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Show Al C 1 tE SAW PEDRO. T$QZ Trac to a Point Seventeen !J ! , sst of Moapa. S 't Spoelibunc. i t' CAN'ev , July IS. The tvacK to a point seventeen mlleoapa. At Uie present j :itennlaying the road runs : i'throins which at track ; ;:kvol)o feet above a. level. i :i anu. , erdure covering the tnouithe moat part scrubhy . oak. estiulte. truji e- is an . abun and the sand which JL rormial objectloiuible fea-.ku fea-.ku w:;?1 work ound loapa, le8wor ?btlL ld1,s poInL and nnrvJl'u,d b tortile as a?iver wal abundant, J1B II r , iS Oliglltful. ThO IP n.ri0m. cllmbfl above 92 r ill uous i t.hero 18 a conU-L-IK ton, I),?y,ll,K aroun(1 ' ! th?mU,;H,lls and sleeping nre M- lhTOugh which the nVmf a on' ln thc" mountains vd-en Kfcy scores of pnw- S 3a,n'ld, wlls can be comiP 11 to cleap.c-ool water HBl?,lre. bcdrck but It&Mk txfci;S.lu?ts With rail- Cf,u"1 n sl"caL fru,t JHP Aulb pre!Jonce of eca-jfflr eca-jfflr be through the J day-time circling' around overhead, ut-Uring ut-Uring Uieir shrill crlc-p. and secmlnslv an much at home as when floating on the cool waters of the Golden Gate. "Where they come from or why they are there Is a mystery, but probably they are pilgrims from California, and prove good scavengers around the camp cookhouses. |