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Show I Finds us still making1 medicines, which our family has been doing for more than half a century. It is our business to make medicines; and we congratulate congratu-late ourselves, at the beginning of another year, that our painstaking efforts to make the best medicines have been, from the first, rewarded by an appreciative public. Always pure, safe and beneficial, no changes have been necessary in Hood's Sarsaparilla or any of our other medicines medi-cines to comply with the Pure Food and Drugs Act practically anticipated by us years ago, in the origination of our formulas. In merit, sales and cures, Hood's Sarsaparilla has far surpassed all other medicines, and the abiding confidence of the people in it is the strongest proof of its unequalled merit as a great blood-purifier, stomach, liver and kidney remedy. After being before the public more than a quarter of a century, its wonderful power to cure all blood diseases, to create a good appetite and dispel that tired feeling, and the confidence of the people in its merit, are demonstrated by the fact that in recent years it has received more testimonials than ever before 40,366 in two years, by actual count. No other medicine has held so prominent a position in the medicine world for so long a time. No other medicine possesses so great merit nor effects such marvellous cures. Grateful for your past patronage and soliciting a continuance con-tinuance thereof, we are, Very truly yours, C. I. HOOD CO., Lowell, Mass. None better made Vienna Walnut Bread. Ask your grocer for it. For Over Fifty Years. I An old and well triod remedy, Mrs. j Winslow's Soothing Syrup, lins beon : use for over fifty years by millions of j mothers for their children while teeth-t teeth-t ing, with perfect success. It soothca J tho child, softens tho ffumSj allays all pain, euros wind colic and is tho bejt remedy for diarrhoea. Sold by drug-pistd drug-pistd In every part of tho world, be euro to ask tor Mrs. Win3low'a Sooth' iujj Syrup. Vienna Bakery, , Makers all kinds of Bread. Ask jour i grocer for it. 1 S h II may keep their strength. j '; ; - 1 For the weak that they ( 1 ' M may regain their strength. M ' ) For the young that they j v ' may grow in strength. y ; I Uneeda Biscuit 1 f , l- 11) the most nutritious food made w v M from wheat. W 3 I Clean, crisp and fresh . m SiP n mosture and . ' vj j I NATIONAL BISCUIT COMPANY ML J r , Good Printing. Tribune-Reporter Ptg. Co., 66 W. and So. St. FROM THE ANTILLES. 1 t Chamberlain's Cough Remedy Benefit a City Councilman at Kings- ' J ton, Jamaica. I Mr. W. O'Reilly Pogarty, Kho is " member of tho City Council at Kiai ton, Jamaica, Wcat Indies, rrriics as, follows: "One bottle of Chamberlain 'a I Cough Remedy had good effect on a cough that wa3 giving nio trouble ani I think I' should have been more quiet ly relieved if I had continued tho rec-cdy. rec-cdy. That it was beneficial and qutci in relieving mo tiiere is no loubt ari it is my intention to obtain anotbii bottle." For sale by all drusists. i i Tribune W?.n Ads. i Bell phone 5201. Ind. phono 360-311 ' I fSIBm ' TEE C0MMAND MS Em GIVENCLEAR THE DECKS! MpflPp H ' '0fM OUR AVIXTEl 8T0CK OF MEX'fcJ, BOYS AXD CHILDREN'S CLOTHING AND FURNISHINCfS must be closed out RE- 'llfl I i GARDLESS OF COST OR PROFIT, to make room for our magaificeut spriug line now ou route from the IMPORTERS and MANU- 'jllf fl' jf S I )JwAMw Our CUSTOMERS know what it means when ROWE & KELLY CO. have a, sale. We have built up our magnificent business by li4W& I H 1 M3SIM! doing business on tile square. ' 0kWMWw l H fMM-WA This sale is the great bargain offering of the season. Consider the value we give at regular price, then take 1-4. 1-3 and 1-2 off:, and :SpcS t 1 'nS&'Wi ' the winter season only fairly commenced; lilR I r ts, I m I Friiicetoii Suits Boys' mi CliiSdrci-s Salfe Bl Reducliosis In Our Celebrated! I. 1 and Overcoats mi Overcoats 1-3 Off ' K Wool Underwear Faultless Shirts j i itnv:-lmtM $6 00 Suits sale $1 50 I 1 915.00 value for. $9.50 $J2.00 foy SM $o'.00 Suits sal. . '. '. '. '. '. ! '. ! ! ! '. '. '. '.$3.75 Rmini If of $20.00 value for $13.50 ' $10.00 for , : . . .$6.75 WtefS $4.00 Suits sale $3 00 OlTOiiaCIft ILOfio.. I $25.00 value for '. . ...... . .$18.50 $9.00 for : ..i ZV?&. . . . .$6.00- $3.00 Suits sale . . . . . .$2.25 ' BMi PffCC! ' 1 $30.00 value for $20.00 $7.50 Cor .. .:, .Vv .. r.-. $5.00 te:K'!P-ffl $2.50 Suits sale $1.90 I $35.00 value for $22.50 $6.00 for . .;,.$4:0O $2.00 Suits sale $1.50 $2.00 values for I $5.00 for :::$3.35 auirs nwxB,. $150 valufis 4or Too ; I Men's Odd PaBtS, One- -g-OO for .$2.65 1 ' MCH'S Soft Olid Stiff DatS $1-00 values for 50c Fourth Oil : $3.50 values -...$2.50 - i : I AHHoMdaySnspenflerSilk SS SSS ! :'; ! ! : : :: ! i : : : : " ' " "g Men's and Boys' Sweaters j I Men's Fancy Vests, One- Mufflers, SHk Handkerchief $i.so values $1.15 One-Thard OH - I .Third OH. SO Per Cent oH. . K " ..ct ; 1 are disappoiutod with any bargain here, our purse string hangs out with money wmt? J wk it you want it. ' ' I 132-134 SOUTH MAIN ST. , J |