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Show COPPER GLANCE IS SHOWinOD ROCK Hcarily Mineralized Formation ' Is Coming in the Face j of Tunnel. GOOD SHOWING IN IRON AND COPPER Company Is Driving Into Famous Fa-mous Porphyry Zone of Bingham Camp. Nown of tho most encouraging Import comes from tho scene of activity on tho ground of tho Copper Glnnco company of Blnghnm. General Manngcr Edmunds spont Sunday In looking over tho work being done on this proporty, and returned very much pleased with tho present showings. Tho Copper Glnnco company has done a tremendous amount of exploratory explor-atory work upon their possessions, but at no previous tlmo have results been moru genorous than thoso now coming from tho tunnel which Is directed towards tno vory heart of tho property. This exploratory tunnol Is in n dlstanco of 1200 or 1300 foot, and In driving this dlstanco the mnnagomont has encountored several Beams of mineral. Nothing, how-evor, how-evor, hns equaled for extent tho showings show-ings that are now being mado In the fnco of this working, Tho mnnagomont Ib driving through n honvlly mineralized formation, tho sumo containing abundant Iron nnd mora significant still, a goncrous amount of copper sulphide. Tho character char-acter of this formation, taken in connection con-nection with tho zone being tapped by tho tunnol, loads tho management to anticipate an-ticipate early and gratifying results. Upon tho acquisition of eighty additional addition-al acres of ground last April, tho Copper Glance company rnlsod their acreage to practically 200 acres of ground. Tho company com-pany owns about the fourth or fifth lnrgest block of torrltory In Dlnghnm, and this Is located ndjolnlng tho Ohio Copper company and tho Starless, and In the samo groat zone from which the Boston Bos-ton Consolidated Utah Copper nnd other organizations soon will bo extracting tholr millions. It Is tho naturq of tho ground that has led tho stockholders to contribute without murmuring to the full nnd efllclent oxploratlon of the group. Manager Edmunds Ib driving this tunnel tun-nel to tap this groat porphyry zone, and ho calculates that less than COO foot yet remnln before this vnst deposit of wealth so prominently disclosed on neighboring properties Is attained by tho Glance. Tho company la composed nlraost exclusively of Snlt Lako people. San Francisco Mining Stocks. SAN FRANCISCO. July 30. Tho ofllclal closing quotations for mining stocks today woro as follows: Alta $ .01 Justice $ .04 Alpha Con. .03 Kentuck Con. . .01 Andes OS Mexican G8 Bolchor 21 Occidental Con. .75 B. & B 72 Ophlr 3.50 Bullion 20 Overman 03 Caledonia 24 Potosl 11 Challongo Con. . .11 Savago 61 Chollar 10 Scorpion 07 Confidence 55 Seg Belcher 03 Con. C. and Va. .85 Slorra Nevada . .20 Crown Point 03 Silver Hill 81 Exchequer 43 Union Con 19 G. & Currlo 0G Utah Con 03 Halo & Nor S8 Yellow Jacket . .07 Julia 05 NEW YORK MINING STOCKS. Adams Con $ Llttlo Chief $ .05 Allco 2.25 Ontario 2.50 Brooco 25 Ophlr 3.40 Brunswick Con. . .30 Phoenix 02 Conmock Tun. . .13 Potosl 11 Con. C. & Vn .81 Savago G4 Horn SUvor 2.00 Sierra Novada . .IS Iron Silver 5.00 Small Hopes ... .20 Leadvlllo Con. .. .03 Standard 1.90 BOSTON MINING STOCKS. Adventure .. ..$ G.OO Old Dora $39.37 Alloucz 33.60 Osceola 104.75 Amalgamated ..100.12 Parrott 20.50 Atlantic 14.00 Qulncy S7.00 Bingham 30.00 Shannon 9.37 C. & H.$6S7. 003 690.00 Tamarack .. ..100.00 Centennial .. .. 22.25 Trinity 9.00 Cop. Range ... 73.75 U Copper 62.50 Daly West 10.75 U S Mining ... 50.23 Franklin 17.37 U S Oil 103.00 Grnnby 11.50 Utah 67.50 Ialo Royalo .... 20.00 Victoria 6.25 Muss.vMlnlug .. 7.76 Winona ... 7.5Q Michigan 12.75 Wolverine .. .,148.00 Mohawk 61.75 N Butto 89.50 Mon C & C 3.25 Grecno Con. .. 21.87 |