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Show NEW SCALE OF WAGES Bridge and Structural Iron Workers to Receive- an Adavnce. On May 1 a new Caio of wages In Suit Tj,v will ro mto effect on tho part of tho niwre and S natural Iron-Workers, of " hlch notice was given 12 day8 aK0. It proposed to In crease tho wages from .50 lo $1 T day and nii C,X.PefCd ,haJ n, ""crease win be recognized recog-nized by tho employers. rcco&- This union hns voted $3 to nld tho strlltinn. Iron moldera and has adopted a reo?u?lon ?J fusing to work on the product of T , falllrB to prant the Jdo the milder- eetted3 t'Tn'dore,1 oAxBa |