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Show FILIPINO ENGUSlT"1r TV. B. freer, In ' Annrlean TWv I 'If entv In th Philippine," Uct'i tJfl Besides the children's school was a night school for adult, IS was not long before the membtrllS class, aided by dictionary 8J,ClJ home, began making auCn convlSJl as the following' Do you know if any one ha M home to inquire for me? tP We came precisely from youry3i we dfd not see any one. JBJ What do that child eat? M He eats bananas, and I rt 'Wi that this morning I have eaten'SI and has done me prejudice 'J, Have you written to yoUr brotiilj I wroto one last evening W Can you tell now the leseon n No, but the teacher told to hu"! and the presidents told to ! bors. W What do you do? We did this house. Has cornea his father visit hi No; in the last year ho Tcarn? St all tho months; if ho com2 month, wc shall say him which v.! wishes or wills to learn In th . i school. ie JJ Do you hear the bird's 8ont Z I did not hear, because I am rt. my brother has It heard. What did the lad do-when o-jK him your mother in the street He was tolding a history t0 v. JfJ panlons. He has told all his puJKS SHOOTING DOWN THE ALW" London Graphic. Rr The quest for a moral Is proroJK a long list of skl-ing accidenti Alps. In Itself the exerclp can 9 be considered more perilous thiaB Ing, though the proportion of ankles and twisted tendons UuK but when the skl-er skis a dlXf from his base, and ventures upF familiar ground, there arg atBii three ways in which calamity IiWl to befall him. On a glacier uWm break through tho snow brldet iBi he Is trying to shoot, andbe borBS a crevasse. On the hillside he BiB violently down a steep place, asflL able to arrest his pace, end by mB over a precipice. Almost aari unless he knows the signs, hen-i In the tracks of an avalanche u overwhelmed. Examples of e these several kinds of dlsaatjr lately been presented, and eaeha i disasters conveys a warning of i ,' amateur skl-ers, whose name I jj days Is legion, would do well to tl 'J careful note. i MARRY AND LIVE L0.& Amorlcon Medicine. " i Mi Marriage Is an institution hlghlj ducive to tho health of both hu and wife. , T Statistics provo that arnonj(ffli ja men over twenty years of 'm a women over forty the mortalllj Is far less than among those vhj main single. Among the wldOvjIMlj divorced the mortality Is exctp'uvi! great. Suicides among the unnH are much more numerous than iKi the married. WSJ The matrimonial state proraotfljBjJ1. porance In every form. FurtbsSjJ' tho probable duration of life of iff' rled man of thirty exceeds thatt&in unmarried brother by five yearaKit the wife may expect to live oaJ"; longer than a single vfoman'jBJ same aire. BURGLARY INSURANClfc Harper' . Wcekl- Burglary Is getting to be mudBtg an exact science In this city ek York. Families that have bera'SS are much dissatisfied with tfclipt! rlcnce. Families that have ttS! robbed dislike the feeling IImM must perch at home like plgeoaflK ing to be potted Insurance V'n burglary is getting to be as among householders as IhpJ against fire. Possibly relief ffiB. from this very practice of 5 against burglary. The Board of, jj v,' rlters is compelled by its bujHj be systematically alert to dlralafc: chance of fire losses. If burB surance becomes, prevalent JCj there may be a board of DUrsM(fi ers, whose business it Is loK r house-breaking. iB |