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Show jS. D. EVANS, j I Undertaker & Embalmer. I m Open All Night. Tel. 364. I LAKE AilLHl llLcPRTAIMKIi TEL3J LAST ATTRACTION OF THE j SEASON Thursday, Friday, Saturday , ' JUNE 2. 3, 4, 1M1. SATURDAY MATINEE. E. H. SeTHERW Management DANIEL FROHMAN Jn tho Miracle Play THE PROD BY JUSTIN 1IUNTLY M'CARTHY, Author of "IF I WERE KING." Entire production Intact from New Ly-coum Ly-coum Theater, New York Prices C0c to $2.00 Salo begins Tuesday Tues-day at 0 a. m. Curtain rises at S o'clock sharp, Season of 1904. Gran! Opening May 30, THIRTY TRAINS. New hardwood floor largest and grandest grand-est In tho world Christensen's Orchestra. Improved bathing facilities 1CO0 bathhouses bath-houses 200 new this season, built In deep water. I The Old Fare of 1 25c Round Trip 8 R Will bo in effect to P9 1 This season. This will be good R 1 news for tho children. h jj J. B. BEAN, p I Excursion Agt. j 161 Main St. (Closing Out) entire 1 OF ( Copely Prints, Imported Car- 0 x bons and Original Water Colors, x I One-Third Oft on g All Framed Pictures. One-Half Off on I All Unframed. j !A.R.DERGE&CO.i 164 SO. MAIN. g J Whooping I I Cough H Hall's Cough Remedy Is a specific ' a for It. "Why let the littlo ones suf- PI (TJ fer when they can be relieved eo m- hi easily? For sale by all druggists. I H At Wholesale by Nelden-Judson I Drug1 Co., Salt Lake, Utah. H 1 PICTURE FRAMING E I At Popular Prices. I (American Wall Paper Co. I 1 6 E. TB2BD SOUTH. I ....SALT LAKE SUNDAY....""" I; I TEN GREAT STORIES OF J j ! I Animals, Nature and The Sea. li! j Short Stories of Life J j I Out Doors by the Best 1 ' . I Authors of the Day. i ESK3 , i 1 Don't mias theso fiction gem3. ( They go with the greatest B I Sunday newspaper ever published in Utah, and without extra charge. j ; 3 They breathe tho fragrnnco of tho field, the forest, the salt breezes . I of the ocean and supply the "touch of nature? that makes tho whole , H -world kin." Hero is the list: I I "PARDNERS," by Ellsworth Kelly, June 5. i ' m "THE ORPHAN," by Frank T. Bullen, June 12. fjj I "BIOGRAPHY OF A BEAVER," by W. D. Hulbert, June 19. ' "THE SMUGGLERS," by Albert Sonnichsen, Juno 20. "LOST," by W. H. Boardman, July 3. X "TWO OF A 'KIND," by Ellsworth Kolly, July 10. j ,M "CALL OF CAPTAIN RAMIREZ," by Frank T. Bullen, July 17 (tX "KING OF THE TROUT STREAM," by W. D. Hulbert, July 24 E 'THE MUTINY," by Albert Sonnichsen, July 31. MS ! "THE MINISTER," by W. H. Boardman, August 7. pf j Salt Lake- City, Utah, May 16, 1304. U j To the Merchant's Protective Association : . i 5 Yours of the 16th "inBt. to hand and contents noted. In obtaining: set- 3 1 tlement of this claim for me, you have accomplished ivhat all others hi o- i j failed to do. This -claim was about 13 years old. For four or flvo years I It was in the hnndu of attorneyo for collection, and was returned to me La i worthless. It Is equal to 5700.00 found, and I desire to commend you for j! your peraeverence and success. Youtb truly, " ' JOHN MOUNTBBR,-Grooer, 1026 Second St. j, Does any one owe you? Do you want ltt --. We will collect it That'3 our "business. 'j Merchants' Protective Association ; ' SCIENTIFIC COLLECTORS OF BAD DEBTS. j ; ! SVancla G. Luke, Gen'l M'g'r, top floor, Commercial Block, Salt Lake 1 City. - 1 "Some people don't like us. SUPERB FURNISHINGS mi' l FOR FASTIDIOUS MEN g I -JjjlH You will find In our shop the most H , 1 Cr ' j 'IJW exclusive and newest creations In Kj - yBl men's smart wear beautiful neck- h?i 'j pfcS.pS wear, fancy hosiery, fancy vests, JSk - Kpsfe'' ' ') Manhattan shirts, underwear, belts, fiey ' I X&gvi r f walking sticks, correct collars for tt summer wear, straw and Panama Rj W&i&bjjcS V hats, and everything to make a well- mn M dressed man. Kj yswRfe Caterers to Men Who ti ; fM? Know. I;; ,'ffi,,V'"y H j 1 J. Will Gray & Er0 1 1 il Under the Electric Sign "Gray's." M i - y MANUFACTURED BY M THE SALT LAKE CANDY CO. I i1 Ffe 1 A Want your jjiano to held its tone and M V .SS kceP lts beauty for years, GET ONE f: I i P. p WITH CHARACTER IN IT. ij i'rw 70 ' )J We know every piano we sell is IJ VfttCT-- Jfgj&. worthy. We invito you to call cjxd jM 'rg" examino them. Our prices are right yA I 'ftr r-r- """"''""" ' aa( erms eas7 r8 Vansani & Chamberlain, ' ILsnl 51 and 53 MAIN, 11 |