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Show I TUNNEL ONLY BEGINNING. Ionerino Property Will Show Best ( Results "With Lower Depths. It Is generally considered by the gen-ral gen-ral public, stated ono member of the i Ionerino mine management Monday, nat the tunnel level of the mine Is the jottom of It. No greater mistake could e made than thla. The drain tunnel Is nc of the necessary accessories to tho (roperty, but It by no means forms the ,ottom of the Honerlne. Perhaps the jrcatest depth of this drain tunnel on ho property Is 1300 feet, but at the lower nd It has only a vertical depth of about ? feet. Tho tunnol marks Just about the bc-lnnlng bc-lnnlng of the sulphide zone on the Hon-rlnc. Hon-rlnc. In the bodies on that level In nany Instances the oxide ores aro pres-nt, pres-nt, and the best work on tho property Is . let to be dono below this tunnel lovcl. ,hat the property will have Its best hls-bry hls-bry to write after the management has ' ropped into the depths below the tun- !el level Is the opinion of the company. |