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Show KNOCK THE KNOCKERS GOOD AND HARD (For Tho Salt Lake Tribune) Of all tho pests that plague a town Sum "knockers" are the worst; Whero others build, these scrubs throw down, And life by them Is curst. Then, citizens, be on your guard. And knock the knockers good and hard. You want to sco your city grow, Its enterprise- expand, "Its goodly fame and credit (low. Abroad throughout the land. Then take a warning from- this bard, And knock the knockers good-and hard. You want to fiell a pleco of land, Develop oil or ore, ' Or Introduce a novel brund. Or start a little store. Then don't "stay in your own back yard," But light tho knockers good and. hard. Are you a man of gentle mood, "Who 'mong the knockers fell. And soon the Ivlng. slanderous brood Made life a deadly hell? Your faith in man Is sadly Jarred? "Well, knock the knockers good und hard. You try to earn the dally broad For those you hold most dear, "With heart and soul, with hand, and head, You toll a home to rear. There Ik for you just one winning card-Just card-Just punch tho knockers good and hard. They'll strive that you may not succeed, Then sneer If once you fall; True to their dirty, reptllo breed. Your name through sllmo they'll trail. Now Is your time, be on your guard. And slug tho knockers good nnd hard. An envious, mean, malicious throng, "With cruel and coward thrust. Can oft Inflict a deadly wrong Upon tho true und Just Their lies will scorch like burning lard-So lard-So crush the knockers good and hard. CHARLES II . STEVENSON. |