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Show 133 GRADUATES FROM ' SANPETE COUNTY SCHOOLS Special to Tho Tribune. E-PHRAIM, May 20. The third annual commencement exciclscs of tho Sanpoto county public schools wore held In this city yestorday afternoon. The attendance was large. Tho audience completely filled the large tabernacle. Tho houso wns prettily decorated with an abundance of tlowors and the colors, crimson and silver, sil-ver, of the Ephralm graduating class nnd American flags. Long streamers of red and whlto wero hung from the center chandeliers to tho coiners of tho room. Tho Moral contributions wero beautiful and profuse. Thero wore 153 graduates, forty-two coming from tho Ephralm schools. County Coun-ty Superintendent of Schools A- L. Laraen gracofully presided and Prof. Milton Ben-nlon Ben-nlon of Salt Lake delivered the addrcea to the graduates. Tho progrummo began at 2 o'clock. In tho evening tho graduates of Ephralm schools gave a delightful dancing party at the opera-house in honor of the visiting vis-iting graduates. Moro than 100 couples were present. The exercises were tho most successful and most largely attended at-tended of any commencement exercises over held In Sanpete county. Following Is the programme carried out. Chorus, "Whispering Hope" Ephralm eighth grade Prayor A. U. Miner Salutatory Edgar Thorpe, Ephralm Duet.. Mary and Sylvia Glcdhlll, Gunnison Recitation Hazel Darius, Ephralm Piano soio An.in Lundqulst, Falrvlow Essay Jennie Bench, Mantl Recitation Matilda Anderson, Muntl Piano duet Katlo Olson and Ruby Qulnn. Ephralm. Essay, "Position In tho Eighth OradV Mary Barton, Sterling Address to graduates. Prof. Milton Bcnnlon Piano solo Ethel Potorson. Gunnison Valedletory.-Elllllan Hanson, Mt. Pleasant Awarding of diplomas Superintendent A. L. Larson Chorus, "Courage" Ephralm eighth grado Benediction Principal Nephl Jensen Tho list of graduatos of Sanpoto county schools, 1004, is as follows: Mantl, Nephl Jensen, prlnolpal Mabol Anderson, Conrnd Fjischknocht. Annlo Molter, An thon Hougnard. Allda Snow, Hnrold Mndsen, Henry Peterson. Jonnlo Bonch. Matilda Anderson, Apple Harmon. Frank Alder. Myrtle llcnrlc. Edwin Tut-tle, Tut-tle, Elmer Madaon, Bertha Muslg. Wallace Wal-lace Larson, Alice Farnsworth. Mildred Jensen, John Nlclson. Winnie Klrkman, Royal Reld. Carlylo Munk, Magglo Tcn-nant Tcn-nant and Deo Brown. Ephralm, J. F. Chrlstlanson, principal-Seymour principal-Seymour Rasmusson, Henry Slmonson. Florence Brolnholt, Kesler Pchraon. Clyde RnsmuB8on, Ireland Bawdon, Klvlrn Nlol-son, Nlol-son, Gardo Thorpo. Katlo. E. Olson, Oral Beal. Mario Chrlatenson, Ora Hanson, Bend'tta Beal, Pearl Hanson, All Olson, John Olson. Emroy Johnson, Mona Hanson, Han-son, Annlo Sorenson, Clifford Mndsen, Ida Dorlus, Yamclo Anderson, Leonard Thorn-eon, Thorn-eon, Ellda Mork. Elvorna Whltlock, Alon-zo Alon-zo Isaacson. Fred Jenson, Archlo Andor-son, Andor-son, Ellis Isaacson, Charles Rasmusson, Johanna Olflon, Hazel DorlU3. Edgar Jen-son. Jen-son. Ncttio Poulson. Cleona Thorpo, Lula Potorson. Tootlo Beal, Ruby Qulnn, Edgar Thorpo. Wells Thomson, Mary Ann Larson Lar-son and Hans Jenson. Spring City. John S. Blnln. principal Mvrtld Madsen, Emma Robinson, Dora Jo'limum, Eva Kofford. Arnold Allred, Jennie Jen-nie Allred, Blanche nialn, Eva Allred, Forgus Johnson, Ida Allred, Hilda Dahl, Ruth FrnntztMi. Mt. Pleasant, Daniel Rasmusson. principal prin-cipal Bcrklev Larson, John T. Cliff, Wln-nlo Wln-nlo Tucker, Ettle Rolph, Ruy Monson, Loulu Potorson, Elllllan Hanson, W-tlllo Erlckson, lln Andorson, Elmer Johanson, Ortholla McClenahan and James Synde- CJFafrvlew, A. U. Miner, principal Ma-rlnda Ma-rlnda Vanco. Robs Chrlstenson, Charles Cheney. Caroline Brady. Blanche Poulson. Anna Peterson. Willie Chrlatenson, Hcber Sorenson. Euphomla Andorson. Slna Nlel-son Nlel-son and Annlo Llndqi.Irt. Fountnln Green, A. N. Tollcstrup, principal prin-cipal Eugene Allred and Gcnova Ivory. Moroni, J. M, Chrlstenson, principal Rnvmond Nlelson, Rozlna 'Tldwcll and Myra Cloward. Wales, A. J. Rccs, principal Ephralm Thomas, Josephine Lmvls, William K. Dye. Mnry Lumb, Mury Dyo and Mercy Jamm3l'son. Joseph Chrlatenson, principal Rubv von Nordcok, Nora Nlelson, Earl Pickett, Hannah Jenson, Sarah Plcrco. El-venn El-venn Chrlstenson. Ethel Peterson. Loney Chllds, Roas K, Knighton, Conrml Bpah-ardt, Bpah-ardt, Murv Glcdhlll. Roso Dnrlh lonnw. Lynn Knighton, Graco von Nordcck, 1-uo- nlo Swonson, Martin Sorenson nnd Affa-lono Affa-lono Jenson. Sterling, Charles Peacock, principal Lois Hnrraon, Mary Barton, Magglo May Peacock. Mayflcld, P. C. Andorson, principal Pearl Whltlock. |