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Show Christian Minister Starts Off New Year With Good Resolutions The wedding of Bv. Albert Buxlon, pastor of the Central Christian church, and .Miss Teresa .Sofia Strom will take place, Wednesday evening, ilanuary 1, at S o'clock. Tho service, will be, conducted con-ducted by the Kev. AV. M. Paden, pastor of the First Presbyterian church, at tho Christian church, Third East and Fourth South. Dr. Huston came to Salt Lake from , Canton, Mo., vhcro ho was dean of tho Christian university, Vre-viousby he was pastor at. Xorfolk. Va., and president of the Texas Christian university. Miss Strom returned from a tour of 'u rope last summer. She is a graduate of Mount. Pleasant university and has been a teacher in tho public schools of this city and in the Sunday-school of tho First Presbyterian church. Tho happy pair first, became acquainted Avhon Miss Strom joined Dr. Buxton '3 Spanish class last fall, |