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Show FAREWELL TO ADOLF JESSEN With an attendance of many prominent promi-nent persons, both In a business and social way, the funeral of Adolf Jeesen, mining engineer of 55S East BrUjham st'reet, who was killed by a shock from n live wire at Bingham last week, took place yesterday afternoon. The services, which were concluded by the Rev, E. T. Goshen, were very simple. The body was taken from the funeral parlors of S. D. Evans to Mount Olivet cemetery, where It was interred in the family plot after a brief ceremony. cere-mony. Tho pall-bearers were Col. E. A. Wall, Gen. E. Daggett, Henry McMillan. McMil-lan. C. f Dey. C. B. Jack. Charles Read. Mrs. A. D. Melvln gave a beautiful and sympathetic rendering of "Nearer, My God, to Thee." This, with one other hymn, was the entire musical part of tho service. The floral tributes lo the deceased ' were many and beautiful. The members mem-bers of the Alta club, and some of those who were not able to be present sent flowers as a token of their appreciation and friendship for the deceased and in sympathy with his widow and family. |