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Show WHEELER VEIN HAS HELD IIS STRENGTH Splendid Chute Is Rewarding Company as Work Is Rushed Ahead. Having followed the vein for thirty-seven thirty-seven feet along its strike, and with all indications pointing to the samo continuing con-tinuing for some timo to come in all its richness and extent tho officials of tho Wheeler Cold Mines company arc convinced con-vinced that tho permanency of the property near Yerington has been reasonably rea-sonably established. Charles D. Rook-lidgc. Rook-lidgc. a member of the Wheeler official family, returned Tuesday morning from tho property, and he stated to The Tribuno that he found everything fully up to expectations. The value of the ores is being maintained faithfully, while the drifts both ways show no indication of the chuto weakening in extent. Another good symptom being displayed dis-played by this new find is the fact that as work proceeds tho three-foot chute is found to extend both up and down, which would lead those at tho helm to expect at least a continuation of present conditions, if not an Jmprovc-mont, Jmprovc-mont, as depth is gained. This ore is shipping grade, most of which will run in tlio vicinit3T of $1(500 to the ton in gold and a small amount of silver. Tho companj' is going ahoad with development develop-ment work as rapidly as possible, and a shipment soon is due in the local market. Whon asked about tho Yerington Copper property, of which Mr. Rook-lidge Rook-lidge is manager, he stated that the company was working and not talking. Tho officials arc confident in tho merits of the group, and while ore is being developed both in tho shaft and tunnel, the company is bending every energy upon making a big nfinc of the property. prop-erty. In the shaft depth is being attained at-tained at the rate of two and a half feet per day. This working is now 120 feet deep, and the 200-foot level will be gained by August 1. Mr. Rook-lidge Rook-lidge stated that this development work was progressing smoothly and along the best hues, and he preferred the results at the logical moment to speak for themselves. Both tho Wheeler and the Yerington Copper companies aro Salt Lako organizations, organ-izations, and both aro worth' of the confidence that stockholders place in them. |