stated that no message jwonld bo, submitted sub-mitted until the police jueasure is settled. set-tled. The Senate (hen adjourned until Monda3' at 11 o'clock. ' Naturally the talk in the lobbies and I about tho hotels has turned to tlie ques-I ques-I tion now confronting the Legislature, the action of the Mine Owners' association associa-tion relative to the withdrawing of the ' card system. r The "impression is general that the police po-lice measure will never cpnie to a vote until thjs question is settled. Should the mine owners refuse to withdraw the ' system, the police bill will probably meet its death in committee anil never ' be presented for a vote. I Must Abolish Card System. A poll of the Assembly during the I pa&i. uay nowh mm Lucre is a ncavy majority in favor of the withdrawing of the card system, and that the nieni-j nieni-j bcrs are further pledged to hold up I the police bill until this quest ion is sct-I sct-I tied. ! Colonel Spraguc of the Goldlield ! Chamber of Commerce has advised the ! i mine owners of the situation and the j i! matter is solely in their hands. Congressman Baitlett lias publicly seated that he stands wilh the miners in regard lo the abolishing of the card , , system, but lie regrets I hat it lias urisen j at this time, as it may impede the pas- j j sage of the 'police bill! which, he states, is not a local measure but drafted for the benefit of the State in general, j Others who are equally interested have j openly stated that, while tlrcy regret i the action of the miners at Ihe present 1 (critical moment, yet I hey stand with i them in the general principle involved. The supporters of the bill are anxiously I awaiting the action from headquarters j of the mine owners at Goldlield. J |