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Show pURT CALENDARS ARE i TABULATED FOR 1907 j j ' ' r County Clerk J. J. Eldrcdgo. Jr., has : Ljrtparfd a statement showing the busl- s s In his office for the year 1907, as 1 AComjarcd with the business of tho prc-j prc-j j Xt4tg year. The statement followa: i ' 1906. 1007. 5 .Uw nnd equity r-i cafes filed 077 3.056 J Criminal cases filed. 171 101 !r&!bllc casce filed.. 30S 315 .Probata cases han- i, "JN r 1,231 l.sir, mant case." IK! 5S lAltrriosfj licenses is- M 1.S32 2.1S0 pDivorca cages filed . 273 315 ICliarl.ty cases tiled.. 183 00 SrE 5U7.017.2S 531,172.77 |