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Show DUCK CREEK HAS I mm IRKS David Keith Returns Impressed With Resources of This New District. SILVER-LEAD VALUES RUN VERY HIGH Success Company Prepares to Begin Diligent Work on H, Their Property. H David Keith returned Sunday from a H sorcral days' Inspection of mining and H railroad conditions of tho Ely region, and reports that thoro is every reason H to anticipate an early season of activity and prosperity for practically all White H Pino county. Mr. Keith was accompanied J by D. C. McDonald, tho original locator and present manager of tho Succosb H group of properties with which Senator Kcarns nnd Mr. Keith have idontlflod H themselves. I The Success group is located in tho I Duck Creole torrltory, and Mr, Keith has every confidence in the successful out-como out-como of this proporty nnd district. Ho , stated Monday that tho district had every enr-mnrk of becoming a great sllvor-lead sllvor-lead producer, and ho llkos tho looks and oharactor of tho ores thero better than anything seen for a long time. Tho Success Suc-cess group roccntly was the scene of an Important strike, flno vnlues of lead, silver sil-ver and gold being oncountored upon tho property. The Success company has been busy for some tlmo In placing their proporty in Bhapo for nctlvo development work. Tho air connections nro made, and the mlno Is In condition at present for tho Installation In-stallation and oporntlon of a first-class equipment tho company has ordorcd. This equipment will Includo everything os-scntlal os-scntlal to quick and efficient work, and a saw mill of a capacity sufficient to meet all Uio company's noods Is included. Mr. Keith states that there Is nn ample timber tim-ber supply on tho property, and that a supply was being harvostod at the present pres-ent time. Mr. Keith was greatly Impressed with the possibilities of the Ely roglon. That It will moke ono of tho greatest. If not the greatest, copper camps in tho world Is his opinion. Tho Xovnd.i Northern i Railroad company Is making splendid progross in constructing their road Into Ely, and with this groat avenue open for business, thoro will bo little tlmo wasted boforo Ely takes advantage of Its limitless resources. |