Show 1 Utah Commercial and Savings bank Four per cent interest paid on savings S Castle Gate Clear Creek Winter Quarters and Snnnyslde lump nut and Ilick Anthracite all sizes These I i coals always in stock T3 So Main st r j Telephone 120 D J SHARP Agt 1 XXUtSFOItD HOTEL I The one place for comfort and elo room Kauce modern Fireproof In every telephone way in every Finest Tailoring This Spriusrafc Baumgarten 12 Main St upstairs Wanted Address oC Harry A Ragcr R E Ij Collier Suit Lake City ODonnoll tt Co Jmlortakori 260 South West Temple Phone 5SO SOCIETY NOTICES UTAH CHAPTER NO 1 1 R A M will hold n stated convocation this cvch IntT at S clock sharp M C PHILLIPS Secretary N 4qj NO U5 MEIT9l nr t Suntlay In montn A O U W htILt c e maud this label on all printing It otands for fair conditions union hours and wagpy Union ofilccs Tribune Herald Repprter Century Tribune Trib-une Job Printing Co Salt Lake Print Co STOVE STORAGE THE B O TRANSFER STORAGE Co will take your stove down toro sam put It up again In the fall Ofllco No 15 West 2nd South Phone 335 lM7 BOARD AND ROOMS FIRSTCLASS TABLE BOARD AT The Angelo 213 W 2nd South ii p STRiCTLY MODERN 324 S ITU EAST A HOME IN PRIVATE FAMILY EXcellent EX-cellent table 72 V 5th South fail LOST PATENT LEATHFjR SADDLE PAD with nickel ohiln trimmings for doitblo harness Please return to Salt bake Livery I Liv-ery und Transfer stables njSS A LARGE BLACK PURSE BETWEEN R G dcpol and 1th Wast and Cth SoJth Leave at K8 Main and receive rcivaidrrf OR STOLEN APRIL II 3001 AT O i near ThCW < icrint sniiII ioi copQpr light overcoat nud guitar eov6r for return SeA G Sutherland Attorney Attor-ney 75 V 2nd South pi city nW A GOLD BROOCH PIN TURTLE shape entire circle set with pearls dll mond sct In head Return to A W Smith ICO Main si and receive reward MONEY TO LOAN I ON PIANOS FURNITURE LIVEstock LIVE-stock etc no removal reasonable intoK cst RItlcnliousc rm 20 Commercial blk CITY AND FARM PROPERTY ATf and 7 per cent J L Pcrkes 7S W 2nd SoON So-ON CHOICE SECURITY C PER CENT rate will be mado In amounts from 52000 to JCOOOC r Houston Real Estate Inv Co 2JI Main J W Houston Prcs and Mangr A W Houston VIccPrcst C W Johnson Sec and TreasON Treas-ON FURNITURE CHATTELS ETC lowest rates no removal terms easy Sec Henderson room 23 Galena Elk e397 ON CITY AND FARM PROPERTY low rates C E Taylor Co 255 Main PKR CENT AND 7 PER CENT Money the day you want It Our own money no fancy expense The Home Investment Co Glen Miller Prest George F Sprague Secty slOr1 6 W 1st South SU 1000 to 550000 ONE TO FIVE YEARS farm or city property Jaa JC Shaw under Walker Bros bank pso Jt L TRACY 232 MAIN LENDS money no commission expense 01 delay LOANS ON REAL ESTATE AT LOW cr rates than ovor Partial payments at any time McGurrln Co 38 W 2nd So PARTIES WISHING TO BUILD CAN pet money from McGurrln Co at low rates and easy payments S34D A FEW THOUSAND DOLLARS ON 4 pood real cstato security at C per cent JQI Progress block ON UTAU AND IDAHO FARMS Mlllfcr Vllfr 103 cCo nlck Bldg AVE LOAN AT 0 AND 7 1ER CENT The Realty CoC0 West 2nd South LOANS TO BUY OR BUILD WITH Elmer E Darling Co 9 W 2nd South PERSONALS MME BEETTY GIVES FREE TEST nt Ili South Main strvct room CJ K2 MRS DU WALKER MISDITJM LIFE readIng orereading unites the separated 120 S W Temple St flTOi E HARTMAN HAS REMOVED her Hulrdresrflnp and manlourlnK parlor from the Sanitarium to 21S So Main ALL PERSONS HAVING CLAIMS aaInsL Docic Kee formerly In busin s at 2o 12 lium aIloy are hereh notIfied to present same to o Fong wbo has purchased pur-chased the busIness from Dock Kee y Fong f353 MRS P FONTiN CLAIRVOYANT and trance medium 2C7 So West Temple TO TRADE AN ORGAN KOR GOOli WORK TEAM will pay difference Addrewj J W Tribune BICYCLES FOR JJlTIIDlNfi RptlK bricks or bibor A II Mcicdllh B Y C Iv store S33 Main a2 WANTED WXXXSfcX X AT ONCE SECONDHAND ROU lettc wheel and layout must bo a bur galii Rieger Lindloy g3 V GENTILE FAMILY HORSE WEIGh lug about 10TX lbs Apply A J Davis Kuutsford hotel g22 GENTI KMAN AND WIFE WISH board in select boardinghouse K I Tribune Trib-une f f727 COPPER AND HEAVY RED BRASS 12 cents per lb at 521 AVcsL 2nd South FIRE AND BUIIGLARPROOI SAFE at J5 AVoit 2nd South n02 A COUPLE WITH BEST OF REFER cnces want a pleasant furnished room on the east side close In Address statIng stat-ing location and terms J 03 Tribune COPPER AND HEAVY RED BRASS 12 cents per lb nt 521 Weat 2nd South COPPER AND HEAVY RED BRASS 32 cents per lbr at 521 West 2nd South GEORGE SCIIAMBECK EXPERT finisher pianos organs and lino furniture mado new Ieavo orders at Coaltcra music store 30 Main H371 TO MAKE FANCY UNDERWEAR and childrens clothing Address box 20L KEYS FITTED 0 W 3rd So J A Meredith dB52 HIGHEST PRICE PAID FOR CASToff CAST-off J Shapiro E 2nd South MONEY LOANED ON DIAMONDS watches Jowolry Instruments clothing etc half Interest Uncle Sam 20 E 1st So HIGHEST PRICE PAID FOR CASToff CAST-off clothing Call or address Cline 23 12 1st So THE UTAH JUNK CO HIGHEST cash prlco paid for scrap Iron copper brass and all kinds of metal rubber bottles bot-tles and rags carload lots a specialty G3 E Sth South Salt Lake Phone 23 gC52 GOOD CONVEYANCE 333 STATE for the removing of dead animals at lowest rates nsi SITUATION BY MAN EXPERI onced In poultry or partner with S200 to put up against labor 075 So Ith East 1000 WORTH 2NDHAND GOODS 1M mcdlatcly O K ZndIIand Co No 12 E 3rd South fl4i WANTEDHELP > N wiKX V X X N X Xi STROCKS EMPLOYMENT AGENCY C R Strock Prop All kinds oC help promptly supplied 161 South Main basemenU Tel ll Wanted today 36 house girls for the best families 3 1 and 3 per week girl to assist 2 house girl for Elngham 45 week girl for minus i week good places 5 waitresses city 20 month waitresses Idaho 17 2 waitresses Og den 17 free pannes lunch counter girls out city Strocks Emp Agency Id Main oO MEN FOR Th R WORK 15 TEAM stet construction ship every day ° 0 girls housework 9 dlnlngroom girls bait Lake Employment Agency G5 W 2nd South gil uuuiiJSAT AHIE SALESMEN for Utah Idaho Montana commission basis Good men can earn 315 per day A J Pickctt Konyon 3130 to i oclock i i10 to 7CO oclock c i N WOMAN COOK OUT CITY 5 MO woman cook bonrdlnghouse city JiOO week 2 chambermaids out city 200 month easy Strocks Emp Agency 3GI Main st FJRSTCIyASS DRESSMAKER ONE Mrlolly up Jo dato In sewing reference required Mr3 E T I Campbell Elko Nov BRICKLAYER AND LABORER APply AP-ply J C McGinty contractor 20 W So Temple Ks GOOD GIRL GENERAL hOUSEwork hOUSE-work small family good wages cook preferred r < i5 3rd street gl YOUNG MAN EXPERIENCED HT handling domestics and ivash goods none other need apply Cohns 22224 Main A GIRL TO ASSIST IN HOUSEWORK and take cnro of baby good wages Apply Ap-ply today between 0 and 10 oclock 123 l W lib South pii GIRO WHO UNDERSTANDS COOK npr lnst house rear 29 So Hli Eaat g3 YOlINO GIRL FOR GENERAL housuwork 21 G street p2 GIRL TODO CHAMBER WORK II ingle bloclA fl71l GIRl 1OR GENERAL HOUSEWORK 4DN 2nd West f732 FriuT5T3RMAID AT JENKINS BLK 78 E 2hd South H720 15 MINERS FOR JMOC1IE S3W PER day Pare JOti Apply nt Acme M M Co 31 tSo W Temple f720 GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK good wages no washing 735 E lit South GIRL TO DO COOKING AND GEN cral housework it3 E filh South 1623 GIRL FOR COOKING AND GENERAL housework C70 E Brlghnm T1J33 WANTEDCOMPETENT GIRL FQR general housework good wages also oman o-man for washing1 and ironing 9D J3 Jiid South fiidG 4 GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK IMG S wrest Temple 1374 A THOROUGH EXPERIENCED clothing salesman Address J 33 Tribune A GIRL 55 FIRST WOMAN FOR GENERAL HOUSE wprk Apply 731 E Brigham H307 LADYSTENOGRAPHER ROOM 10 1rAtii So Main H302 GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSliWORK 7S1 First st fiH 1STCLASS WARES FOR A 1ST class coOk general housework fuml > of two good references required i 5 First street clC1 SALT LAKE EMILOYMENZ jVgency 63 W S 2nd So Phone CSC 2 r1ngS GOOD NURSE GIRL AT ONCE 177 K t 1st South street fSOii COMPETENT GIRL FOR GENERAL I housework Apply 7l S street fS2j GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK small family 31S 2nd street fi23 > WANTEDSITUATION Sr t r s i S GENTLEMAN WHO UNDERSTANDS stenography and bookkeeping wants work half the tIme salary to suit work Address J 2S Tribune fl230 WANTEDACENTS RELIABLE AGENTS OF ABILITY TO sell our new combination life and accident policy easy to wrIte double the ordinary amount of business old line co cash capital 520000000 Adrtrogs J N Russell Jr Asst SupU of Agencies Masonic Temple Denver Coin fllOC AGENTS MAKE ft DAILY SELLING the cheapest und most perfect water ill trr over Invented Retails ut 1SO Big prolit Exclusive territory Seneca Filter Fil-ter Co1 Seneca Mo H731 AUCTION SALES N S X XNN h > > > w M AVEHUER AUCTIONEER PAR lies hiivliifr household goods to sell set me 2CG State gK BANKRUPT STOCK SALE Special this week ir0 gocarts 200 Iron beds 300 rockers 50 line parlor sets 100 couches 21 folding beds < 20 sideboards otc Special discount on largo bills and to dealers terms 51 on J10 10 on SiutO 1 X L Furniture it Cnrpnl Installment house P A Sorensen Prop IS E 2nd South street OPTICIANS w W B RUSIIMER MANUFACTURING optician 73 W 1 So Special lenses ground to order Eyes examined for glasses free SCAVENGER M S VXN XX i CITY SCAVENGER CO OFFICE 7K Cth East Phone t44 5 rings SALT iCE SCAVENGER CO OF flro mulor AVulkcr bank Tel CCJSx s721 EDUCATIONAL DRAMATR1 ART SCHOOL I ELOCU llon nnd acilnij John a Llndray 2o > H AVest Temple Jliv t FOR RENT X fcrf J V > M 1 THREE ROOMS PANTRY FUR FOR l1OUiekCpIng 34 V North Temple glC 3i 6TII EAST 8ROOM MODERN brick Inquire room 2 Commirclal blk PART OF STORE AV AA HALL Jeweler 227 Main st SO 0ROOM MODERN BRICK PARTLY lurulbhed Including piano or vacant ApP Ap-P y US So State f723 GOOD STABLE AND FINE CELLAR on State at Apply lo n U Quinn Co H1412 D F AValkcr bldg Phone KMiix 1 1 2 OR 3 ROOMS ON 4TH EAST BET BrlKiiam and 1st So luci f > 02 Conslltu llon bldg flWl 4 OOMS PANTRY BATH 12LEC trlc lights ri Cor 4th So and 2nd Wet MODERN 8ROOM HOUSE ON BRIGham BRIG-ham Inquire II E 1st South or 1C3 E 1st South fl30 NEW hOOt MODEL SINGER SEWING machine for J per month Why pay the same for tin Inferior old machine Call on us for secondhand machines repairs needles for nil machines and the best oil If you want a bargain in a nice new machine give us u call Main office for the West 13 So Main Phone 071z The Singer Manufacturing Co flW5 BRICK HOUSE 7 ROOMS AND BASE mcnt modern close In McGurrln Co 314X10 RODS ON 3RD SOUTH BEtween BE-tween Main and AVest Temple for a term of 25 years for terms apply to QuInn Co 111412 D F WalKer bldg Tclc rihono IQISx f27C 13 HOUSES ALL KINDS PRICES and locations Tuttle Bros IIP Main St HOUSTONS THE IIOUSERS TEL 7o3l I rings C074 YES WE ARE RENTING HOUSES The Realty Co CO AV 2nd So Phone 760 BRICK COTTAGE CLOSETS PANtry PAN-try bath range Inquire 15C AV 1th So PIANOS AT RIVERS EROS 45 EAST 2nd i South fll79 JROOM FLAT 20 E 4TH SOUTH 1N qulre 630 So Sth East f053 MODERN 1SROOXI HOUSE NO 32 So State Inquire at Chrlstcnecns Dancing Danc-ing academy No 115 W 1st So 11053 FROM MAY IST MODERN SROOM pressed brick house 25 Frllsch 32 E 2nd South H2IO FOR RENTFURNISHED 2 LARGE FRONT ROOMS FOR housekeeping 31U South 1st West glo HANDSOME SUITE OF HOUSE keeping rooms No children C Kendall square f710 GENTLEMAN LOOKING FOR Cool clean and modern lilted rooms will do well to call at the PIcasanlon beforo routing cvhcrc T130 4ROO HOUSE FURNISHED REK crcnco rcqulrci No 1C Quince sL 117l2 Dl Sl RAW hE I lioOMED COTTAGE mouorn Improvements enquire lit ML First st fl7a3 FRONT ROOMS AT 60 WEST SIXTH South references required flTol FURNISHED ROOMS wrni OR without housekeeping 28 E 4lh South FRONT ROOM r WiTH BATH 12 342 So West Temple H6W FURN FOURROOM COTTAGE PANtry PAN-try cellar water In house also three r room cottage furn 311 First st flCS3 PRLAATE hOME FURNISHED rooms for gentlemen references 252 E Brigham 163I NICE MODERN 7ROOM HOUSE Darlington SteIn 232 Main TIcIJ 3 ROOMS FOR HOLISEKSEPING closets watcrt elcc light 37 So 1th East TWO SUITES OF 2 ROOMS EACH nicely furn for housekeeping 172 K St THREE ROOMS FOR LIGHT ROUSE kucplng 34S AV N Temple fiaiO NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS ELEgant ELE-gant tablo board everything new Mrs John Shea prop l 163 AV 3rd So fH02 FURNISHED ROOMS FOR HOUSE kceplng no children 122 E 5th So IHOl THElMPERrATT 210 STATIC ST lOT E giully 1 furnished rooms by day wctk or month strictly modern rent reasonable NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS FOR housekeeping modern ISO South 1st AV STRICTLY MODERN ROOMS AVLTH or without board 125 AV 1th So f3 7ROOM MODERN HOUSE COMpletely COM-pletely tarnished Room 1 Coml bile NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS WITH bath In prlvuto family 55 AV Ith South ROOMS WITH OR AVITIIOUT BOARD rcforcncc 563 So State dwJO FRONT AND BACK PARLOR DIN ingroom and kitchen ground floor hot water and bath 213 5lb East dG12 NICE ROOMS GROUND FLOOR modern also hoard 256 So West Temple 7L FEW GENTLEMEN ROOMERS nnd boarders at 239 AA 2nd North Si FURNISHED ROOMS 2 OR 3 HOUSE keeping rf Inq 502 ConsUtuttcn Bldg H OR SROOM HOUSE FIRSTCLASS modern Improvements 223 W Sth South FURNISHED ROOM AT 45 WEST IST North street 1581 FURNISHED I HOUSE FOR LIGHT buupckcoplng Inquire at the Coop See ondlumd store 226 So State c03J ELEGANT SUITE OF TWO ROOMS nnd Ijath on ground floor for two gentlemen gen-tlemen Apply first floor No 200 Nortl Stato f3 I NICE ROOMS AND BOARD REA sonablo prices 212 W 1st South fli WELL FURNISHED ROOM ground floor 2S North 1st West ffil TWO FURNISHED ROOMS FR light housekeeping hot and cold wair bath 71 So AV Temple M tA NICELY FURNISHED ROOM SL3T tie let ladies or gents Address J I Jflbunc VLEASANT ROOMS NEWLY I1iR limcd S lo l7 1 per mo 20C W So Teliple BUSINESS CHANCES AVS ARE THE OLDEST FIRM INTlIE city handling business propositions Li tliblfihcd 1SVJ There ls not a liuFincss propc > ltlon In the oily for sale Uat Is not m our books What wo dontknow about business Is nqt worth kitfwlny Why lose your time going from once to olllco looklin for what you want when you c n find it all In our office You will save lImo and money by sing us llrsi We lead tim others follow ibakerirs MCO to 5JUCO A 1 barber hops42O lo 2nCO U olwar itoresl0 lo 17fiO 3 cynfCCllonerle > < r50 to J2IOO 4 drutr ntorw42CCO to 13000 11 I furnished roomlnghousesfwO to 51200 0 grocery SiDrCS400 to 55W 2 hotels f4500 to SNCO C hay nail gruln J2V to 5IOCO n 7 moat markets JMft to S660 T produce and commission iy 10 5WO G rfhtaurnntP 3M to 22CO 5 saloons IK to S70 We hsivo other lines but do iot advor tlo them Let us know whatyou want nnil tn ivlll do the rest lOI fJ oar tliulnrs of any business call o write tis IHnh Investment company AVJ uognn Mgr liT4 s Main TolcphoQ IQiOA MgSEE QUINN CO iOU IJUS lu < is chance real estate nd homes AVatch md rend our Sundays list and anvthlne you wiiut that Is nolUjvertlscd we will got it for yon mI12 r F Walker bid Tclnphono KM5X 1239 CASH RECISTElS NATIONAL CASH REGISER OSCAR Groshell agent for Utah 22Maln street Expert cash register rcpolryg p2 ELEVATORS 1 X w t XVXN S N v I WILL SAVE YOU MOEY ON ATL llnda of elevators AV Allrous agent t Emil 3rd South flSS DRE3SW1AKJIC I itORDlON SIDEPIRATING AND pnhiilg 41 LVWt SotJtt Mt5 Jcnncns I FOR SALEREAL ESTATE KELSEY GILLUSP1E WONDERS If It Is possible that contemplated real estate Investors cannot reml tho signs of the times Note AVo now predict that Suit Inke real estate IM on the ovo of greatly enhanced values HJ dot WaIL nR delay will prove < xp iilvo The following fol-lowing Is but a few of our largo and varied list of properties for sale Ji23Q buys a cozy mrwlfrn 8room 2 story brick hpuse furnace bent hcitvy hardwood ilnlsh lumdcomo mantels etc East First South 250 Elegant corner lot KJxlfiS ft so and e fruits grand view 7th st 52T0 each for lots 10x110 feet west of R G AAr depot jay Beautiful 10acre plot fronting Enst Boulevard and Waterloo car line 1 block from Liberty park Kelsey i Glljesulo KT Ar 2nd South BEAUTIFUL SROOM MODERN borne steam bent gas and electric light hot mid cold water good basement 7x8 rods of lawn ant shrubbery Iron fence cement walks One of the most desirable desir-able residences in tim cltv Corner North and AVest Temple See George A Smith room 310 Tcmpleton bldg g > REAL ESTATE AND BUSINESS chances If you want a home at any price or vacant lot to bulM one on or If you want a grocery store drug store roomlnc houfle or hotel saloon or butcher shop If you havo nuv mining stocks to bny or sell If you boAo u stock of merchandise mer-chandise to buy or veil or anything to trade call und sec us If you havu anything any-thing lo dlspoda of list U with us AVo solicit your patronage In buying and sellIng sell-Ing niul wo give as reference any bank or business house In the city Call or wi ho us and keep an eye on our Sundays ad B B Quinn Co 111112 I > F Walker Wal-ker bldg Phone 10l5x f f760 GOING FAST OUR G to 10ROOM thoroughly modern new houses near com plotlon Como quick and get first choice easy payments G per cent Int cor 1st So and 10th East Inq at premises from 10 to 3i Anderson Real Estate Invt Co SEE HOUSTONS THE IIOUSERS 2li I Main cD72 FOR GENUINE BARGAINS SEE PE tcraon C3 W 2nd So PhOne 19 d970 WILL SELL YOU AT A BARGAIN vacant lots a cottage or a model house In any part of tho city Jos K Shaw under Walker Bros bank u207 5100 DOWN BALANCE SEVEN year buys lino 5ncrc fruit chicken and Belgian hare ranch brick house and barn 00 feel Dutches and cooops 200 blghgrado Belgian hares on shares Call 2M Const blrtg G30 p m f320 IF YOU ARE LOOKING FOR A SNAP In real estate the following will Interest you Nice fiveroom brick on East 2nd South clo o in lot 3x10 rods once for coming week S3GOO Sixroom cottiigo on Sth East between 2nd and 3rd South east from only 4MOO Fiveroom modern brick on 6th South new pressed brick south frontage large lot only 2100 Fiveroom modern cottage on 3rd St souih frontage a beauty J2XX Nice liveroom cottage on Gth East near 2nd South cast frontage lot 3x10 rods laige barn J2ICHX Nice fourroom brick collage ou East Brigham st lot 2ixlO rods south front only 2iiO Look this un AVc have eight nice collages In western part of city convenient lo railway shops You cannot afford lo overlook our list McGurrln Co the Homo Finders 3S AV 2nd South flKU ROOM MODERN BATH TOILET electric light hot and cold water cellar clean neat good location In Darlington Darling-ton 52S50 will make reasonable termn to responsible party Other houses all sizes all kinds all prlccn all parts of city for cash or on installment plnn See mo before buying I hnvei nIce corner lot on Second South ati east at bargain prices Nothing In city quite aa cheap See mo for genuine snaps Stein 232 Main si f221 TWo MODERNHOUSES JUST COM plotcd l gas and electric sewerage barn cement cellar wnlln decorated cheap small payment 6 percent on Fourth E bet island 2nd South No 113 aS17 IF YOU WANT TO MAKE QUICK sales 50 Peterson 63 AV 2pd So Phono 10 SEE us FOR GENUINE SNAPS Stein 232 Main mlIOO L1TTLEFI ELDM LWE YOU MET him1 No tf t E 3rd So Grn frame 3AxS rds close In on llh st Ijirn a cholco home 2050 8rn E 2nd So nqar 7th E 53200 Grn cor 2nd 57 fL front 52500 lrn lot CxlO Sth So 150i Hsve customers for acreage und want to 1st your vacani lots JJave several new houses lisled the past week lo be solJ on easy terms flG25 TITTLEFIELD IIAArE YOU MET liLm9 No fi M 3rd So A nice homo on llh street close In a bargain Also J looms corner on 2nd f2G3 VE SELL REAL ESTATE THATS alL Tulllc Bros 140 Miln icd ball signs OWNER WIle IS NOAV ABROAD HAS Mnt us liiyiiMictloni to sell his handsome itfldcuee No COO Brigham street 14 room sis modern a home as one could desire Standing at the head of Third JUsi il gives It ono o the most com naiullng views In the city Lot Is 7GxlG3 Tcct hour more fine homes Brigham st one of 0 rooms 515XX S rooms 45DO ono of I rooms 5000 and ono of 0 rooms 7COO all modern and good lots East 1st South an elegant homo of 12 rooms1at a bargain 11000 Very close In two elegant homes of 10 rooms each and each at 15000 Wo have 10 choice homos various parts of tho east side S lo 10 rooms each at prices ranging from IViOO to 5000 Six now modern bricks good locations 2 Win i > iiO each easy term 200 cash und 15 lo KO ner month AVc have 10 choice building lots close in east side with building restrictions to Insure gelling Into a good group Tho Really Co CO AV 2nd So Phone 7CO HOUSTONS THE HOUSERS HAVE bargalno houses 241 Main c371 ONEACRE LAND COR SRD E i2rn So Vnquiro U75 E So Temple flG2 TENROOM STRICTLY MODERN pressed brick residence four blocks cast of Muln house cost lo build JllOO land la i woith at the present lime 7000 if taken at oneo only 13500 House is In perfect condition I I Eightroom modern pressed brick residence resi-dence east side live minutes walk lo Main St house cost over COCO lot Is worth 4000 can bo had for 7250 1C you do not wish all the front owner will take 1COO liar rod oft the above price Nice eightroom strictly modern pressed brick residence on M si only 1MO Nineroom modern residence corner lot on R st only 14l0 Eightroom modern pressed brick on First strect close In a handsome homo only 7CQ1 If I you are looking for a nice modern residence or cottage call on us we have them No trouble lo show our properties Wo hayc iho largest list in the city McGurrln Co the HomeFinders SS West 1nd South floo1 2500 BlYS fiRM MOD BK 2ND AV near 5th South Houston Real Estate Inv Co 2H Main I WILL BUILD YOU A HOUSE ANY SIze any style any price and furnish lot very small cash payment bal Eke rent lf1x733 elOj > OR TRADE A CORNER ON STATE st with an Sroom brick house barn and outbuildings Crooner G4 East 2nd South CALL AT PREMISES BET 10 AND 12 n m and see our new S to 12room mod ern houses nil ready to occupy easy pay mcntsn U per cent Interest Cor 2nd So and 7th East Anderson Real Estalo Invt Co c7S iifi I I AND 7ROOM HANDSOME AND modern pressed brick cottages located on ril SO und llth K and on Gth So and rtli Jv low prices anil payments same as rent ir desired or will exchange Botlnvcll vt McConaughy cQ3 Aucrbach hldg CIH7 MOPJCRN 8ROOM PRESSED BRICK house In ilnest addition lo city 3500 easy terms Frltbch 12 K 2nd So st fl31 I 7RM lOD BR COST 22 0 TO BUILD I can be bought for 1500 Ith al near K Houston Heal Estate Inv Co 241 Main MODERN HOUSE OF 7 ROOMS ON Cth East si 70x160 fl barn 52500 easy terms Frllsch 12 a2nd So st tlun ctJ 10 PER MONTH 5ROOM HOUSE d0 West of S R > shops a snaP C ° mo tv AVlght OMcara blockS 0203 block-S CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER PLANS FREE AVIIERE CONTRACT awarded J E McGinty 20 AV So Temple ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES ELEfTRlCAL SUPPLIES AND CON ruction Inrso stock of latest chando 1 Hers Inter MuElcc Co 45 E 1st So FOR SALEREAL ESTATE w THERE IS NO NEED TO TELL YOU about bargains snaps pickups otc As o t can prove wo hnvo them by showing you moro property ut lower prices anti moro liberal term than any other ngoney in this city Those whom wo have sold and 1 shown will vouch for un If for investment a house or a buIldIng lot lotThe The Home Investment Co arc the people peo-ple to see They havo the lIst They can make the terms And they arc soiling the properties Here are some of them WA 7rooni modern 2story frame reid rtenco on Q street 2SX If this la not tno neatest and ch ipcst place offered for naio In that locality you may cull on ns ami wo wni deed It free of charge AAo can make you very liberal terms on It Another one on First St a handsome Sroom modern pressed brick residence furnace and all other conveniences JC you can afford a ooC0 houMc wo will bo pleased lo show It On llth Kiist near lib South a beautiful beauti-ful cotti o of C rooms lot ScXlO rods handsome lawn and shade barn chIcken liotise It Is a line house and well worm 07EO On S 8L near Brigham fit a cozy t > room modern brick cottage rents now for 25 per month 3200 Railroad men If you are lookingr a good lioiiMM on tho west SIde coinC you u Croom brick cottage nearly n lot 40x115 feel onLnd South for 20JO and A 7rooin modern brick cottage lot BOX 115 feet to alley on 3rd West near 5th South for 2500 and can mako very easy terms On Stir East near 7th South a Croom frame house which would cost today 44 2000 to build It lot 3x10 rods fine lawiu l shade good barn etc for 2000 On very easy terms 12 new modern brick cottages all on the cast side at prices ranging from IM to 2000 all on easy payments On TIlt South near Ith Went CxCO rods for 500 forOtt Uh West near 7th South 4iclO rods 700 The best court proposition In this city on Stale stf close In 10x10 rods and 2 rods leading to State st 2500 2x5 rods on K St near 2nd st 530 I 2l x7ii rods south front on First st 1 l330 > IVixT rods cornier on Flrat st close In 0i5o 2x10 rods facing south on Cth South near 7th East tSO 4xC rods Cth North near 1st AVest JCOO Some very cholco lots 5th East near 2nd South Fine corner on East First South BxlO roda south front on Brigham nt And many more A Richter Tho Home Investment Co C10 West First South Glen Miller Prcst Ceo F Sprague Secty HC22 FOR SALErllSCELLANEOUS SOME DIAMONDS TAKEN ON DEBT sell dirt cheap cash or Installments Address Ad-dress K 2 Tribune g27 NEW ROLLER TOP DESK OFFICE 1 chair and some other furniture cash or lime 110 AV 2nd Soujh g23 A BOARDINGHOlSE FOR SALE cheap U L Miller 112 AAr 2nd South TrrrcT TtY1TP1XI II1T fli r1r rooms diningrooms kitchen and olllce good stable etc Water In house price 300 Apply to B B Qnlnn fn 411 412 D F Walker bldg Phone lOISx D L MILLER t 112 AV 2nd South npp postofflco l l VniK store soda fountain JT > fiO Grocery slore Jlne location 110 1 1 Grocerv store will invoice 1V Grocery store out tways M Restaurant JL good buslnofis 14PO RnomliiKhouse 17 rooms 700 t Roominghouse W royms 12 < X Roominghouse 9 rooms V I Roominghouse 10 rooms G RoomlnghoiiHe 25 rooms UVK GOOD TEAM WAGON AND lIAR ti cheap leaving town VZi AV 1st Soufi SPECrAL BARRED PLYMOlTTIt t A 1J i l W L I v Rock eggs tL for 13 Silver Cloud 13V > it Itth Last flK7 ROOMINGHOnSE OF S J ROOMS leaving city cheap T 55 Tribune fGI5 20 FURNISHED ROOMS AND 30 FlR nlshcd rooms for sale on easy payment P A Sorenscn IS B 2nd South st flfrl1 SUCH EASY MONTHLY PAYMENTS buys a piano at the Cable Piano and Organ Or-gan fo 32 Main street opponllo 7 C M P 1 Why not select one f640 I S TAKES THE BUSINESS AND furniture of Hroom ill 15 a month rent including xteamheat nil outside rpoms AVo consIder this a snap D 1 L Miller 12 AV 2nd South opp postotllee 0 ONE 2HOHSE SPRING WAGON chap Euclid aye tlltti FINE PHAETON SURREY TOP buggy 12 Market St bet Main and W I Temple and Inl and 4th South ft 111 wkt OIFICi BUSINESS AV1TII GUARAN leed salary of 125 per month The chance of a lifetime for a good otllce man For particulars call on Qulnn Co HI112 D F AValker bldg Tel 1015 7 A FIRSTCLASS JERSEY COW DR E D AAoodrufT fiSS 3rd street f1343 ELEGANT FOLDING BED AVITH hair mattress both In cood condition 75 cash 1IC So 2nd West fJ353 ONE OF THE BEST DRUG STORES In Salt Lake City lo party meaning business busi-ness making wO net per month no trlllcrs need apply Address In strict con lldcnce J 1 31 Tribune 1361 GOOD RIVER SAND BED WITH house and lot for Halo cheap Foster Garrison flS6S 2 LARGE HOTEL RANGES CHEAP P Inquire Popular cafe 21 E 2nd South FURNITURE OF 2OIIATIJ BARBERshop c BARBER-shop modern Case hydraulic chains J 23 Tribune A GOOD PONY AND PHAETON pony very fast and gentle will go saddle good outfit Apply 227 Main sU flOSfl GOOD 3ROOM HOUSE BARN AND lots cheap 12 So Main 3rd floor fllCO WOOLEN MILLS AT SPRINGVIILE Utah For Information Inquire or address Geo Pugsley KS North 2nd West Salt Lako City 930 FIRSTCLASS TOP BUGGY HAP nc3s and robe 10 Address 1 54 Tribune BOTH BLACK AND AVHITE AVYAN dollc eggs 1 for 15 Light Erahmns 150 also birds for sale No 15 Currant st 20DAY OFFER EGGS FROM OUR Barred Plymouth Rocks t1 per sitting Silver Cloud Farm 1K3 llth East f33 OR RENT SECONDHAND SEWING machines in perfect repair All Wnds and prices AVlcs Johnson 29 E 1st South EN DENTIST Pnj1 DR J II R1TCHLE DENTIST 225 M Main Opp Laco House f312 S Ar TALIAFERRO D D S EOo 3RD South over McCoys drugstore TeL 044 Mra DR J AV EAVTN DENTIST NO 212 t Main 3t Salt Lake Utah 11 JEWELER S S ra FOR LOWEST PRICES ON WATCHES diamonds Jewelry and clocks call on Sal e Sickle the jeweler 75 E 2nd South st C E AV BOWERS REMOVED TO 62 II E 2nd So Watch cleaning 3100 m e 1 AV AV HALL JEWELER AND CURIO dealer 227 Main opp Laco House tSJJ TICKET BROKERS al I a OSCAR GROSIIELL CHEAP RAILroad fcl RAIL-road tickets everywhere 221 Main st j CUTRATE SIIARMAN RAILROAD tickets cheap Opp Union depot Ogden t R R TICK OTTINGERS CUTT1ATERR I ct olllce successor to Darlings ticket of Ice 15 AV 2nd So Wm B La VIollc mgr f3S h 1 tIot ATTORNEYS KX M N X XX X aX i N XX w O AV POWERS ATTORNEY AND counselor Eagle block corner 2nd SoUth II street Post and West Templo opposltu 6llleo block e GEORGE B GREENAArOOD ATTOR ncy J023 Commercial blocky A block-y H DICKSON ATTORNBYAT law Fifth lloor Progress building CLKSSON S KINNEY LAVy1311 ss33 Commercial block Salt Lake H 0 SHIEPARD SIIEPARD LAVTYJ5HS 1 1u122 J Commercial BUf Salt LaKe City |