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Show VETERANS. GO TO LAGOON. G. A. R. Desires to Entertain Passing Comrades. The excursion and campflro at Lagoon today by tho comrades ofjtho G. A. R W. R. C. and Ladies of tho G, A. R. will bo a grand affair- There will bo speaking by the best spoakers In tbe Stale, singing by Hon. John Janice, Mlfs Emma Ramsey, Ram-sey, Miss Cloy Ronton, Miss Lena Perntach, and the boat and foot races and. tho voting contests and otber amusements will make the occasion one that all will enjoy. The proceeds of the excursion will be used to entertain comrades from the west en route to Boston, and to seiul a delegate to the national encampment. As ihe thirty-eighth session of the national na-tional encampment of the G. A. R. will convent- In Boston. Muss., on the 15ih dav of August. 1001. and as tho delegates and comrades and friends west of us will pass through this city going and returning, it Is proper that the comrades of U1I3 city, assisted by the citizens, should placo themselves In a proper position to recelvo and entertain them while thy may stop with us. |