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Show Sale on men's suits at Dosky'a. Those who suggested a new name for H, Calder's park will be interested in the announcement to be made there Wednesday, August 3, at f) p. m. i j LAGOON'S BIRTHDAY. Special baseball train at 3 p. m. League game, Ogdcu vs. Salt Lake. Sale on men's suits at Dcsky's. SUMMER EXCURSIONS Via Orgon Short Line. Dally, Juno 1 to Scptembor 15, 1006, from Salt Lako City: Portland or Spokane and return (via Huntington), $42.00. San Francisco and return via Ogden and S. P. both ways, 542.00. San Francisco and rtilurn via Portland Port-land one way, $55.50, Loo Angeles and return via Ogdcc and S. P. both ways, 550.00. Los Angeles and return via Portland one way. 5G3.50. Proportionately low rates from other points. Final return limit of tickets, October 31. See agents for further particulars. City ticket office, 201 Main Bt. MINNEAPOLIS EXCURSIONS August 9th and 10th, Via Oregon Short Line-Union Pacific. Only -pSn.OO for the round trip from Salt Lake. Proportionately low rates from other stations. Sco agents for further details. City ticket office, 201 Main street, English Ale on Draught at .Reagan's bar, No. 237 South Main, MINNEAPOLIS EXCURSIONS August 9th and 10th, Via Oregon Short Line-Union Pacific. Only S39.D0 for tho round trip from Salt Lalto. Proportionately low rates from other stations. See agents for furthor details. City ticket office 201 Main St. 1 GARDNER DAILY STORE NEWS. j L A v Ci OCCUR SOMETIMES 4 I A OUR. PRICED, BUT fVEVER f sXX J IN THE! QUALITY STYLE V fSL J'4k OR F1V5H of MY Of j I oUR- GOODS DEAR, J lfryMw BROTHERS 8c SISTERS I 1 CETTHVGS WHERCYbu I WlPlm ' GET THEH RIHT. - I -" CaFVKTcnr iooc, bv tuc nuiTCR PH.OWN co. cmcftco. No. 23. J j j Do the merchants who advertise all of the time 1 I that they will sell you goods below cost really mean it? Of course not. . j How could they and keep it up. It's not arithmetic. But you can understand, can you not, how that, at I this season of the year, when summer business is nearly over, a legitimate store may wish to close out j many lines which they have bought too many of, or j lines which would be almost a total loss if carried j over to the next season. I You remember Lincoln once said: "You may fool j some people all the time, but you can't fool all the j people all the time." Yet there are intelligent firms j who think they can do it. ! And they are always wondering why they have ; u only the small "some" of the people as patrons. j Right goods, right prices and right treatment of ; I ALL the people ALL the time has been, is, and shall j IB be our aim. j Do YOU think it right? Most people do. SfCE J. P. GARDNER, I The Quality Stors. I Would Scratch anrl Tear the Flesh i Unless Hands Were Tied Wasted ! to aSkeleton Awful Sufferingfor Over a Year Grew Worse Under .Doctors Skin Now Clear. WOULD HAVE DIED BUT FOR CUTICURA, "My little eon, when about a year and a half old, began to have sorea ooms out on lus face. I had a pliy- siclan treat him, jgTW but tho eorcs grew wNffj -worse. Then they y . ?! began to come on cj jt i&l his amis, then on L I otner parts of hia body, and then one Y$y --vks-X cmne on h5 chest, jiwAvV 'worse than tho VWWNm ot,bcr8' Then I call-ed call-ed another physician. physi-cian. Still he grewworfc. At the end of about a year and a half of suffering he grew so bad I had to tic his hands In cloths at night to keep him from scratching thesorcs nnd tearing theficsh. "He got to be a mere skeleton, and was hardly able to walk. My Aunt advised mo to try Cuticura Soap and Ointment. So great was her faith in It that she gave me n small piece of Soap to try and a little of the Ointment. Oint-ment. I took it home without any faith, but to please her I tried it, and it seemed to dry up tho Eorcs a little. "I sent to tho drug store and got a cake of the Soap and a box of tho Ointment and followed the directions, and at tho end of about two menths the sores were all well. He has never had any sorc3 of any kind since. " He is now strong and healthy, nnd I can sincerely say that only for your most wonderful remedies my precious child would have died from those terrible sores. I used only one cake of Soap and about three boxes of Ointment. (signed) Mrs. Egbert Eg-bert Sheldon, R. P. D No. 1, Wood-yille, Wood-yille, Conn, April 22, 1905." Complete E-rlemil mil Intemt! Trtmrot for Ertry Huinoi, (rora limpid to Scroltila, rrom Infancy to Ace, Contlillng of Cuticura. Soap, He., Ointment, JOc, RetoU vtnUMc. (In form of Chocolatt Coatril ril!i,3c pcrrlij of 60), my b had uf alldruKliU. A (lnclc act often cimc, Poller Drug tChcituCorp-, bolt rropt., JJoilon. sartlMiua Fjo-," llov to Gun Utb; Uumon." DRUNKENNESS CURED Tl?i!( a Positive and per-Wv'tVOi per-Wv'tVOi mationt cure for i'ej-jJ?P w drunkenness and I KSPg5S3 drug addictions. tfibSnnl'J Til Pi IMP Branch - Parent frvTr-pty-ramriilil Houho, D wight. III. ZzL Correspondence confidential. con-fidential. KEELEY INSTITUTE, tii W. ft. Temple St.. Salt Lako City. Utah. I IMPORTERS B Wo are going to let you sen tho beauties or the world very cheap. Our prices for sight ncelng glasses will convince you. COLUMBIAN OPTICAL CO. 2S9 Main Street. ! Stores at Denver. Kansas City. Omaha. Portland. Dallas. SEE WOODRUFF FOR WALL PA? ER 70 East Third South. KKEP COOL and order your new Suit from O. M. LEWIS. The Reliable Re-liable Merchant Tailor. Wo can snve von the price of an outiim. DO IT NOW. CC-C7 Commercial block. Thones. 003-25 Doll. 81G Ind. ! SEWING MACHINES And ; SUPPLIES RENTING. REPAIRING, WHITE OFFICE. West First Gouth. j I Stenographic Bureau Public Stenographers T. S. Pondergaat. Manager. ! Main office 1 Dooly block. Phones- 9 Ind.. 005, Boll. 31)42. Branch olllcc I 17 W. 2nd South. Phones Ind,, GC; I Bell. 3S01 I NEW 'sTORE im-im hot st. 9 tiMVrV 4lnttl find Bhould know N!,-KtwTi,"T.-P11 Ronvonlem. SS"" vW'ifjT ,,-'e1, laJtaxi;, fikjosr dnmUtrorll. Yft,-';idfi? xS UABVKL, nocopt no Jrti, WljPj-r other, but tend ump for , vri VAlunblo wUulea. MAnVEi. ro &ill!iii;,.. IS 1'or sale by R J. Hill Drug Co.. P. C. Schramm, Charles Van Dyko and Godbo PM.ts Drug company. TEMPLE OF MUSIC. 9 'TIS NO LONGER I "CAN YOU j AFFORD IT?" j But can you longer afford to deprive your family of tlio ploasuro of a Piano in the house? i An oasy matter to possess ; ono of tho finest of inatru- t monts on tho easy-payment, f fair-prico plan, j 1 CARSTENSEN I S & ANSON CO. j 74 S. Main St.. j CASTILLA I SPRINGS I on the Eio Grande Railroad ( Tho finest hot springs In the coun- m try. An Ideal resort for rost and r, S honlth Under new management. 4 Everything now and up-to-date, c t Special attention given tlio culalne. 4 f. Chicken and trout dinners end all j P the market affords. P Thirty Room Hot:l ; fc Well Furnished J w, i h Music dally. J f Special rates to famlliop m Hallroad faro, $2.00 ronnd trip Li Sunday a npoclal rato of 31.25 for E. j round trip. K For furthor Information addross, J K M'OEAN & JOHNSON, V g Froprn. Vienna Cafo, j G Provo, Utah. MEW Anthracite, deliv- i ered direct from the Mine J i to the Consumer, at $9.00 per ton until further notice. Bamberger CoaS Co. 161 Meighn Street. ?Phone 2000. We're so proud of Muresco finish that we've filled the window win-dow with it. We could fill this whole page telling tell-ing of the good things it will do. Try it once on your walls and ceiling; ! you'll know. Morrison, Merrill & Co. 28 Main St. NO MOSQU1TOS. N'0 SALOON Upper Falls 9 Summer Resort MOST BEAUTIFULLY SITUATED RESORT IN STATE. The Ideal Family Outing Place Amonc the pines In the heart of beautiful Provo canyon, between Upper Up-per and Bridal Veil falls. Along the famous TROUT STREAM, tho Provo river, whero the air and water Is puro. clear and fresh from tho snow-capped mountain peaks. Export chef in chnrRo of cuisine, Rio Grande railroad station. Long distance 'phone. Rotes reasonable. Addtesi J.. L. DON'NAN, Prop.. PROVO. U7.AH. DIAMONDS 8 We carry loose and set stones of all klndd. ring, ?arr!njr, stud mounllncs, etc Buy your diamonds loose and oeo ust what you're paylnc for. Diamonds and special ordor work me our specialties. Let us talk to you on these nnd uny other subjects sub-jects Jn our line. "Wo guarantee Futlsfactloo. J. F. BOES, 259 So. Main St. THE LAGOON ROAD SALT LAKE AND OGDEN RAILWAY. Timo Tahlo in Effect .May 30, 1906. Salt Lako, Lv. 0, 9, 11 a. in., 2, 4, G 7 a p. m. 1 ' vine' six trains run through to Kays- Extra, Lagoon to Kaysville. 10:00 n m (Sunday 8:nu p. m.) p'm' Lagoon, Lv. 7, 10, 12 a. m., 3, 5. 7 n 10:30 p. m. (Sunday 9:30.) Sunday; nnd holidays special throurh traius to Lagoon al 3 and 5 p. m. No. -J From Ordcn m,i Omaha, St. Lou.ic.n'wfo, Hf and Donvcr maj Cltr 9 Ho. 14 Prom Mumviii." V' V Anthony. ltaho Wk foul, Pocatcllo, ogden S JM 'fll tymicdlnte point Bnd '-J!P Ho. B From Otrdcn p"..i s'lmL ho. 0 Irom Oidoii anil'i-" Hfi mediate poIntH Inttr. ; No. 12 From Ozcn"cX' ley. Mala.1. vST Cl&'JSJf1- Wi tornicdinto poinu d in Wit No. 18 From Cliica-n" rt. I Oedcn and olhcr pu0a,M Louis. Kansas Cltv IJouvflr and San Frau'ciiro b,,,!B No. 10-From Ode, C V.Y'M ley. Kuttu. Porllnid and 8,1' M No. 5 For Ogdon. 0,21" ChI.W cago. Denver, Kansa City . IB St. Louis ,y 14M No. 7 For Octlcn. " inVV'K Butto San F'mo M tormciliato poinl-i a " ? No. 1 For Ogdon. Otiahs. ' CM rago. Denver Kansas nfi' M fat. Louis nnd San FraneitV ' K No 11 For OBdcn. Coch" Malad Park Cily a,,d fn feM modinto points .... " B No. 17 For Oedon. Oraahi, Ch.-!m ctK nnd othor points -Jfl No. 3 ror Osdcn, Dfnvcr"k"'.'' W siricKr-0mnKai st & av "in0Tda0hfltPtt'l thony Mnrysvillo nnd inle"'lB mediate points ... , No. 0 For Oe.lon, CcnViY.M ley. Ilutto. Ilulena, PomI. " M San I-rnnc.ico and iniermj: dlnto points . BrRfj-ET. G 9 D. S. SPKXCER, A. City Tickot Office, 201 Main Telophono 250. -H N'oto. The train number! ihoWH Orecon Sliort Lino train nonben ifl apply to tho Southern PaciCc vmIS or tho fnion Pacitic east thereof fl -YELLOWSTON'E PARK TwM 'B LEAVE SALT LAKE CliS No. 10 For richer, Proro iaj"B No. 19 For 0den? No. 112 For Umgliara No. 102 For Park City No. G For Denver nd Eut,3H N'o. 11 P'or Ogdon No. 5 For Ogden and 'Weil...H No- 1 For Ocden and Vnt.,.TB No. 113 For Bingham ... No. 2 For Donvcr and Eut,.,'M No. 8 For Provo and TintIe.;;M No. 13 For Ogden . . No. 20 For Denver and Eat.. S No. 4 For Donvcr and Ent.fH NO. 3 For Otrrlmi An.l WtSt. lJB ARRIVE SALT LAKE CvM No. 19 From Denver ami Eait?jH No. 6 From Ogdcn and WeitjB No. 12 From Ogdon . . No. 7 From Tinlic and Ptoro.lH No. 5 From Denver sad Eut-jH No. 113 From IWnghsm No. 1 From Denver aad IittaS No. l-l From Ogden 'rl No. 2 From Ogdcn and Wtri.tH No. 101 From Pnrk City jfl No. 115 From Bingham . .,,H No. 9 From Prnvo. Heber an4j No. 20 From Ogdcn No. -1 From Ogdcn anil Wut"M No. 3 From Denver nnd Eait.lH All trains except -N'o 5. I, 3, t, iS nnd 20 stop at intcrmodlatc pclctfH Ticket otTicc, Dooly block. 'Phfjfl I A. BENTON', G.B RAILRH CURRENT TIME TABLKM DEPART DAILY. jM No. 7 Los Angeles Limited... JS No. 1 Lo-s Angeles ExpreM ..;tH No. CI For Stockton and TinlitAM No. 63 For Ncphi and Sua No. 53 For Garfield No. 61 For Xephi and Lynn...i-B ARRIVE DAILY. -H No. 3 Los Angeles Limited Ifl No. 2 Los Angolcs Express . No. 62 From Lynn and Ner4H No. 51 From Garfield No. 66 From Nepbi and San PeltJM No. 64 From Nephl L' JB No. 52 From TinMc and Stock.B Finest Dining Car Service in'jfl Onlv direct lino to Los Angela. W nections for Nevada mining campt'J CITY TICKET OFFICE, 169 "Phones 1936. J. H- BCKTM District PantntKjM COLOEADO-UTAH SHOBt iM ST. LOUIS. 'V fl Through car. Salt Lake C".- and Kansas City. Oulv York, BufTalo and principal poiw rates for summer .travel. inM Especial altention to UdiM Tourist sleepers thronBh Vj3 ton and other puin.s without Two trains daily. ,n3 pH Iniiuiru nt ticknt olhce. i ,loa Salt Loko City. Any n'Sl g.TP.. &MT. A., Missouri Trttm TRAINS TO SALTAtt 1 Snlt l-ako. T.OQlW 10:30 a. m. 3;S0flH 3:00 p.m. 5:30fl l:00p.m. 6:30H 6:00 p.m. g30gj 8:00 p.m. lO:30Pll 9:00 p.m. u:S0PhH -10:00 p.m. Sunday last trnm lo" ,'jm Sundny lost train leaves e jam P" Depot First South nnd FS Streets. r.vn TRIP. 'MM FARE FOR R0UGFbBDM |