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Show 0HICAG0ANS SATISFIED Found City Under Martial Law; Services Ser-vices Not Needed. CHICAGO, April 30.-LleuL John D Hartford and nine Chicago detcctlveV who woro sent to San Francisco by Mayor Dunne, returned yesterday. Whon they nnChiCd. S.a.n Franc,sco they weVo S pelled to hire an expressman to drive thorn fifteen miles to the city limits. There they wore refused admittance until they n4.d0Vnd Cn,,;f of Police Dlnan y We had a pleasant trip." Bald r.inm Hartford "Tho published storfes that wc were treated Bhabblly by Chief Dlnan and Mayor Schmltz are false. In fact xvo never met tho Mayor. The city was Jn- "rWnr 1S,iindrWH couhl 'l0 nothing." miv L ,C follco Dlmin treated us roy. niW' . ald Sergeant Timothy D. Rocho "That ie, as well as ho could under tho :&,in!, S0,dlcr? Buanlcd overv! town " Wer ew thlove8 the |