Show FINANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL SILVER Nov York K Vc San Francisco K Uc London 27310U LEAD New York exchange 137 COPPER Net York exchange H700 Silver and Drafts New York April SO Silver certificates COc V COcBar Bar sliver 14h4c Mexican dollars iSMc San Francisco April CO Silver bars 3t4c Mexican dollars 19ui50c Drafts Slglrt 12 > ic telegraph 15c V Money and Exchange New York April CO Money on call firm cl SfrffG per cent ktst loan t per rent ruling rate I PT ont prime mercantile paper fny per cent Sterling exchange easy with actual bus IneHS In bankers hills at IS7n ISSfor demand and at JlW for sixty chts posted rates 1 SV fiUrt and lSO com mcrclal bills iiWil1il New York Metals Now York April T Thcro was no not ablo feature in lie local markets for metals today Copper In London was aV shade easier spot closing at fCO Ife and V futures at 70 Continued apathy pro rails In copper and prices were more or less nominal on the basis of 1700 for Lako and IGc for casting Speller quiet but steady 1021651105 V Grain and Provisions Chicago April 20Tue market opened weak under depressing cables for spot and futures but the close was easy July closed easy at 73WC May wheat closecl TWvsC lower at 72c Corn opened weuk on good weather liberal country offerings lower cables and in sympathy with wheat luly closed Ilrm ic lUgh r it I5c May closcd ilrm u higher nt JSc Oats wcro strong In sympathy wltlt corn May closed c higher at 2Gc July closed unchanged nt V > c V Provisions were neglected but nominally nomi-nally steady July pork closed 2c lower low-er lard and ribs unchanged V RANGE OP THE LEADING FUTURES Article Open High Low Close V Wheat V rihay 714 7 2 H 71 1 72 t July VV 72 rjy 729 7311 V V Corn V Amii 4SU May 47t 4S4 MV ISi V July itm is 44 15 V Oats May 2r V 2C CCHs 20 JUly 27 f 2GV i JTA W V Mess Pork May 11 i7 1hG24 Jil7ih 1l4V July 1103 M70 1LC3 liU5 Lard May S03 S07 S 05 SOT V July 795 7071j 791 795 Jtil l5 795 797 793 795 Short Ribs May so July 790 793 700 7WV Sept 7S7792 787 7W CASH QUOTATIONS Flour Easy and in buyers favor No 3sprlng 71rtJ ttJ No 2 red 721MJ71i No 2 corn 17c No 2 yellow 47T8C Nvo 2 oats 27c No 2 white 23K428Kc Ko 3 white 27Wl26e Xo 2 rye Sic Good feeding barley filf55c fair to choice V malting ftiftrSc No 1 flaxsccd l40 l No Northwestern SL10 Prime timothy seed 3a370 Tklens pork per barrel SHGOSHGTi Lard per 100 Ibs 17tfl1 4fi 77ii Short ribs sides loose SSOoffSlo dry salted I shoulders boxed 6TW7ljc V short clear sides boxed S37 S50 Whisky basis of high wines 127 V RECEIPTS AND SHIPMENTS Articles Recpls Ship S Plouir barrels 35ttr 10000 Wheat bushels OOiXO ZJJIM Corn bushels 210000 V 1E5000 Oats bushels 315000 337000 Rye bushels 7000 10ft Barley bushels 30CO 0OW PRODUCE EXCHANGE On the produce exchange today the butler but-ler market was dull Creameries 117E 19c dairy Ilgl7c Cheese 9Ji1c Coast Grain San Francisco April W Wheat Steady May 100 December 10Vfc Barley Steady December 73 lc I Visible Grain Supply New York April CO Special cable and telegraphic communications to Brad streets show the following changes In available supplies as compared with tho last account Wheat United States and Canada east of tho Rocky mountains decrease 2604 UOO bushels afloat for and In EUropo decrease de-crease 700000 bushels total supply wheat decrease oWICCO bushels Corn United States and Canada east of lie Rocky mountains decrease 1122 000 bushels Oats Unltcl StMoR and Canada cast of the Rocky mountains increase 1UJ7 000 bushels The combined stuck of wheat at Portland Port-land Or Tacoma and Seattle Wash Increased In-creased 103000 bushels last week Butter and Eggs NQW York April 30 Butter Receipts S2M packages steady creamery J5Jflc factory IVn lTc Eggs Receipts C0322 packages weak Western regular packed 12ol3c storage stor-age Western 1344j 1 Ic New York Sugar Market New York April 20StigarIlaW firm fair rcllnlng TlllCc 1 centrifugal 9rt tent 315lfto molasses sitar 37loc refined steady crushed 55 Ju powdered 555 granulated 33 Boston Wool Market Boston April 20Tiuc demand for wool hero is quiet but the tone of the values is steady and buyers needing supplies are paying about former rates Dealers claim that the outlook is very favorable although al-though any material advance ut the present pres-ent time is not looked for Territory wools continue to head the list oC sales with prices about the sanv Territory wools scoured basis Montana fine medium and line IKrIGc scoured 12 ffiMJc staple 434rtc Utah Wyoming and Idaho fine medium and line IJQllc scoured tOH2e staple llftlSe 1 Australian scouies bnsls spot prices combine superfine CS5f70c line G01Gie avqrage COfaGUc VV V London Wool Auctions London April 30The third series oC the wool auction sales opened today A good representation assorting amounting to 12071 bales was offered The demand was chlcJ from the home trade but fairly good bidding by French buyers caujcd keen competition Prices word generally llrmand at limes ahowcd slight advances some merinos bolng 5 pet cent dearer Good Queensland was active and dorcand good Fine rrossbreds w me steady and coarse grade were 5 cents lover Capo Good Hope and Natal were in good rcqiiQst at good prices V i St Louis Wool Market St Louis > lo April 30WoolQuIet easy Territory mid Western medium II fJ6c line llClc coarse Illlie San Francisco Wool j San Franclscoi April SO Quotations on jool here today were Spring Nevada JCf isi2c eastern Oregon 1Gv13cV valley Oregon Or-egon llifCJou Fall Mountain Jamba Vii > N1 San Joiquln plains G1ie llumboldt tVind Mcndoclno 9J10 V VV V Live Stock V CLILCAGO Chicago April M Cattle Receipts iiW includliii HO Texans generally steady good to prima steers SlOo iiOfi poor to medium Z9cViil20 stockers and feeders firm 75j49 cows 2077i450 l1i cis 2707475 caisuers 2COii2G0 hulls 2iSqjl40 calves iufI5ro iexus fed steers steady J251 G10 groascrs 300 500 bulls 275 < aS3 Hogs Receipts today 19000 tomorrow o000 left over 2COO opened shade higher high-er closed slow Top 5510 mixed and butchers 366cI5sTh good to choice heavy i6Gh070 rouuhi heavy 55 565 light 555S2 bull of sales 575iZiS5 Sheep Receipts llCOO slow clipped weak clipped lambs weak woolen steady Colorados J5ZO good to choice eVSiiJ 1255ji50 fair to choice mixed 5120fnoO Western sheep SI25irlCO Texas Tex-as sheep yearlings fMOfnCS native lambs 5UOg5CO Western lambs iGQfju uoO KANSAS CITY 1xtnsas City Mo April SOCnllleRc celpts 10000 beef cattle steady others easy native beef steers JIGOuoM Texas steers 5905500 Texas cows 3OGV425 native cows ami heifers 32510 tock CM and focders S175tZ25 bulls 310fi > 450 calves JOOfG25 llORS Receipts 1SCOO market 25e lower bulk of sales 5Q575 heavy 570 J0 vorlcern i > fto packers I dinbecJ 5t7aIj373 light 5i0iiub 1256Th20 0 ° PRecIpts noon strong lambs la nibs 3iThisruO spring lumhs 3WC72 muttons fi0oQico l001VIcoOMAIl4 Omaha Neb April V 3CfttleflC tjSlpls c0o active sternly native bHtt 1 ft ° T > I2K10 Western steers flOOfr U0 Texas steers plttfil25 cows find nolfert strong UfW 140 cjinncnt 52tWi 33Ti stockcrs ami feeder f3COtrtSi 9llvr WCOfi07ii bulls stags etc f273 Hos Receipts 12800 steady 1 heavy I b i6bI75 mixpci KivciGV light f3VJ > 562 ApiKS TuCOfljoO bulks of pales JC2A VCCfii Shcjp Receipt 5000 slow to lOc lower yearlings fJiOfflG5 wethers SJOWUO common and stock sheep f37i > i30 owes aCsil5 Jambs f 123fjiCO DENVER Denver Cob April 30Cattle Receipts Re-ceipts 2i0 steady beef steers 3J f510 cows 3TOf 100 feeder freight paid to rjvcr f3oafilrTi stackers freight pnld to river 325tHG3 bulls stags etc 200f is v V vIloffs Receipt ZiOV weak and lower llRht h puckers > ftu6u mixed and heavy G4hi Sheep Receipts ICO weak Rood fat mutton f l27fi lSO lambs fl75fflK > San Francisco Mining Stocks IV I AIls 03 lOn Cin S V Alpha Con Mexican Andes ni Or Con m i Belcher 14 Ophlr lM Host 13 Overman 19 Bullion m Potosi 13 Caledonia ni Savage hiui dial Con 12 Set Belcher ui Ohollar 0 Sierra Nev Confidence 01 ShIes sllll 14 Con Cal Va 2I Standard 100 Crown Point VVIr Lnlon Con 13 Gould Currv ii Utah Con f2 IT Si Norcross 23 Yellow Jacket 13 Justice 00 NEW YORK MINING STOCKS Am Sm R fl0 Loath Con 0 preferred 9G7G Little Chief 12 Adams Con 20SO Ontario SbO Allco SO Ophlr 90 Brecco I 103 Phoenix Bruns Con 20 Potosi or Con Tunnel 20M Savage 03 Con Cal Va 220 Sierra Nov 2J Deadwood T 03 Small Hopes 53 lorn Silver 110 Standard 370 Iron Silver CO BOSTON MINING STOCKS Adventure 17uo Osccola S S77i Am Cop 12323 Humboldt 2Ji00 Ailantlc 3100 Parrot KSW BIngham 25G21 Julncy 17700 13 fc MrHSff4iX S Fe Cop 87 P B 11Q0 Tamarack 33300 C ILS35SS400II Utah 3300 Centennial 25 121 Winona 4Do Franklin IS 00 Wolverines 5330 BOND LIST U S 2s ref cc 100 Cot So Is SS Coupon 1 D t R G is 1tr P S 2s rcg N P li 73V U S 3s rog1l0 N P iS U S Is coupon llHv Ore Nay JstsJ04J Ty S acv 4 Ii rogIJy < Ore Nay Is iOt T U S new 4s col3Dy Oni S Ij I Cs 12S U S old Is rrgH33 O S L consol 5s 115 U S old 4a cculia1 R G tV istsl05 U S 5s reg110 So Pacific Is 91 U S 5s couponIllVi U P Is 1037 CLOSING STOCKS Railroads Tc < Pacific < 94 Atchlson 75V1 To StL W ISil pietcrrcd 103l > lircfcircd BO 101 UP 1iS PreferrerJ2 preferred iail Pacific 100 Wabash 2i Can Southern 70 in 6ferred C 0 4Sli C A 4S 2nd preferred proferred St WJB Central C1 B Q 195 preferred CISL 37CGW 25 prcfrrcd 7I IV preferred C E 1 132I preferred B 5CVI V C T Tr 1 23 Express Ccs preferred 47 i Adams ICO C N W 190 American lUI C U I As P ir7 TJ S S3 C C C t St L SfJ Wells Iargo117 Col Southern 1M5 Miscellaneous 1st preferred W1 Am Copper 12TMV 2nd preferred 2Gi Am Car As F MV D II ISO preferred 801 D Jj W 21fl Llnsccd Oil 13 > i D R G 1CJ preferred 2Tlts preferred IVj Am S R preferred tiuli 1st preferred 71 Am Tobacco 12SVj 2nd preferred Ml An Mining Co 61V > Gt North pfdln jj It T W Hock Valley 2 63J Col F lronliW preferred St Con Gay TJ7 Ill Central lit out Tobacco 415 Iowa Central 31 ½ prclurred 10P pirferred W Gen nieclrlc227i r IC Glucose Sugar fSfc preferred 12l Hock Coal 19 li N 100 Tnt Paper 2IU Manhattan 12SU preferred 7S Met SI Ry173 Tni Power SO Mcx Central ii LtClede Gas S5 Mnx National 11 Nat Biscuit Minn St L fl A Nat lx > ad 17U Mo Pacific 10STfl Nat Silt I II M 1C T I 32Vi preferred 77 preferred t51 No American r1 f 7 N J CentralI 158 Pacific Co t W X y CentraI1GJ Pacific Mall 3 No i Western OYJ1 Peoples Gas11711 preferred 9 Pr S Car 4 I > Mo Pacific in > < i preferred S7i preferred 101V Pullman DV O Western 37 ½ R I t S 2li Pennsylvania 137V proierred Reading 4 Susgur 1st preferred 7 ± U i Ten C t 05 2nd preferred nc l U B Paper 13 St L S F tfii preferred CD 1st preferred i5 U S Leather 11 2nd preferred 71 preferred 7S St I J S W 334 U I S Rubber 21 preferred t prel erred f2A SL Paul > 172 II S Steel X ireferrci1192 iweferrcd101 Southern Hy 2t4 West Union OnVt proforrctl P I C C SIL 67 So Pacific |