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Show ( ;' COSSACKS MAKE is Mi ASTONISHING TRIP ST. PETERSBURG, May S.-The corro- ' spondent, of the Russky Invalid (the armv organ) gives a detailed account of a ride , i destined to become classic in cavalry an- ft uala. The Trans-Baikal command rodo , 400 miles in a fortnight.. They opproached IB to within st dav's march of Seoul and Aj wero anxious to capture tho town, which would have been an exploit, the corrc- 1 $ spondent says, to thrill Europe, but tin- j j poratlvo orders reached them to retire, f and they reluctantly rode back to W iiu. , ' i: "War Briefs. & LI AO YANG, Slav 23. Most of tho C hi- M neso merchants aro closing their storr i i t, and winding up their business, in oxpf t- -j f tation of sorlous events. Those remain- lug In business have raised the prices or ; y meats and other products. i KAl PING. May 29. Tho Llao Tuns' Vt frontier guards several times huve coin ; Jf into collision witluthe Japanese enalr .iff. Tho Japanese tactics have been to rrtrci : S and entice tho guards toward the Japan- : 4 : cse Infantry, which lay in wait. , bie MUKDEN, May 29. The RusfUnn ar jifca4 harassing the Japanose communication?, fear which circumstanco la largely responsible Jl . for the suspension of the Japanese ad- ft J vance. Their roar Is threatened by Cos- sjFp sacks, and until they can thoroushly safo- jgsj guard tho roads they are cautious In their forward movement. WmB"1 |