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Show NOTICE OF ASSESSMENT. i jKjj Raymond-Illinois Mining company. WBA Principal place of business. Salt Lake j Hffr City. Utah. Mines at Eureka, Utah. j Mm Notice Is hereby given that at a moet- J vtta7 incr of thc board of directors of tho Bay- j ffifflg moud -Illinois Mining company, duly held ! flJr, December 12. 1907. an assessment of one- a$En half of a cent per share per month, for ' BmEk three month?, y.'as levied on tho outstand- WBf lng cnplttd stock of the corporation, paya- I In Rj hie to M. B. Johnson, at Room 506, Allan j 1 MR block, as follows. IM l One-half cent per sharo, payablo lm- : mj WL mediately. Any stock upon which thin aj iT Kssessmcnt may romaln unpaid on tho f R liUt day of January, J.90S, will bo dolln- liiS fr qucnt and advertlsod for sulo at publla f Jill W auction, and unless payment Is inailo b ,1 f BL fore, will be sold on the 30th day of Jan- j Hoi ffi nary, 1908, to -pay the delinquent assess- ' HiUfti ment. together with the cost of advor- J IfflHjfRl Using and expense of salo- BhOT. One-half cent per share shall bo pay- ( BWny, able on tho 1st day of February. 190S. f Itjialllfl Any stock upon which this assessment 1 Itlffjfti may remain unpaid on the 2nd day of J Mfkln March, U'OS. will bo dollnqucnt and ad- f HjMUf' vertlsed for sale at public auction, nnd, ' Hlfw unless payment is mado before will jB IrUHa sold on tho lSlh day of March, 130S, lo ' iiif- pay tho delinquent assossrnont, togothsr 1 Jto.f'. with tho cost of advertising and oxpenso B liiM" 0fOna-haK cent per charo shall bo pay- wBdP' ablo on the 19th day of March, JOOS. BflLBlfJ Anv stock upon which this nsaossmont iKKlHnli m a V remain unpaid on the 18th day of JlmlHw April, 1908, will be delinquent and ad- isllllnrt' veirtised for sale at public auction, and 'nirDf unices payment Is made before, will lift lllU'JfjtKr aold on the lib day of May, 190S. to pay llifrfjfl thc delinquent assessment, together with Hfmufffj tho cost of advortlslng and expense of AillfiSt': sale. J. C. LYNCH. ffilRfflff Secretary Rayinond-Illlnojs Mining - JJ; 1 v |