Show Avo Wo Preparing for War The momentous significance of the assembling as-sembling of the large American fleet under the command of Admiral Dewey Jn the Caribbean sea for the purpose of engaging In maneuvers on the broadest scale over known in our annuls has not as yet been fully realized by the people of this country much less by the world at large That this grand naval meet involves determination amid distinct dis-tinct preparation to uphold a great national na-tional policy has been suspected by few outside of Government naval circles Ostensibly its sole object is to train officers offi-cers and men In movements that shall be extended und complicated to drill time fleet en maisso Instead of In Simlall squadrons as heretofore While tlicro 1mm no doubt thnt the warships win rJovm much time to tactical practice aolcclln of the training waters was made tat ulterior reasons and the demonstration IK designed to have a profound effect nn o the onlooking nations It IB meant to lm i a warning to whoever It niav concern that the United States knows Its rights and Is ready to maintain theamEa Naval Officer In Leslies Weekly |