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Show MAN FROM HI WANTS HIS HORSES Took Tip From Salt Lake Hypnotist, but It Didn't Work. N Stophon L. Voorhoos, a recent arrivnl from Manti, missed a couple of horses from his Salt Lako corral Sunday morning morn-ing and has since that time haunted the police, tho sheriff and all his deputies, depu-ties, whom ho has commanded to run down and restore him his lost, strayed or stolen team. A.i elforts to find a traco of them havo, tip to tho present time, provod unavailing. Monday afternoon Voorhoos ran afoul of a steercr for a hypnotic fakir on Second South streot, and was promptly taken into camp. Tho hypnotist astounded as-tounded Mr. Voorhccs bv tolling him all about his nnst lifo and wound up by informing him that his missing horses could be found in a pasture about live miloH southeast of the city. The Manti man hurried to police headquarters and insisted that Mounted Policeman .Jim Taylor accompnny him to the far-away pasture and recover his wandering steeds .Tim at first demurred, de-murred, but it was no use. Voorhccs insistou that, as tho hypnotic man had been unfailing in his description of tho minutest details of his past lifo, ho miiBt bo infallible in tho location of his oquincs. Taylor finally yieldod, and tho two spent tho greater portion of tho day scouring the country southoast of tho city. jSo pastures "or grazing grounds or the section escaped tho vigilant vigi-lant Taylor, but tho whereabouts of tho Voorhoos horses is as much a mystery uh ever. Tho hypnotic man was wrontr for once, and even the credulous man from Manti is willing to admit it. |