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Show PRAISE FOR ALLPATRIOTS Memorial Sermon by Rev. Dr. Goshen, Audiencf Carried Away by the Eloquence of the Speaktr. G. A. R. Posts and Woman's Relief Corps Attended First Congregational Congrega-tional in a Body. . IN ELOQUENT words were tho G. A. H. veterans eulogized by Kov. Elmer I. Goshen, who delivered tlio memorial sermon at the First .Congregational church yesterday morning; Tho subject of tho sermon cannot be given In brief form. Jt was loo broad, and doalt with the history of other countries as well as that of the United States. Tho speaker (old of the landing of tho Pilgrim fathers, of tho hardships thoy underwent, in glowing words ho pictured the patriotism of the Revolutionary hoU dler. He finally came down to the Chil war and told how In the days of peace a prosperity haI arisen and flourished on a system of oppression. Both sides, ho said, were composed of men who would (ylold their lives to their convictions of right. Both sides believed they wore right and it was left to God to dccldo the question. ques-tion. The speakr did not overlook In his sermon ser-mon thep art taken by the mothers and wives of the soldiers, their noblo self-sacrlllco at all times. He appealed to the young men to do their duty In perfecting per-fecting the work of government and carrying car-rying out the Ideas for which tho veterans veter-ans had fought. Tho church was crowded to ovcrllowlng, and many times tho audience was carried car-ried away by the eloquence, of the speaker. Mr. Goshen spoke extemporaneously and afterward said that he was inspired by the occasion. Seals had been reserved for the members of the two posts of the G A. R. and the members of the women's allh'd corps. Many of Iho most prominent promi-nent people in the city wore present. "When the orator became most stirring his hearers could not restrain their appreciation, ap-preciation, and severn I times he ta3 compelled to stop until a mighty wave of applause had subsided. According to arrangements, the members of the Maxwell and McICcan corps mot at their respective halls ar.d joined forces at tho corner of First South and Main streets, from whore they marched together to-gether to the church. Seats had been reserved re-served for tho old soldiers and tho members mem-bers of the womon'n relief" corps, who were well represented In the audience. Under the direction of President Mrs. W. II. Jones, tho members of the relief corps were busy all afternoon yesterday constructing con-structing floral pieces with which tho graves of tho dead veterans will be decorate deco-rate 1 today. A ll bough the flowers were not donated with undue liberality, enough were secured to make many handsomo decorative plccvs. Most beautiful was tho ploce constructed for tho miknovn dead. Notwithstanding their rccont return from the Philippines, and still more recent re-cent arrival at Fort Douglas, the soldiers and officers of the Twenty-ninth will appear ap-pear in the parade today. Owing to tho tact that the boys lost most of their clothes at San Francisco, and that their ranks have been reduced to only 211 men in the flvo companies, their appearance will not be all that they should like It to be today; but with tho proper spirit they oxpressed no reluctance about taking tak-ing part. None of the officers will bo mounted, with the exception of Col. 31. C. Lockwood, who will ride as the guest of Department Commander F. IT. Clark of the G. A. R. |